Sezatoarea canadiana (123)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 16
Ktrinel spune:
ina, parca nu vorbesti despre acelasi copil...Thea arata incredibil de bine, este atat de vie, nu stiu cum sa-ti explic ce vad eu in poze...dar in nici un caz un copil bolnav. parca te-am zarit si pe tine intr-o poza...este destul de tanara pt asa o ..poveste de viata.mai ramai cu noi, nu stiu de ce, dar simt ca ai destule sa ne spui .
maru, ce e cu tine, pana la urma ?
rocs, wow..Julia se pregateste deja de scoala.pupici.
mey, s-a luat curentu la Toronto ?
Pucku spune:
brrr ce frig e am avut conge azi, si planu era sa ne ducem la spa.....dar pe frigu asta .....poate vinerea viitoare, si atunci mi-am luat conge
si cum nu am putut iesi afara,am avut o mica printesa vecina in vizita, se jucara fetele toata ziua....m-am simtit tare bine sa am grija de 2 sufletele, dimineata am avut chiar 3
try ai povestit tare frumoseu nu-tzi stiu povestea cu Adrian, si-mi scapa ce-i DBA-ul, te vad o mamica tare puternica si-tzi tin pumni si-tzi doresc tot cei mai bun pt Adrian
maru sper ca esti mai bine
Denisa sa stapaniti sanatosi masina si fara accidente
Ana ce ai fact la interviu? cum a decurs?
Dana /podeanu ce-tzi mai face lipsit un timp si nu mai stiu ce s-a intamplat, sper ca-i bine
Neli, scuze, nu stiu de ce aveam eu impresia ca Agata urmeaza scoala m-am interesat anul trecut si o primeau pt ca era nascuta in Toronto si pt ca am aplicat initial pt Ontario.....o sa fie un challenge pt ca noi nu vorbim engleza acasa, eu incep oarecum sa o uit ca nu practic, trebuie sa intru in actiune in comunitatea engleza
si eu trebuie sa ma duc sa caut costum pt Steph si cizme, noi suntem pe marimea 6 acum si 1 la inclin pt un deux par deux sau un souris vedem ce mai gasesc....iar la cizme...acton
anul trecut in reducere i-am luat cu 100 $ costumul deux par deux cu teflon, dar acum intram la pre adolescenti la 7 ani, cred ca-s mai scumpe
Simi...tu vorbesti serios ca fetita ta poarta marimea 8? e micuta tare, draga de ea..sanatoasa sa fie, asta e important....daca ai un 7 de la souris mini, poate ma combin si tzi-l cumpar
ce faceti in wk?
Corina , Stephanie + duggy Totolino prostolino
"Important nu este ceea ce ti se intampla, ci felul in care reactionezi""
inacanada2005 spune:
katrinel...esti fantastica... da, viata mea putea fi scrisa intr-un roman...sau cumva m-ai cunoscut din poze si...stii mai multe detalii?
Daca stii ca ai calitati...paranormale, pe bune...
Si, da, Thea e un copil super-plin de viata, de-aia mi-e si greu sa cred ca sufera de ceva. Asta a fost si motivul pentru care am pus pozele, ca sa intelegeti de ce toata lumea imi spune ca n-are nimic copilul si ca sa nu-mi fac griji ca nu mananca mai deloc...
O noapte minunata la toata lumea!
Doloress spune:
Codritu si Patrick a fost prematur insa nu am mers la nici o evaluare dupa, eu cred ca numai in Ontario sunt programele astea. Nici pediatrul, nici de la spital nu mi-au zis nimic in sensul asta. Bine, nici nu am avut mare nevoie, el s-a dezvoltat foarte bine fizic. Acuma sa speram ca si motric va recupera cat de curand diferentele. Despre colegiu nu stiu ce sa zic... n-am experienta in sensul asta.
"If one feels the need of something grand, something infinite, something that makes one feel aware of God, one need not go far to find it. I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle." (Vincent Van Gogh)
rocs02 spune:
Ina, am vazut si eu pozele cu Thea...o minunatie de va traiasca.
