King of Pop Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 96

cory_box spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui mihutza11 am mai gasit un video (ca tot vb de outfit-uri): Mihaela, mamik fericit de ![]() Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor Povestea americancei |
mihutza11 : m-ai nimerit in plin : asta-i costumul de scena care-mi place cel mai mult

Music is art in words.Michael Jackson's words are masterpieces
Before you judge me, try hard to love me (Michael Jackson)

cory_box spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui nelia Vreti sa plingeti!?! ![]() Montreal: ![]() Paris: Londra: sau: ba chiar si: ![]() CORNELIA, mami de" target="_blank">AGATA, TUDORA si LISANDRU |
nelia : si eram bine dispusa, dar

Music is art in words.Michael Jackson's words are masterpieces
Before you judge me, try hard to love me (Michael Jackson)

nelia spune:
Sa stii ca desi eu nu pling chiar cot la cot cu voi, desi m-a intristat moartea lui, m-am emotionat pina la lacrimi cind am vazut filmuletele. Auzisem in metrou ca in Montreal au fost astazi si ieri flash mob-uri MJ si asa am ajuns la celelalte. Daca ai rabdare sa cauti sint mult mai multe.
Nu a fost misto cu revista, chiar voiam sa aflu ce scrie. Imi imaginam sau chiar am citit despre pantalonii mai scurti si cu ciorapii albi, ca in dans, trebuie sa pui ceva sa atragi atentia asupra miscarilor, mai ales daca sint rapide. Stiam si despre dorinta lui sa danseze pe luna si de atractia pentru istorie si nobili, dar nu stiam ca de acolo i-au venit si ideile costumelor.

cory_box spune:
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citat din mesajul lui nelia Sa stii ca desi eu nu pling chiar cot la cot cu voi, desi m-a intristat moartea lui, m-am emotionat pina la lacrimi cind am vazut filmuletele. Auzisem in metrou ca in Montreal au fost astazi si ieri flash mob-uri MJ si asa am ajuns la celelalte. Daca ai rabdare sa cauti sint mult mai multe. Nu a fost misto cu revista, chiar voiam sa aflu ce scrie. Imi imaginam sau chiar am citit despre pantalonii mai scurti si cu ciorapii albi, ca in dans, trebuie sa pui ceva sa atragi atentia asupra miscarilor, mai ales daca sint rapide. Stiam si despre dorinta lui sa danseze pe luna si de atractia pentru istorie si nobili, dar nu stiam ca de acolo i-au venit si ideile costumelor. CORNELIA, mami de" target="_blank">AGATA, TUDORA si LISANDRU |
nelia : am glumit cu mistoul, iti dai seama.numai ca flash-urile astea, sint destul de cum sa zic, ma retrag, continuam maine

Music is art in words.Michael Jackson's words are masterpieces
Before you judge me, try hard to love me (Michael Jackson)

astrojunkie spune:
Ah fetelor, de ce am ratat ziua cu "Remember the time", vroiam sa va arat ceva... In 1993, Michael trebuia sa concerteze la Soul Train. Varianta oficiala e ca si-a scrantit glezna la una dintre repetitii. Cea neoficiala e ca nu vroia sa mai cante, si ca i-a pacalit ca si-a scarantit-o, dar semnase un contract si a trebuit...
Limbajul corporal imi spune ca a doua varianta ar putea fi corecta. Pe youtube se vad mai bine expresiile faciale, si mi se pare ca la un moment dat a uitat ca nu vrea sa danseze. E genial oricum

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citat din mesajul lui cory_box -costumatiile nobile provin de la faptul ca Michael era pasionat de istorie, iar cele fantastice (gen robot) de la faptul ca-si dorea sa mearga pe luna (nota : asta nu-i in revista, am pus-o de la mine).moonwalk, nu ? |
Cory, cred ca multe dintre noi il iubim cu adevarat, si tu clar esti una dintre ele. Stiu ca ai spus ca ai scos-o din burta, dar... poate ca e din alta parte

Stirea (scuze ca-i lunga, si in engleza). Pe scurt, da, se pare ca vroia sa "moonwalk on the moon"

