Poznasi smecherasi de mai-iunie 2004 (7)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 4

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns tnicoleta spune:

Cris Imi pare rau pentru mamica.

Alus Stiu ca este bine pentru mai tarziu sa ai frati/surori. Eu mai am 2 surori si un frate si sotul mai are 3 surori. Eu si fratii mei ne ajutam cu multe lucruri si suntem foarte uniti. Bineinteles pana la un anumit punct. In schimb sotul si surorile lui sunt cam individualisti si se ajuta numai daca au un anume interes. Oricum, e convins pe jumatate dar mai am putina rabdare ca sa rezolvam cu casa, in conditiile actuale nici mie nu imi convine sa am un bb.
Iuliei pe degetel. Poate si-a prins mana in ceva si e doar o vanataie.

Cami amorezului si succes la engleza. Da si mie imi plac ochii lui Sebi, cu siguranta se vor gasi fete carora se la placa. si domnisoarei.

Nicoleta si Bia Ciocarlia Sarbatoarea recolteiwww.dropshots.com/tnicoleta" target="_blank"> Filmulete

"Viata poate fi inteleasa doar privind in urma. Dar poate fi traita doar privind inainte." (Soren Kierkegaard)

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Iulia P. spune:

Buna fetelor,

Astazi a mers Tommy cu felicitari/bomboane/cadouri la scoala (maine nu au scoala, este zi pedagogica). Am emotii! Sa vedem daca ii vor placea "iubitei" lui ursuletul si felicitarea cu abtibilduri.

Maine este randul lui David...

Cami, Wow, o intreaga telenovela cu Sebi si Ioana... Pai, cum sa nu-i placa Ioanei ochii frumosi si migdalati ai lui Sebi? Sunt convinsa ca o s-o cucereasca el pana la urma...

Cum spuneai, sunt tare draguti si, in plus, isi vor aduce aminte de aceste "iubiri" chiar si mai tarziu. Eu imi amintesc de baietelul de care eram "indragostita" la gradinita. Am cateva poze de grup de la vremea respectiva si stiu exact care este EL.

Legat de amintiri, o prietena de-a mea a scris un text intitulat "25 de lucruri din trecutul meu" si, cum mi s-a parut o idee buna, am facut si eu la fel. Pentru cele care vorbesc limba engleza, vedeti mai jos.

25 things you might not know about me:

1. When I was born, my father (who desperately wanted a boy) refused to see me or name me. As a result, my mother took my father’s name (Iuliu Cristian) and changed it into the female version, and so I was named...Iulia Cristina. Reverse psychology all right...

2. This way, I am the only one of the three siblings that is not named after my paternal grandfather (dearly missed, as he died before my brother was born). My brother’s middle name is Camil and my sister’s middle name is Camelia.

3. When asked, as a child, what I wanted to be when I grew up, I answered: “A ballerina.” I was dancing around the house endlessly despite the fact that I was quite heavy and that my ballet teacher was feeding me chocolate during ballet class instead of teaching me dance moves.

4. At the age of five, my parents decided that it was time for me and my sister to take English lessons (brave people that were giving the Communist regime a slap in the face; everyone was supposed to be learning Russian, not English!!!). Unfortunately, the teacher was no match for us, little girls with strong personalities. As such, we’ve spent most of our time, during English class, playing with the teacher’s makeup.

5. As a child, I was fascinated by dead people. To this day, I still love to visit cemeteries (mostly for the beautiful monuments and the life stories). I still remember visiting people in the neighbourhood when one of their loved ones had died. A wake was the best reason for us, children, to watch in disbelief the sorrow and the despair of people robbed of the people they loved. I will always remember the professional female mourners. How they wailed over the dead body... We were scared but at the same time we were growing up, fast, understanding that life is not eternal.

6. No running hot water, no electricity, no heating during the Communist era... How many times have we put on our heavy, winter clothes to go to sleep and keep warm and how many times have we used candle light to do our homework? On the other hand that gave us a chance to be together and talk (no TV - the television program was two hours a day, anyway). I will never forget the mysterious atmosphere of my grandmother’s room (the lit candles, the parties for dolls in front of smoked mirrors and my great-grandmother’s voice as she was reciting baby rhymes).