La problema ta, din pacate nu stiu ce sa te sfatuiesc, poate daca ai incerca sa-i faci mancaruri, nici nu stiu cum sa spun,poate spun o prostie, deschise la culoare. Eu cu Luca am avut o perioada, cam pe cand am scos formula si l-am bagat pe lapte obisnuit, cand nu manca decat mancaruri care aveau culori apropiate de culoarea laptelui ( gen pilaf, cartofi frantuzesti, mancaruri cu sosuri albe). Ca a fost o coincidenta sau nu, cateva luni, mi-a refuzat orice mancare care avea o culoare prea "inchisa"...daca poti sa-ti imaginezi.
Mult succes si nu te lasa, vad ca try a explicat f. frumos ce ai putea incerca.
laurajr spune:
Salina, mersi de floricica…uneori ma mai apuca si pe mine neputinta si atunci zau ca mi-ar prinde bine o vorba buna, stii cum e…ca uneori ne intindem pe pagini intregi cu niste nimicuri si scapam din vedere ca cineva poate are nevoie de o vorba buna ori un sfat…
Mqqm, tre sa-ti mai zic o data felicitari, te-am parat la toti prietenii mei…da pana nu te vad, nu cred !
Nelia, multumesc de vorbele frumoase, asa e cand ai un copil bolnavior, cand ai o mica izbanda sau speranta de tratament vrei sa o impartasesti cu toata lumea .
Pai sunteti bine veniti intr-o vizita la noi oricand, dar mai la primavara, sa vedeti cum invie natura la viata . Asta a fost una din placerile mele cand faceam naveta, vedeam zi de zi cum se transforma campurile, cum stau vacutele la soare, oamenii pe camp, dar nu cu sapa ci cu tractorul…probabil verile petrecute in copilarie la tara la bunici si-au pus amprenta pastorala pe sufletul meu si trag si eu tot la tara.
Maine ma ocup de foto, sa ma mandresc si eu cu frumosii mei !
Mi-ro, esti bine dupa patania cu masina ? Baietelul tau s-a speriat tare ? Intr-adevar, unii batrani sunt inconstienti…cum sa zica ca nu te-a vazut ???
Codritu, daca statul te ajuta cu bani, eu as zice sa te duci la scoala, mie tare rau imi pare ca nu am apucat sa fac macar un curs aici in Canada …
Denisam, eu cred ca ma refeream la tine cand am intrebat-o pe Try daca a luat medicamentul ala naturist pt sinusuri…
Pe 7 februarie mie imi convine intalnirea ca data, de abia astept sa ne vedem.
Ce va invidiez ca plecati spre zari mai calde…noi nu dispunem inca nici de bani, dar nici de timp, fir-ar sa fie cu 2 saptamani de concediu, de abia stiu cum sa trag de ele…
Almo, Doamne fereste de asa ceva de accidente , eu cred ca si in situatia lui Miro sa fi fost saream la beregata femeii aleia, oricat de batrana ar fi fost ea, darmite sa-mi omoare copilul…
Try, la noi in familie nimeni nu are alergii alimentare, doar sotul de environment. Cand eram insarcinata cu David, 2 frici am avut : sa nu aiba dermatita atopica ( ca baietelul lui Pepsi-apropo, pe unde mai e oare fata asta ) si alergie la gluten. Intoleranta la gluten avea fata unei colege din Romania, si m-a disperat maica-sa 2 ani de zile cat am lucrat impreuna, cat de greu se descurca cu fetita, cu dieta, cu toate.
Daca iti vine sa crezi, amandoua bolile le-a facut David…am fost mult timp furioasa pe soarta, frustrata si mai zii cum vrei tu…cum a fost posibil sa le faca pe amandoua ???
De asta nici nu incerc sa-mi fac sperante prea mari in tratamentul asta, ca sa nu fiu dezamagita, dar mi s-a parut ciudata si inventiva ( poate fi si excrocherie) metoda asta de identificare a alergenilor…
Eu nu ma asteptam sa bata nimeni din palme la mesajul meu ori sa ma incurajeze-descurajeze, dar o floricica mi-ar fi prins bine, face mai mult decat un cuvant uneori…stii, sa simti ca cei din jurul tau sunt supportive !