And, speaking exclusively to the News of the World, Uri also reveals that troubled Jacko's fascination with space and the afterlife meant he believed he would get to see the universe in spirit form if he died before he got the chance to do it alive.
Psychic Uri, who asked Jacko to be the best man when he renewed his wedding vows to wife Hannah in 2001, has released a recorded voicemail message revealing the singer's excitement at being told his dream of rocket travel was possible.
In the message left at 3am one morning Jacko beams: "Uri Geller, it's Michael Jackson ¿erm when you get this message, please know that I pray we do the moon trip.
"I want to be the first one to do it in the pop world. Now I hear that 'N Sync and all these people are trying to go. I want to be first¿please.
"And let's do hands across England and let's think of some other wonderful things. I love you. Goodbye."
The message was left in 2002 after Uri told Jacko there was a Boeing scientist with links to NASA, Martin Coverlet, who thought the trip could work.
At the time other singers like Lance Bass from Bond 'N Sync had entered the race to get to space.
And Jacko became obsessed with beating them.
Uri, 62, told us: "He wanted to be the first popstar in space so badly. He had to be first.
"He knew it wouldn't only be history-making, it would be history-shattering. Can you imagine¿Michael Jackson doing the moonwalk on the moon?
"It was unbelievable the determination he had. It was a burning desire to walk on the moon.
"It wasn't all he thought about - because he was occupied with his children and don't forget he was a great father - he had many things going on.
"But he had a very tough life, and amidst the turmoil he found peace by helping others and by making these kind of dreams come true. This was like a beauty spot for him.
"It was a secret dream of his that he shared with me. He kept it a secret because it was so far out there.
"With me he was very open about these things - like things you see on movies like the Matrix and Star Wars and things where people go into space.
"Michael was very excited about the prospect of being taken to space. He and I always talked about the possibilities of the mind and body and what mankind can achieve.
"Michael believed in the impossible and so did his fans and so did I.
"It took me awhile to believe that Martin was legit. But when the emails started becoming more technical I realised this could happen.
"Michael started talking about it every time he would call me. He left me that message on my answering machine about it.
"It's such a sweet message. It is so naïve and so real. Michael believed in it and I knew that if he was involved, money was no object.
"You are talking about a few billion dollars. But what is a few billion for Pepsi, or General Motors or General Electric or one of the major companies that would have loved to see their insignia on Michael's space suit and could have sponsored him?
"He once told me over the phone that he is absolutely ready for this, that he would get in shape in no time.
"My astronaut friend Edgar Mitchell - the sixth man to walk on the moon - told me many a time how difficult the training was to go into space. I asked Michael if he was up for it and he said 'are you kidding? A concert is more difficult than a flight to the moon.'
"He was ready to do whatever it took to make his dream come true."
Jacko, whose bedroom walls were plastered with Star Wars posters, was due to meet with aerospace engineer Martin to finalise plans just as he was arrested in 2003 on multiple charges of child molestation relating to his relationship with 13-year-old Gavin Arvizo. After a five-month trial in 2005, Jacko was acquitted of all charges.
But after years of legal turmoil, on top of his other health problems, Jacko's body was left extremely weak- and he never again spoke about flying to the moon.
Uri said: "The trial totally shattered the dream. Everybody knows that the trial was a huge, huge trauma for Michael. That is all I can say."
Sursa :
Si mesajul telefonic:
Va pup cu drag pe toate!

Amina_Marina spune:
Eeee! Si< fiindca veni vorba de pantaloni mai scurti cu sosete albe, uitati-va pe linkul de mai jos la doua poza sa vedeti ca micutul Blanketus il mosteneste si la `port( uitati=va jos la soseste). Are aceeasi privire ca si el , un amestec de tristete, timiditate SI inocenta . Din acei ochi superbi de caprioara ne-a ramas o amprenta.
Doi Trandafiri Albi,
in Rasaritul Primaverii.
"The kingdom of God is inside you and all around you, not in buildings made of stone.... Break a piece of wood and I am there... lift a stone and you will find me."

rhoneea spune:
Buna dimineata fetelor - Michael
Unde pot vedea si eu the making of "remember the time?"Pe youtube n-am gasit.
Cory,mai scrie si tu cand poti si daca vrei ce scrie in revista (pentru noi cele care nu avem revista.I-am spus mamei sa o cumpere dar din pacate n-a mai gasit-o nicaeri.Sa inteleg ca a aparut a adoua revista?
Am mai citit pe haox ,cand citesc acolo imi apare o licarire in suflet,p'orma cand inchid site-ul ma trezesc la realitate
Irina mamica sefului mic Pierre-Sebastien" target="_blank">
*Miracolul nostru*
"If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change!"
Michael Jackson

mihutza11 spune:
Nelia super videoclipurile! mi se facu pielea de gaina.. asa as fi vrut si eu sa fiu acolo.. sau sa am si eu asa un set de boxe sa le fac o "surpriza" vecinilor de prin complex.. poate chiar si cele vecine ..
totusi FlashMob sunt un grup de omuleti? ce se plimba prin lume sa faca treaba asta? ca am vazut si pe o masina lipit asta...
Astrojunkie chiar ca pare adevarata a doau varianta.. atat de mult simte muzica si dansul ca nu se poate abtine..
iar cu mersul pe luna, pacat ca nu a apucat sa faca treaba asta..
Amina ce tare Blanket cu soseta
na ca mai gasii si io una:
Mihaela, mamik fericit de

Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei

danat spune:
Buna fetelor.
Cory interesanta explicatia cu pantalonii mai scurti, nu o stiam, credeam ca sunt asa pt a pastra nota lui de adolescent dintotdeauna. oricum, ii veneau super, mai ales ca mereu a fost atit de subtire si bine facut
Dar plasturii de la degete stii de ce ii purta? Ca eu nu am habar...
Nelia frumoase flash-moburile, impresionante, mie mi se face pielea de gaina cand aud si vad cum lumea reactioneaza in masa la muzica lui.
Vrei sa zici ca filmuletul acela cu dansul pe Thriller e de la nunta ta?
Si mie mi-e dor, ca si voua, imi maschez trairile acasa, cand sunt ai mei, pt ca nu vreau sa dau loc comentariilor. Chiar daca si sotului meu ii place Michael, il admira si il considera un geniu in ceea ce a facut, totusi nu poate pricepe cum sa suferi atit dupa un om cu care nu ai avut nici o legatura directa...deh...barbatii
Eu cred ca Michael a fost un vrajitor. Unul bun. Altfel nu imi pot explica, cum e posibil ca un om, prin muzica lui, sa miste atitea milioane de oameni si in timpul vietii, dar iata si acum dupa ce nu mai este.... Oare el a simtit vreodata cat de mare este? cat e de important pentru oamenii care il iubesc?
Dana mama lu'
Radu Stefan
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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
"Man in the Mirror" - Michael Jackson

danat spune:
Clipul de prezentare al premiilor "Save the world" care au avut loc aici in Austria.
Mi-a placut ca l-au pus pe Michael ca figura emblematica a premiilor din 2009, data fiind contributia lui imensa pentru o lume mai buna.

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"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself and then make a Change"
"Man in the Mirror" - Michael Jackson