7. At daycare, I’ve decided one day that it would be fun to hide in the closet. The daycare personnel was panicking, as nobody could find me for a long period of time and they almost called the police. They had mixed feelings when I finally decided to come out. They also had mixed feelings when I’ve decided (in a joint effort with my other 4-year-old colleagues) to trow out of the window most of the kids’ pyjamas (kept at daycare for nap time) to watch them fly. Imagine the surprise of the daycare personnel when they discovered that the trees and bushes found in the daycare’s backyard had decided to put on nighttime wear.

8. As soon as I could write well enough, I’ve started a collection of humorous observations or jokes. I had a notebook with a vinyl cover and a pen always ready in order to store all the wonderful jokes that were going around. The Romanian people have a very good sense of humour especially in a time of need, like the Communist era. I don’t know what has happened since then to my notebook or my sense of humour...

9. I was 13 years old when, coming back from a dental appointment, I watched in disbelief as tanks were rolling down the street. The Romanian “Revolution” had started! My father and I went to the town square and faced the guns and the soldiers with a smile. I could have died, it was all the same to me... People were offering flowers to the soldiers and we all thought we were there to change the course of history.

10. When we left Romania, in 1996, as a family of five, we had nothing more than what we could carry in 10 suitcases. I was the proud owner of two of them and one was filled with books.

11. My great-grandfather was a talented artist (painter) and my grandmother, the art teacher, wanted me to be a painter too. My father, on the other hand, had different dreams for me: he wanted me to be a dentist. I have disappointed them both...

12. I still dream about my great-grandparents’ house. Leaving my country and missing the necessary means to preserve the meaningful objects that bear their memory, I lost not only my great-grandparents and grandparents, but also almost everything that could physically remind me of them. As I was looking back at the 200-year-old house, painfully aware of the fact that it was for the last time, I left the best part of my soul spread out somewhere between the old porch, the old cherry tree and the beautiful yellow flowers smiling on the garden's gate.

13. When we left Romania my maternal grandmother (who had lived with us for 20 years) stayed behind. We promised we will come back for her. I held her hand until the very last possible moment. I tried very hard to be brave... I never saw her again as she died 10 months later. I got to put white flowers on her grave in the summer of 1997.

14. I haven’t spoken to my brother in 10 years.

15. On a beautiful day, in May, I got engaged. We kept the engagement as a secret from our families. It was me and him before God and nothing else mattered.

16. After a three year long-distance relationship, we finally got married. The wedding that took place in Romania was organized by me (living in Canada) and my husband (living in Sweden at the time). The wedding invitations were ordered in the United States, received by me in Canada, and sent to Romania for distribution. As bureaucracy wants it, it took five years (from our first date to the moment his plane landed in Montreal) before my husband could come to Canada.

17. I am a journalist working as a public servant and also a writer that hasn’t found her inspiration yet.

18. I’ve worked as a journalist in Switzerland (and France). I want to go back. I am going back... For a visit...

19. I am bringing my two extraordinary boys with me. I never wanted children but I adore my boys.

20. I was 100% convinced that my second child was a girl. I had dreamed about it, I had a name for my girl and girly nicknacks that I was supposed to give to her as presents. Then the ultrasound showed me the truth...

21. I’ve studied Russian for seven years. I don’t remember a single word. At the university, I’ve decided that I wanted to learn Japanese. I gave up after two classes.

22. I don’t like the colour purple. At all.

23. An M.A. thesis and a Ph.D. thesis are dedicated to me. My husband is probably waiting for me to return the favour.

24. Recently I’ve got back in touch with my childhood best friend. I’ve learned that you can summarize 20 years of life in 10 sentences.

25. Every day I am afraid that something bad might happen, but then I remember: life is just a temporary situation... “Don’t take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive” - Bugs Bunny

Si eu astept cu mare nerabdare primavara. Si la noi ploua..., dar parca tot este mai bine decat atunci cand aveam temperaturi de - 30 de grade.

Legat de cure de slabire, si eu tin una, dar cam dupa ureche si nu se prea vad rezultate... As vrea sa arat cat de cat omeneste pentru calatoria in Europa, dar cine stie daca voi reusi...

Alus si Acris, sarcini usoare in continuare!

Alus, sper sa se rezolve usor si rapid cu degetelul Juliei. Acris, Doamne, ce nenorocire cu doamna care a pierdut copilasul. Tu nu te gandi insa la necazuri, stai cat mai linistita, caci bebe mic vrea ca mamica lui sa fie fericita si linistita.