Poate ca mesajele mele nu sunt asa de elaborate, dar neavand timp de DC la serviciu, rup seara din somnul meu cate o jumate de ora si incerc sa citesc Sezatoarea, ca sa fiu la zi cu ce se mai intampla…tastez incet sa nu trezesc sotul, scriu mai criptic…asta e . Poate cand ne vom mai regla cu banii, imi iau si mie un laptop, sa stau in pat si sa frunzaresc netul in tihna, ori sa-l pun pe counter la bucatarie si sa mai azvarl un ochi pe DC.
O sa incerc si eu stimularea pe picioruse pt Ioana, poate mai capata ceva pofta de mancare…
Ina, te inteleg perfect cun ingrijorarile tale legate de alimentatia fetitei, ca si a mea ne scoate parul prin caciula cu mancarea. Doctorii de aici fiind confruntati cu obezitatea la copii, daca te plangi ca al tau nu mananca, nu se prea agita, ci iti zic sa stai linistita, ca va veni pofta de mancare. Te sfatuiesc si eu sa mergi la un naturopat…tulburari afective are fetita ? Oare un nutritionist te-ar putea ajuta ? Cineva specializat pe eating disorders ?
A, si vreau sa te felicit pt faptul ca v-ati imbogatit viata adoptand un copil…fetita e nascuta aici ori in Romania ? Fetita este absoult superba, iti si seamana si vreau sa-ti zic ca nu-mi vine sa cred ce tanara esti…cum adica ai o fata de 23 de ani ????Pai tu in poze pari de max 38 !
Maru, incerc sa te sun maine, poate iti mai ridic moralul !
Va multumesc pt cuvintele frumoase…noapte buna !
lorelaim spune:
Buna dimineatza fetelor dragi
Nu am mai apucat sa scriu (dar ma stradui sa va citesc - cata-cat in fiec dim) deoarece sunt in "focurile" pregatirilor pt exam de martzi
Diana & mQQm - FELICITARI pt bb-lushi si va doresc din tot sufletul sarcina usoara si multa-multa sanatate
Try & Ana - bafta la interviuri sa va ajute bunul Dumnezeu sa va gasitzi cat mai repede job-uri faine asa cum va doritzi!
Inacanada2005 - de fapt si de drept TZIE doresc sa-tzi raspund.... pur-si-simplu NU m-am putut stapani, m-au "fript" degetitzele si nu m-am putut concentra la invatzat dupa ce tzi-am citit mesajul...
Promit, ca dupa exam de martzi, sa revin si sa scriu mult mai detaliat. Acum doar mi-as permite sa-tzi sugerez sa citesti, daca ai timp, cateva dintre art si link-urile pe care am sa le postez mai jos.
Cred (dar NU sunt specialist - deci e doar o simpla supozitzie) ca fetitza ta REFUZA sa creasca MARE (imaturitate socio-afectiva)... adica "se complace" in stadiul de bebelush (biberon, dormit in pat cu parintzii, etc)... pt ca e super fain sa fii bb si toata lumea sa fie "la picioarele tale" sa te "serveasca" in orice secundutza si sa te super-rasfetze si guguleasca... si totodata e f posibil sa prelungitzi (fara voie) si perioada de "terrible two"... din PREA MULTA DRAGOSTE si DEVOTAMENT!
Da - parintzi pot gresi, fara voia lor, din prea multa dragoste... se numeste uneori rasfatz... se numeste uneori dorintza exagerata de-a darui copilului TOTUL (ultima noastra picatura de energie, de suflu, de viatza)... si parintele ajunge epuizat, speriat de intorsatura lucrurilor, dezorientat incotro tre' s-o apuce acum (pe la ce specialisti), macinat de sentimentul de vina, plans, nevrozat, etc.
O alta idee: EDUCATZIA unui copil trebuie facuta in functzie de TEMPERAMENTUL copilului... NU e "one size fits all". Parintele unui copil "cuminte" (ascultator, intzelegator, rabdator, "intzelept") NU va avea niciodata cum sa intzeleaga un parinte a carui copil "scoate peri albi" si incearca de fiec data limitele pana la epuizarea parintelui...
Dar promit sa revin dupa examen.
