King of Pop Michael Jackson
Raspunsuri - Pagina 49

mihutza11 spune:
As He Came Into The Window
It Was The Sound Of A Crescendo
He Came Into Her Apartment
He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet
She Ran Underneath The Table
He Could See She Was Unable
So She Ran Into The Bedroom
She Was Struck Down, It Was Her Doom
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK, Annie
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK, Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You Ok, Are You Ok, Annie?
(Annie Are You OK?)
(Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
You've Been Hit By
You've Been Hit By -v A Smooth Criminal
So They Came Into The Outway
It Was Sunday - What A Black Day
Mouth To Mouth Resus - Citation
Sounding Heartbeats - Intimidations
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK?
Are You OK Annie?
Annie Are You OK?
So, Annie Are You OK
Are You OK Annie?
(Annie Are You OK?)
(Will You Tell Us That You're OK?)
(There's A Sign In The Window)
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
(He Left The Bloodstains On The Carpet)
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom)
(Annie Are You OK?)
(So, Annie Are You OK?)
(Are You OK Annie?)
(You've Been Hit By)
(You've Been Struck By -
A Smooth Criminal)
Okay, I Want Everybody To Clear The Area Right Now!
(Annie Are You OK?)
I Don't Know!
(Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)
I Don't Know!
(There's A Sign In The Window)
I Don't Know!
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
I Don't Know!
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
I Don't Know!
(Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)
I Don't Know Why Baby!
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
I Don't Know!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom - Annie!)
(Annie Are You OK?)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(Will You Tell Us, That You're OK?)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(There's A Sign In The Window)
Dad Gone It - Baby!
(That He Struck You - A Crescendo Annie)
Hoo! Hoo!
(He Came Into Your Apartment)
Dad Gone It!
(Left Bloodstains On The Carpet)
Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
(Then You Ran Into The Bedroom)
Dad Gone It!
(You Were Struck Down)
(It Was Your Doom-Annie!)
Mihaela, mamik fericit de Andra - 29 martie 2008
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei" target="_blank">Povestea noastra

Alexia27 spune:
Fetele, buna dimineata si multumesc mult pentru urari!!
Cory, draga mea, crede-ma ca de cand m-am intors de la mare nu am avut timp de nimic. Am fost intr-o contnua alergare dupa cumparaturi si in bucatarie sa pregatesc ziua fetitei. In momentele de respiro ntram sa citesc ce ati scris, dar nu am avut timp de deschis linkuri, asa ca nu stiu despre ce melodie vorbesti...dar imi place!
Acum fug, ca in 2 ore tre sa tin in priza 6 pitici de 3 ani plus parintii dupa amiaza mergem noi la ziua unui pitic de 1 an...
va pup, revin maine
I'm alive and I'm here forever
Michael Jackson

cory_box spune:
"smooth criminal": este pur si simplu...criminal.iti vine de-a dreptul sa-ti tragi o palarie pe ochi si sa te bagi in video.cum a zis si mihutza11, Michael se dovedeste inca o data un vizionar-sfideaza linga asta imi mai plac aerul de gangster al lui Michael, costumul lui alb (desi parca si mai sexy sint pantalonii aurii din concert), coregrafia, si in general tot video, care e parca desprins dintr-un film cu fred astaire.
oana_n : eu nu am mai auzit asa piesa frumoasa ca si "take me to the place without name", am ascultat in nestire cele 25 de secunde.sigurat vor mai fi o multime de tot felul.
criss75 : m-ai intrebat despre legatura dintre memorial si religie.uite aici un link:

mihutza11 spune:
stiam ca am uitat sa mai spun ceva..
din ce am vazut pe CNN sicriul lui MJ este acum in cripta familiei lui Berry Gordy.. mai mult de atat nu stiu nici eu..
Ratusca mea mih1 si mih2" target="_blank">aici
Mihaela, mamik fericit de Andra - 29 martie 2008
Pozici" target="_blank">Primul anisor
Povestea americancei" target="_blank">Povestea noastra

ramonab spune:
Ador subiectul asta.
Va pun una dintre melodiile mele preferate.Imi place ritmul foarte mult si mai ales spre sfarsit pe la minutul 4.50 cand bat din tobe doar pana la sfarsit.Mi se pare extraordinar ritmul.

Micul print-blog
Of viata-blog" target="_blank">AM 1 ANISOR (slideshow)

ainex_po spune:
Buna dimineata! :)
musumesc frumos mihutza11.Vazusem eu ceva dar nu eram sigura...>:D<
smooth criminal e fooooarte tare....te face sa dansezi numai gand te gandesti la ea ;))...stiti ca aici,in videoclip apara mult discutatii pantofi "antigravitatie" ;))
eu am citit aseara ca Michael ar fi inghetat asteptandu-se sa-i vina creierul de la espertiza medicala deoarece in unele religii[respectiv martorii lui iehova-religia mamei sale] se crede ca daca mortul nu este "intreg" el nu-si va gasi linistea ...
acum na ,apar diferite una nu cred ca vom stii adevarul adevarat vreodata.
cert este ca Michael a fost cel mai tare din toate timpurile,si a reusit sa invinga timpul prin melodiile sale,dansul sau si nu in ultimul rand mesajele pe care le transmite :X

luny spune:
Smooth Criminal = bestiala piesa, clip, show!!
Iubirea mea, MATEI CRISTIAN - Mufarina Pufarina!(16 martie 2008)
Life is to precious to worry about stupid Shit!

ainex_po spune:
Am auzit acum la radio Europa fm ceva despre un documentar cu Michael..zicea ceva de genu "asa cum numai o mana de prieteni l-au stiut" am auzit decat putin din spotul publicitar.Stiti cumva de4spre ce e vorba?