Citim impreuna? (organizatorice) II

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citat din mesajul lui carminabulina

Azi mi-au sosit cartile de la Carturesti: Cortazar si cele 2 de Foer.
Am reusit sa citesc 3 povestiri asa ca o sa ma mut in partea cealalta sa vorbesc despre ele.

Mihnea 15 mai 2006; Irina 10 august 2008 si acum 14+ cu bb3" target="_blank">Poze cu noi

Esti o norocoasa ca ai putut sa mai gasesti Totul este iluminat a lui Foer. Eu facusem o comanda si mi-au spus ieri ca s-a epuizat si la editura.

In alta ordine de idei: am scris mai multe PM fetelor de pe listuta, ca sa putem stabili la timp cine anunta urmatoarea tema de reflectie. Cum primesc ceva raspunsuri, va anunt.

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he he he, abia astept sa inceapa runda a treia! Intre timp, fac pariuri cu mine insami cu privire la tema si carti. Daca iese ce a pariat alter-ego-ul meu, imi da o inghetata. Daca iese ce am pariat eu, dau o bere

You cannot both dance and not pay the piper.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns carminabulina spune:

PAi daca nici la editura nu mai e cartea inseamna ca urmeaza o a doua editie, sau nu? Am vazut ca a aparut si o revista mondena unde se vorbeste despre Foer asa ca si de acolo vor mai rasari doritori de Foer.

Edit: este vorba de revista tabu si aici aveti doar o infima parte din" target="_blank">interviu

Mihnea 15 mai 2006; Irina 10 august 2008 si acum 14+ cu bb3" target="_blank">Poze cu noi

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citat din mesajul lui carminabulina

PAi daca nici la editura nu mai e cartea inseamna ca urmeaza o a doua editie, sau nu? Am vazut ca a aparut si o revista mondena unde se vorbeste despre Foer asa ca si de acolo vor mai rasari doritori de Foer.

Edit: este vorba de revista tabu si aici aveti doar o infima parte din" target="_blank">interviu

Mihnea 15 mai 2006; Irina 10 august 2008 si acum 14+ cu bb3" target="_blank">Poze cu noi

Multumesc! Sper s-o capat la al doilea tiraj, daca o mai fi... Dar cred ca incerc si la Carturesti aici, la noi, cine stie... Poate am noroc.

Mihaelka, tare am eu senzatia ca de data o sa pierzi pariul!

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Sa va spun ce-am facut, dat fiind faptul ca se apropie repede, repede runda a treia de votare: am trimis PM fetelor din lista (fetelor care au acceptat, pentru Tzuni si ni-na nu si-au activat optiunea asta) pana la Carmina. Asta pentru ca doar Carmina mai scrie si ne mai citeste aici, deci luam legatura mai usor. Le mai asteptam pana maine sa-si exprime dorinta de a participa sau nu la cerc. Daca pana la maine la 12 nu primesc/primim aici niciun mesaj de la ele, o rugam pe Carmina sa ne dea urmatoarea tema.

Carmina, daca tu vei avea nevoie de mai multe zile sa "clocesti" o tema faina, sa ne spui. Cred ca data de 21 iunie nu-i musai batuta in cuie, nu?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iarina spune:

Lia insista in cautarea cartii lui Foer, totul este iluminat, este superba. Traducerea lasa de dorit pe alocuri, dar eu am si varianta in engleza care mi-a placut enorm. Sunt niste paragrafe si capitole pe care le recitesc destul de des, sunt absolut minunate. Aici un fragment in engleza:
"Not only was she the smartest citizen in Trachimbrod, she was also the most lonely and sad. She was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She was a prism through which sadness could be divided into its infinite spectrum…
Are you sad, Yankel? She asked one morning over breakfast.
Of course, he said, feeding melon slices into her mouth with a shaking spoon.
Because you were eating then, instead of talking, and I become sad when I don’t hear your voice.
When you watch people dance, does that make you sad?
Of course.
It also makes me sad. Why do you think it does that?
He kissed her on the forehead, put his hand under her chin. You really must eat, he said, it’s getting late.
Is God sad?
He would have to exist to be sad, wouldn’t he?
I know, she said, giving his shoulder a little slap. That’s why I was asking, so I might finally know if you believed!
Well, let me leave it at this: if God does exist, He would have a great deal to be sad about. And if He doesn’t exist, then that too would make Him quite sad, I imagine. So to answer your question, God must be sad.
Brod discovered 613 sadnesses, each perfectly unique, each a singular emotion, no more similar to any other sadness than to anger, ecstasy, guilt, or frustration. Mirror Sadness. Sadness of Domesticated Birds. Sadness of Being Sad in front of One’s Parent. Humor Sadness. Sadness of Love Without Release.
She was like a drowning person, flailing, reaching for anything that might save her. Her life was an urgent, desperate struggle to justify her life.