Art de mai jos sunt in lb engl (unele dintre art sunt pt varsta de 4-5 ani... pt Gabisor a mea... dar daca googalesti cred ca o sa gasesti si pt 3 ani - asa cum te intereseaza pe tine):
:-) My first thought was "What 4 year old is not emotinally immature?". There are very few...which should give you a little comfort. :-) As for a meltdown at a party regarding musical chairs :-) well... I think that would have been a very normal reaction for any child being told that they can't do something (where they know they are quite capable). Also consider the time of day...was your child tired at this or the times he has bitten? Was he on a sugar-high? Had he eaten a healthy meal? They play a big part in a child's behavior. The following is a "guideline" that some people think a four year old should be able to do, with regards to social-emotional development. Hope it helps.
Social & Emotional Development:
1. Shares materials
2. Takes turns
3. Shows respect and right's of others property
4. Keeps hands to his/her self
5. Listens while others speak / tell a story
6. Is polite / courteous to other children & teachers
7. Helps classmates clean up when play time is over
8. Can attend to bathroom needs by his/her self
9. Makes attempts to put on his/her own coat, jacket, sweater…
10. Can zip, snap, button clothing
11. Separates from parents with ease
12. Seeks other children to play with
13. Can express anger in words rather than actions
14. Smiles, seems happy much of the time.
15. Works and plays cooperatively with other children
16. Seeks help when needed
after teaching prechool for twenty years i can tell you to look for this in your 4 year old: inability to use the toilet on their own in even the smallest in asking for any kind of help, inability to use their words instead of throwing tantrums or striking out in any way, unable to use manners in speaking (interrupting) or at dinner etc, unusual amounts of crying over small issues, inappropriate laughing etc.
The spirited child
Article online since December 18th 2007, 9:52
You know the child I mean: busy, active, racing from activity to activity, spontaneous, has little regard for consequences of actions, loud, excitable, enthusiastic, energetic, and did I say busy? You know the child. Maybe you have one.
It's not easy raising or teaching a spirited child, but the rewards are immense if you stop long enough to appreciate them.
The spirited child is full of life and exuberance. This is a child who wants to see everything and do everything, and learns best through hands-on experiences. Try to provide an environment that is conductive to his learning style. Allow as many opportunities as possible for this child to learn through his senses: feeling, smelling, hearing, seeing and tasting.
If your child is active and energetic, help him tap into that energy appropriately through sports, playgrounds, walks and physical activities that provide an outlet for that need to be active. Through organized sports, not only will your child be active, but he will learn other valuable lessons and social skills like cooperation, team-building, sharing and waiting for his turn.
Whether it's soccer or swimming lessons, get your child involved in physical activity from an early age. He will sleep better, eat better and it will help build his self-esteem and confidence level.
Keep learning space clear, simple
Active, busy children sometimes do best in an environment with fewer distractions than other kids. So if your spirited child is doing a puzzle or learning to write, remove all other stimulus from the table or desk so the task at hand is the only activity in front of the child.
Sounds from a radio or television in the next room can also be distracting, so remember the five senses and try to keep the learning space simple and clear.
Directions and instructions should also be clear and straightforward. Your spirited child may not listen to a long lecture about how to do things. So if you want to teach your child to set the table, for example, break the large task into several smaller ones and teach a task at a time. This task analysis, or breaking activities into smaller, more manageable pieces, is more satisfying and offers better grounds for success.
If you're teaching or coaching a group of children, encourage the spirited child to sit close to the front, where there will be fewer distractions, and offer eye contact and short, frequent interactions to keep him on track.
Sometimes a simple look or raised finger can remind the child to focus on the task at hand and listen.
Offer positive reinforcement
Offer plenty of positive reinforcement and try to mani****te the environment so the child succeeds, but at the same time set limits that can be achieved. In my nursery school, for example, we encourage all children to finish a task or activity that they start.
For a child with a shorter attention span or with limited concentration skills, this may mean supervising the task before it even begins, so the child is working within his means.
Help him select a puzzle or game that's manageable then insist that it's completed before he moves on to the next one. This may mean being there to offer help and support as needed.
Most kids thrive on one-on-one experiences with their parents or teachers and they love the attention, so be there. Be the cheering committee. Be the fan club. Be the support system this child needs to succeed.
The spirited child is often an affectionate, loving child who is intelligent and has the potential to do very well in school. All he needs is the right ingredients: the individual attention, the limits and guidelines that he may not be able to create for himself, an uncluttered, organized space and a suitable outlet for all that energy.
