Cine a scris Biblia?
Raspunsuri - Pagina 46

Ingrid S spune:
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citat din mesajul lui conchita
well, vrei linkuri? ma refer la cursurile de educatie sexuala in scoli, unde in manuale nu gasesti doar mentiunea ca exista sex intre persoane de acelasi sex, ci explicatii pe larg CUM se face. asta, la clasa a cincea!! adica, vrei explicit? ca nu e numai despre sex oral, ci si despre bagat pumnul undeva, doamne iarta-ma! ![]() nimic |
Uite AB despre ce vorbeam eu, daca e adevarat asa, eu mi-as retrage fata de la scoala aia. Nu daca se tin de mana sau li se explica elevilor ca pot avea familii diferite, compuse din 2 tati, asta pot sa accept.
Ingrid S si Diana" target="_blank"> FILME 1" target="_blank"> FILME 2" target="_blank"> FILME 3
Cativa nebuni si-au spus la masa: "Numai noi formam aici lumea buna". Si lumea ii crede.


Cardinal spune:
fdoina, nu m-am referit la tine si nici la altcineva in postarile mele anterioare.
Iti inteleg pozitia de tipul "dintre care cea dintii sunt eu", insa nu era vorba despre tine, nici despre altcineva. Discutam la modul general, despre atei si despre bigoti.
Remarc infinita plasticitate a subiectului topicului , de la autorul/autorii Bibliei am ajuns la homosexuali, dupa ce am trecut prin Europa crestina.
Tot citind postarile, ma gindesc ca unii, care se declara atei, inca mai sustin ca isi pot trai viata fara referire la Dumnezeu sau, vorba cuiva de pe aici (Xenocid), tratind cu egala deferenta toate religiile lumii. Sanchi. Copilarii. Faptul ca se gloseaza si se interpreteaza cu atita pasiune in marginea unui subiect religios, spune multe. Vorba Evangheliei: greu le este sa dea cu piciorul in tepusa...


conchita spune:
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citat din mesajul lui Ingrid S Mda, esti ca si persoanele care cred in continuare in suprematia rasei albe, dar isi fac prieteni de culoare tocmai ca sa arate ei cat sunt de crestini si de toleranti, e orice, dar nu-i iubire si punct. Nu-i bai daca nu ma vrei ca partenara de dialog, ce crezi ca o sa plang seara la culcare? Na, ca se duse si rabdarea mea la acest topic. |
as putea sa iti explic pe silabe ca asta e o calomnie si-o ofensa si-o marlanie fara seaman. dar nu ma mai obosesc.


conchita spune:
printre altele, ca n-am timp acum:
PTRS discovered, and brought to the District's attention, direct links from the GLSEN Internet homepage to extremely pornographic sites--one of which is maintained by the company for which Chelle Mileur (of the PRIDE Foundation book grant) is an executive. The District did take steps to block access to the pornographic sites on school computers, but refused to criticize GLSEN for placing the links on its site in the first place.
Previously, PTRS had notified the District that many of the books on the PRIDE booklist were published by Alyson Publications, a major publisher of homosexual pornography. The District ignored our concern. Some of the Alyson publications, including "One Teenager in Ten," had already been placed in the schools. These books encourage teens to, among other things, go to gay bars and have sex with adults to see if they like it. Alyson recently published "Becoming Visible," a how-to on introducing the homosexual agenda into the public schools.
The District's position regarding parents' concerns about gay-affirming information in schools--outside the context of sexuality instruction--is that it is not required to get parental approval for curriculum, and parents have no right to opt out of instruction with which they disagree. Notwithstanding, the District has asked school principals and teachers to work with parents "to the fullest extent practicable" consistent with the school's "ability to educate all children."
Those who disagree with any objective of homosexual advocates--or simply think it wrong to use other people's children to engage in social or political indoctrination-- are perilously close to losing the right to even voice their concerns on this issue. All opposition to homosexuality or homosexual political objectives is routinely viewed now as "homophobia," and many would designate all such speech "hate crime."