Nico, succes la convingerea sotului si sa vina bebe cand va fi mai bine pentru toata lumea. Legat de hainute, si lui Tommy ii raman mereu pantalonii scurti si manecile la fel. Deja il imbrac cu bluze pentru copii de 6 ani, caci are capul mare si mainile lungi.

A, am uitat sa-ti spun, nu este de mirare ca ti-au facut vecinele complimenete legate de Bia cand ea este asa o fetita buna, harnica si cu suflet mare. Cine nu ar lauda-o?

Laureta, succes cu diversificarea. Mai bine este sa nu te stresezi (zic eu care mi-am smuls parul din cap incercand sa-l fac pe Tommy sa manance). Copilasii mananca oricum ce vor ei, nu ce vrem noi... Tommy este mai bine, multumesc de intrebare.

Ioana, am vazut pozele voastre noi, de la Craciun. Esti asa o graviduta radioasa...

Va doresc o zi frumoasa si linistita.

Iulia P., Thomas Anthony (16 iunie 2004, http://b5.lilypie.com/io7Vm4.png) si David William (14 noiembrie 2006, http://b3.lilypie.com/WOFjm5.png)

Mommy, when I smile at you, that is my way of showing you that I love you! (Thomas)

Our freedom starts with the prison we choose...

Nous sommes peut-être devenus aveugles et nous ne voulons pas le...voir.


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Iulia P. spune:

Tommy a primit un ursulet de la "iubita" lui...

Iulia P., Thomas Anthony (16 iunie 2004, http://b5.lilypie.com/io7Vm4.png) si David William (14 noiembrie 2006, http://b3.lilypie.com/WOFjm5.png)

Mommy, when I smile at you, that is my way of showing you that I love you! (Thomas)

Our freedom starts with the prison we choose...

Nous sommes peut-être devenus aveugles et nous ne voulons pas le...voir.


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns acris spune:

Buan dragele mele,
Am fost ieri la control.
Totul e in regula. Avem 5 saptamani .

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns DianaR spune:

Salutare. Primiti disparuti?
Nu ma pot mobiliza sa scriu. Si acum abia abia m-am hotarat. O mutam pe soacra-mea in Arad si tot muncim sa aranjam un pic apartamentul unde va sta, asa ca sunt rupta. Intram pe ultima suta de metri ca eu din martie incep stagiul de baza la Timisoara (voi face naveta zilnic cu niste colegi rezidenti, asa am hotarat ca e mai bine...). Am tras doua ture de Arieseni in care am invatat sa schiez si eu (cu chiu cu vai) si Vlad (fff usor). Il puteti vedea aici. Vreau sa pun si poze dar mai incolo ca acu n-am nervi.
In sfarsit am scapat de tzitzi, relativ usor, au stat copii in vacanta la ai mei 4 zile si apoi o mai tras Timi pana mi-o facut rani iara sa mai gaseasca laptele de pana atunci... Cand o vazut buba, a fost asa impresionata, ca n-a mai supt, doar le da pusi. Si au trecut asa 9 zile (si bubele...)
In rest... Amandoi la gradi, acolo ii f bine. Cum pleaca de acolo, cum se cearta pe orice, isi scot ochii (la propriu), se bat, se cearta, se zgarie, se scuipa si nu asculta. Ca la mine la nimenea...
No. Uite ca am scris ceva...totusi

Cris, felicitari! ma bucur f mult! Sarcina usoara!

Diana, Vlad(16.05.04)(bebelus si copilas) & Timeea (18.05.06) Filmulete

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns anacami spune:

Iulia,aha,deci treaba nu serioasa, ci f.f.f. serioasa cu Tommy!
Cateva din amintirile tale mi se potrivesc si mie.. imi amintesc si eu cum se intrerupea lumina, aproape zilnic, cand ne era lumea mai draga..deja capatasem un ritual de seara,stiam ca nu avem prea mult timp de teme dupa ce cadea intunericul..
Imi placea enorm insa iarna cand, desi nu aveam curent electric, camera era inundata parca de o lumina de poveste de la flacarile sobei (am copilarit la tara)
M-au si amuzat dar si intristat nitel..
Chestia cu ascunsul o avea si sora-mea geamana, ma enerva putin ca se baga in tot felul de cotloane si imi sarea inima din piept ca nu o gasesc (a avut si o problema de sanatate, isi pierdea cunostinta din cand in cand, lesina- o data mi-a cazut in brate in timp ce ne intorceam din oras cu autobuzul-era aglomerat si avea lipsa de oxigen...nu iti spun cat m-am speriat..)