Brod’s life was a slow realization that the world was not for her, and that for whatever reason, she would never be happy and honest at the same time. She felt as if she were brimming, always producing and hoarding more love inside her. But there was no release. .. She addressed her world honestly, searching for something deserving of the volumes of love she knew she had within her, but to each she would have to say, I don’t love you…. Nothing felt like anything more than it actually was. Everything was just a thing, mired completely in its thingness.
If we were to open a random page in her journal we would find some rendering of the following sentiment: I am not in love.


The following encyclopaedia of sadness was found on the body of Brod D. The original 613 sadnesses, written in her diary, corresponded to the 613 commandments of our (not their) Torah. Shown below is what was salvageable after Brod was recovered. (Her diary’s wet pages printed the sadnesses onto her body. Only a small fraction [55] were legible. The other 558 sadness are lost forever, and it is hoped that, without knowing what they are, no one will have to experience them.) The diary from which they came was never found.

SADNESSES OF THE BODY: Mirror sadness; Sadness of [looking] like or unlike one’s parents; Sadness of not knowing if your body is normal; Sadness of knowing your [body is] not normal; Sadness of knowing your body is normal; Beauty sadness; Sadness of m[ake]up; Sadness of physical pain; Pins-and-[needles sadness]; Sadness of clothes [sic]; Sadness of the quavering eyelid; Sadness of a missing rib; Noticeable sad[ness]; Sadness of going unnoticed; The sadness of having genitals that are not like those of your lover; The sadness of having genitals that are like those of your lover; Sadness of hands…..
SADNESSES OF THE COVENANT: Sadness of God’s love; Sadness of God’s back [sic]; Favourite-child sadness; Sadness of b[ein]g sad in front of one’s God; Sadness of the opposite of belief [sic]; Sadness of God alone in heaven; Sadness of a God who would need people to pray to him….
SADNESSES OF THE INTELLECT: Sadness of being misunderstood [sic]; Humor sadness; Sadness of love wit[hou]t release; Sadne [ss of be] ing smart; Sadness of not knowing enough words to [express what you mean]; Sadness of having options; Sadness of wanting sadness; Sadness of confusion; Sadness of domes[ti]cated birds; Sadness of fini[shi]ng a book; Sadness of remembering; Sadness of forgetting; Anxiety Sadness…
INTERPERSONAL SADNESSES: Sadness of being sad in front of one’s parent; Sa[dn]ness of false love; Sadness of love [sic]; Friendship sadness; Sadness of a bad convers[at]ion; Sadness of the could-have-been; Secret sadness….
SADNESSES OF SEX AND ART: Sadness of arousal being an unordinary physical state; Sadness of feeling the need to create beautiful things;…Kissing Sadness; Sadness of moving too quickly; Sadness of not mo[vi]ng; Nude model sadness; Sadness of portraiture….."

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Iarina, multumesc mult, mult de tot! O sa caut cartea, cu siguranta, mi-a placut si cealalta foarte tare. Din pacate, o sa citesc in traducere - mi-au ramas din liceu nite rudimente de engleza, dar nu m-as hazarda sa intru intr-un roman cu ele. Si-am tot spus ca ma apuc de invatat engleza temeinic!

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citat din mesajul lui liadorian
Mihaelka, tare am eu senzatia ca de data o sa pierzi pariul!

Adica nici inghetata nici bere?????

Nu se poate!

Trebuie sa dezvolt rapid personalitati multiple. Si sa le conving sa parieze.

You cannot both dance and not pay the piper.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns musetto spune:

Fetelor, pe mine va rog sa ma sariti cand o sa imi vina randul la propuneri si sa o rugati pe speed sa preia the wheel , daca mai citeste pe aici. S-ar putea sa intru mai rar pe forum, dar chiar daca nu se intampla asta, sigur nu o sa am timp sa mai huzuresc cu o carte in mana sau cu un film in dvd player for a while...

Mult succes la citit .

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musetto, nicio problema! Te asteptam cand o sa fii mai libera. Si RWheelwright mi-a scris ca e foarte ocupata in perioada asta.

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