conchita spune:
Revealed: 'Gay' plans
to target 2-year-olds
5th-grade students could be handed
'Coping With Sexual Orientation'
Children as young as two years of age are in the bull's-eye of coming changes in California's school curriculum, which "gay rights" advocates now admit will alter the very foundation of information presented to public school classrooms.
A list of school resources, sponsored by a homosexual-advocacy group called Safe Schools Coalition, suggests that for those who are only two years old, there's "Felicia's Favorite Story," which tells how she was "adopted by her two mothers."
The list also promotes a book called "Are You a Girl or a Boy?" by Karleen Jiminez, a resource for children ages 4-8 when advocating homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism and other alternative lifestyle choices.
It's described as "A sweet book about a gender-different kid."
Other resources being promoted in light of California's adoption of SB 777 as state law include books authored by officials for Planned Parenthood and the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network.
One book, called "Tackling Gay Issues in School," is for kindergarten through grade 12, and offers a "rationale (for the inclusion of les/bi/gay/trans issues in school)." It features recommended "extracurricular" activities for classes.
The promotion of such materials has coincided with the recent admission by Equality California, a homosexual advocacy group that worked to have SB 777 passed by lawmakers and signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, that the bill really does edit all school curricula in California.
For months while California lawmakers discussed Senate Bill 777, opponents worried about its usefulness in censoring public school curricula to include a pro-homosexual bias. Supporters, however, steadfastly maintained that it only clarified anti-discrimination laws already on the books. They still hold that stance, with statements this week from both Schwarzenegger's office and Equality California.
Sabrina Lockhart, a spokeswoman for the governor, insisted it is a "technical bill" intended to clarify anti-discriminations laws.
"It simply takes anti-discrimination language used in other areas of [state law] such as employment and puts that in the education code," she said.
And Ali Bay of Equality California told WND the new law "doesn't require that any specific curriculum be included in California's classrooms."
Technically it is correct that the law doesn't "require inclusion." But opponents say it does now ban anything that can be "perceived" as being discriminatory, up to and including references to "mom" and "dad" or "husband" and "wife."
"The terms 'mom and dad' or 'husband and wife' could promote discrimination against homosexuals if a same-sex couple is not also featured," said Meredith Turney, the legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Institute.
"Parents want the assurance that when their children go to school they will learn the fundamentals of reading, writing and arithmetic – not social indoctrination regarding alternative sexual lifestyles. Now that SB 777 is law, schools will in fact become indoctrination centers for sexual experimentation," she said.
The new law demands, "No teacher shall give instruction nor shall any school district sponsor any activity that promotes a discriminatory bias because of a characteristic [including perceived gender.]"
And Karen England, a spokeswoman for Capital Resource who is a primary organizer behind the Save Our Kids plan to put the issue before voters and ask them to reject it, noted that even Equality California's own materials are assuring constituents the law will ban curriculum that fails to meet the pro-homosexual standard cited.
"All along, Capitol Resource Family Impact has maintained that the true agenda behind SB 777 is to infuse school curriculum with pro-homosexual, and other controversial lifestyles, propaganda. The proponents of the bill countered that this was not true and the law would merely 'streamline' anti-discrimination laws for schools. Based on our 20-year experience with the homosexual lobby, we know that a common tactic is to maintain innocence and then utilize vague language to push a radical agenda. We expected the same of SB 777 and we are already witnessing the same pattern," England said.
"Last week the sponsor of SB 777, homosexual rights group Equality California, released their 2007 legislative scorecard. The scorecard featured a description of the each of the bills the group sponsored or considered homosexual-friendly," she said.
"For the first time, the group admitted that SB 777 'prohibits curriculum that is discriminatorily biased against LGBT people.' Understand that the entire time the group was pushing this bill through the legislature, they vehemently denied that it would affect curriculum. After the bill had passed, they now reveal their true agenda," England said.
The report card specifically said SB 777 "prohibits curriculum that is discriminatorily biased against LGBT people and other protected groups."
"In fact, SB 777 will affect curriculum and public education programs. The proponents lied to lawmakers and to the public," England said.
"One website features curriculum programs for teachers to use in introducing 'homosexual history' to their students as young as 5," she said.
Among titles now being recommended for use in public schools is "A Family Counting Book," intended specifically for those students in pre-kindergarten who are yet learning to count, she noted.
The recommended resources address "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender issues that schools are encouraged to have in their collection. All of these are suitable for classroom and library use to address the prescribed learning outcomes … or any effort to make your school a (sic) affirming space for all students, staff, and families," according to the website.
Another "resource" is about "A 10-year-old [who] asks her lesbian grandmother a heartwarming question," "What's a lesbian?"
Others feature stories about a boy who makes a card for his mother "and her partner" for Mother's Day, and another for "pre-kindergarten" is a coloring book called "Beach Party with Alexis" which is described as "a super story with people of color and gay/lesbian parents."
For older children, such as those in fifth grade, there's a book called "Coping With … Your Sexual Orientation" and it is "especially designed for the public school system."
For those as young as age 3, there's "The Different Dragon," which "shows how the wonderful curiosity and care of a little boy, along with some help from one of his moms, leads to magical and unexpected places …"
There also are offered several elementary school "lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender" lesson plans, produced by the Buena Vista Lesbian and Gay Parents Group, among others.
Rounding out the multimedia offerings are videos such as "Different and the Same," a series of nine videos which is described as good, but not great because none of the videos specifically condemns "homophobia."
GLSEN also has produced another resource, "Tackling Gay Issues in Schools," substantiating the "rationale" for including such teachings in California classrooms.
WND already has reported how the Gay Straight Alliance has forwarded instructions to its California chapters with information on how to make sure homosexuality is taught in public schools, and its warning having students and parents simply "tolerate" homosexuality is not enough.
"Tolerance education is an important first step, but we need to push further," the instructions said. "Infuse LGBTQ curriculum into history, social science, and literature classes," is the organization's plan.
WND also has reported how thousands of requests for information about homeschooling and Christian school are bombarding organizations that support those efforts.
A spokeswoman for a ministry called Considering Homeschooling said she already has seen an overwhelming increase in requests for information about homeschooling.
As a result, spokeswoman Denise Kanter told WND that her group is sending out 5,000 DVD packages to churches around the state that include basic "how-to" information to provide parents a direction to turn when they choose to protect their children from the new school agenda.
Another group's website, Discover Christian Schools, has been getting almost 4,000 visits per day as parents seek alternatives, co-founder Harold Naylor Jr. said.
Besides the referendum being pursued by England's organization, WND also has reported on work by the non-profit Advocates for Faith and Freedom to file a lawsuit challenging a SB 777.