Despre partea cu mortii eram si noi tare curiosi,dar nu prea ne lasa mama ca pe noi ne mai apuca harjoneala pe acolo si rasetele infundate ...copii nestiutori...

Sper sa nu fi inteles gresit,nu sunt as la engleza...

Mi-a placut finalul (25),foarte adevarat cu situatia temporara...

Acris,bafta,multa sanatate!

Diana,waw, ce bine face plugul! mie imi pare tare rau ca nu am ajuns anul acesta deloc la munte,imi facusem planuri mari cu schiatul lui Sebi ...
Despre partea cu "armonia" copiilor, oops, imi faceam sperante mari ca se vor intelege perfect (aum se iubesc f. tare..); cred ca nu mai avem nici noi mult pana la situatii conflictuale

Va pupam!

P.S. la ora asta dormeam de mult,dar m-am apucat de facut exercitii fizice (ca tot am primit Leg Magicul mult dorit de sarbatori, dar in aproape 2 luni nu l-am folosit mai deloc ), apoi mi-am spalat parul si trebuie sa astepte sa se usuce- ca nu stiu ce l-a apucat pe uscatorul meu chiar acum,face ca trenu' chiar daca il dau pe trapta cea mai mica -serios,scoate un suierat oribil,acum 2 zile era ok ).

mami de Sebastian si Stefania

" Life is a journey! Enjoy the trip!"

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns anacami spune:

si cateva poze noi aici

mami de Sebastian si Stefania

" Life is a journey! Enjoy the trip!"

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns anacami spune:

Nico, multumesc!
eu ziceam si de ochii lui Robert (concurentul), sunt albastri si mari, imprejmuiti de niste gene lungiiii; este f. frumos,nu are gusturi rele Ioana.Sper insa sa nu il raneasca pe feciorul meu, ca atata ii trebuie

mami de Sebastian si Stefania

" Life is a journey! Enjoy the trip!"

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns bertha spune:


Ne-am intors de doua zile de la Craiova, de atunci tot citesc printre picaturi, abia acum am ajuns la zi, tare harnicute ati ami fost!
Botezul a fost f reusit, ne-am simtit bine, am savurat intalnirea cu cei dragi. Am inceput f prost calatoria, in sensul ca galusca a tras doua reprize de plans (se pot numi si urlete) in masina, de nu mai putea tati sa conduca de stres Si canad am ajuns a plnas mult, cum vedea o fata noua incepea jalea, cand se uita mai bine in jur si nu recunoastea nimic, iar prapad , o cam imbulinasem. Noroc ca noaptea a fost un sfetnic bun si a doua zi era alt copil, vesel si sociabil, i-a cucerit iremediabil pe toti. Am avut de alergat 2 zile pt cumparaturi, am lasat-o cu mama-soacra si a fost f jignita de biberon, fie el cu ceai sau cu lapte, a preferat sa faca foamea, decat sa se injoseasca mancand cu tetina. La botez a fost ff cuminte, a plans putin cand am dezbracat-o si pana a bagat-o in apa, cred ca de frig, era mai frig in biserica decat afara. Apoi a fost f cuminte, s-a plimbat prin bratele tuturor, a ras si a vorbit cu toata lumea. Pana si Darius a fost cuminte, mai obraznicut uneori, dar departe de maximul lui.
Problema generata de botez a fost cea a numelui: de unde pana acum ii spuneam Ioana, acum Darius s-a sucit si vrea sa-i spunem Ruxandra. Pana si preotul a incurcat borcanele si a botezat-o Ruxandra-Ioana, in loc de Ioana-Ruxandra. Ca sa nu mai spun ca pe tort trebuia sa scrie "de azi am numesc Ioana-Ruxandra", n-a avut loc si au scris "de azi am numesc Ruxandra"...cred ca asa e scris, sa trecem la Ruxandra O sa vedem. Incerc sa pun poze, dar nu cred ca reusesc azi. Va anunt.

Bertha, mamica a doua comori - Darius-Andrei (DN 08.06.2004) si Ioana-Ruxandra (DN 12.11.2008)

Cum s-a nascut Ioana

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns pd spune:

Am pus eu poze mai recente cu maimutica Cristina. Daca aveti chef sa le vedeti ...
Sa aveti o noapte linistita !

Paloma si Cristina-Maria(14 iunie 2004)
Poze 2008 si altele
Vacanta Antalya

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