hannen spune:
Adica in curind o sa-ti fie interzis sa zici "mama si tata" si "sot si sotie" din cauza ca ii discriminezi pe homo...???
Sa fiu cinstita,n-am citit decit citeva paragrafe bolduite si-am ramas fara replici.Hai bey ca asta-i deja nesimtire crasa .Vorba ceea "cind pisica nu-i acasa..."sau cu omul caruia ii dai un deget si el iti ia toata mina.
Ce pisicii mei vor astia mai,sa ne scrinteasca pe toti de cap si sa ni se para ca noi suntem aia cu buba la cap?Auzi,carti pt. copiii de gradinita.Adica de la gradinita sa-i indoctrinam bine ca-i frumos , normaaaaal si naturel sa fii gay.
Ptiu,ce m-am enervat!
Hannen mamica de trei printzese Amira
I want to tell the world... a Story
Occupation 101: Voice of the Silenced Majority
The Future`s So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades


AB spune:
Conchita asta e ce zic unii despre ce vor grupurile pentru promovarea homosexualitatii.
Cea mare are sase ani si n-a invatat-o nimeni nu-s ce. In schimb au acceptat-o cu numele-i diferit, cu fapotul ca nu stia o boaba engleza, cu accentul meu. Asta-i meritul diversitatii.
De ce sa doresc eu unui copil dintr-o familie homosexuala altceva? Uite cum arata un textbook din cele criticate. Sincer nu vad unde-i problema. Da, asa arata societatea noastra. O familie se formeaza pentru ca asta isi doresc membrii ei: sa stea impreuna si sa fie fericiti.
Uite si alte proiecte
in care se trateaza de la boli mentale la familii multirasiale, orientari sexuale, dizabilitati fizice.
Si uitati cum arata de gradi (k) la 5 lista de carti.
Ca sa intelegeti de ce imi par mie absurde toate cele sustinute. Uitati-va cum arata un plan de lectie pentru grupul gradi clasa a doua ( despre a fi diferit.
Sau cum arata pentru grupul clasa a sasea- a opta despre statul femeilor si stereotipia sexelor. Asta-i ceva ce m-a interesat personal. Care-i nivelul? Hmmm copilaros, nu? Unde-s detaliile, aluziile la sex?
Sper ca v-a trecut sperietura de ce va asteapta in scoala americana si puteti rediscuta subiectul initial.


sinzi_ana spune:
Am scris ceva si am sters...acum m-am gandit sa revin totusi...
Baietelul meu de 6 ani mi-a spus intr-o zi in masina ca el vrea sa fie eu i-am replicat ca va trebui sa iubeasca o fata,si daca o va iubi foarte mult va deveni si care el mi-a raspuns foarte senin: sau voi iubi un baiat...
Instinctiv i-am spus ca baietii nu iubesc baietii, sunt prieteni dar nu se care el mi-a raspuns : dar cine spune ca e gresit sa iubesti si un baiat daca tu asa vrei???
Si m-am gandit un are dreptate...
Poate de asta sunt necesare in scoala astfel de manuale...copiii nu ar trebui inhibati cu TREBUIE...asa cum simtim nevoia de libertate de exprimare, de libertate de miscare...cred ca e important sa stim ca suntem liberi sa iubim asa cum simtim...
Atata timp cat o faci pentru ca asa simti, ca asta te face fericit si implinit si te completeaza ca ce nu???
Mi se pare important sa stie, ca daca se simt "diferiti", sunt si altii ca este ok...nimeni nu ii va judeca sau cataloga pentru asta...
Eu pretuiesc si as vrea sa conserv faptul ca al meu copil isi urmeaza instinctul si gandeste pentru el in ciuda celorlalti...Mi se pare important ca stie sa isi traga propriile concluzii chiar daca nu sunt in asentimentul celorlalti...
Sinzi , Radu si David psihologul
varsta David" target="_blank">


Macrina spune:
Chiar am gait si eu ceva


Cardinal spune:
Comentariu strict teologic la problema dezbatuta. Nu comentez dimensiunea politica, stim cu totii ideologia "diversitatii" in numele careia tu trebuie sa accepti diversitatea militanta a grupurilor LGBT. Diversitate, diversitate, unii diversi trebuie respectati mai multi ca alti diversi.
"Ca se lauda pacatosul cu poftele sufletului lui, iar cel ce face strimbatate pe sine se binecuvinteaza" (Psalmul 9, 23).
In rest, nimic nou pe frontul civilizatiei noastre, ocidentale. Avem grija sa nu fim "homofobi", insa suntem incurajati sa fim pe fata "cristofobi" (J. H. H. Weiler, Un’Europa cristiana).
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citat din mesajul lui sinzi_ana Instinctiv i-am spus ca baietii nu iubesc baietii, sunt prieteni dar nu se care el mi-a raspuns : dar cine spune ca e gresit sa iubesti si un baiat daca tu asa vrei??? Si m-am gandit un are dreptate... Poate de asta sunt necesare in scoala astfel de manuale...copiii nu ar trebui inhibati cu TREBUIE...asa cum simtim nevoia de libertate de exprimare, de libertate de miscare...cred ca e important sa stim ca suntem liberi sa iubim asa cum simtim... |
Comentariu politic. Ne e frica sa ne contrazicem si sa ne educam pina si proprii copii, in numele ideologiei oficiale. Sinziana, iti recomand lectura pasajului din 1984, al lui George Orwell, in care care un personaj ajunge la inchisoare pentru ca l-a turnat la partid propriul sau copil de citiva anisori pentru ca a vorbit impotriva regimului. Tristetea tatalui ajuns la inchisoare nu era egalata decit de bucuria amara ca are un copil destept si cu simt civic.
Si imi permit sa mai fac o recomandare pentru intelegerea rolului pervers al statului in distrugerea familiei si impunerea unei educatii oficiale (in numele "diversitatii" si "tolerantei"). Merita mai mult decit un milion de discursuri oficiale. (romana) sau (engleza)