The qualities that contribute to a spirited child are often the same ones that make for a successful adult. If you're the parent or caregiver of such a child, get plenty of rest yourself because you'll need it. Offer your child a healthy diet, lots of exercise, genuine encouragement, social interactions and plenty of hugs. In return, you will get so much back.
Lila Hope-Simpson is the Director of the Home and Heart Nursery School in Wolfville.
How To Raise Children To Become Defiant
"The way you#65533;re talking makes me not want to do it."
By: Michael G. Conner, Psy.D,
"Caitlyn. I want you to stop and do what I told you."
"I will do it Daddy" she said crying. "The way you#65533;re talking makes me not want to do it. You#65533;re just making it harder."
In that moment I realized that my daughter was more aware than I was. I was not aware of my tone of voice. I was frustrated and I was not aware of the fact that she was reacting to my feelings and not to what I was saying. Then it hit. Children are feeling oriented long before they begin to think for themselves. I knew exactly what I was doing. I needed to stop what I was doing.
Most parents do a great job. But a lot of parents can make the same mistakes repeatedly and that can undo their best efforts as parents. And for reasons like that, raising children to become cooperative and generous is far more difficult than raising a child to become defiant. In fact, knowing how we could unknowingly create a defiant attitude in a child is one way to insure that children remain cooperative and generous as they grow up.
Young children are focused primarily on their needs and what they want. Between the age of 6 and 9, many children begin to consider the needs and feelings of others. Positive parenting and setting a good example are very important during these ages.
Parents who are cooperative, generous and volunteer their time to help others will discover that children will naturally want to do the same. Cooperative and generous behavior is more common in children who have their own needs met and is very common when children spend a great deal of time with peers who are cooperative, generous and volunteer.
Children don#65533;t need perfect parents.
They need parents who are good enough.
Good enough is the best you can do without
making the same mistakes over and over again.
There are 6 mistakes that can virtually insure that your child will abandon their cooperative and generous spirit and resort to oppositional and defiant behavior. Chances are that your child will continue to have a cooperative, generous and contributing nature if parents and friends can avoid making the following mistakes over and over again.
Six Mistakes
Power Struggles
Mani****tion With Guilt
Arguments With Children
Negotiating When Children Are Upset
Oppositional and Defiant Role Models
Alcohol and Other Drug Use
Power Struggles
. "If you don#65533;t do what I say right now young lady, you can spend the rest of the day in your room." Power struggles take place when children are resistant and uncooperative, when parents have lost control and when parents resort to threats or coercion to get compliance. Keep in mind that compliance under a threat does not create cooperation. It usually creates resentment. Coercion happens when parents give children choices that involve punishment if they don#65533;t think, feel or do what they are told. Repeated power struggles over minor issues should be avoided.
Mani****tion With Guilt
. "You said you cared about your mother, but then you go and do something stupid like that. Will you just behave yourself and stop hurting us?" Creating a sense of guilt or shame to change a child#65533;s behavior is mani****tive. Making children feel badly in order to get them to do what you want can backfire. Children learn to stop caring about others and their feelings when they are mani****ted emotionally. A child becomes resentful when they discover that they are being made to feel bad. Distrust and anger will follow repeated mani****tion. This can pave the way for an oppositional and defiant attitude.
If you find yourself saying, "My child is a better mani****tor
than I am", then you might want to look around and discover
who they are learning that from.
Arguments With Children
. When children don#65533;t get what they want, they may resort to creating an argument. Come to think of it, a lot of adults will resort to arguing when they don#65533;t get what they want. A parent will ask a child, "Why did you do that?" A child might ask "Why do I have to do that?" In an argument we aren#65533;t usually looking for new information in order to appreciate another point of view. We are looking for flaws in the other person#65533;s reasoning. Whenever you argue with a child, there is a winner and a loser. Resentment is a common result when children lose an argument. Children with a lot of resentment become oppositional and defiant even in situations when they know they will lose. It is best to avoid arguments entirely or as much as possible. Discussions don#65533;t have a winner or a loser. When children do what their parents ask or expect, that doesn#65533;t mean they lost an argument.
Negotiating With An Upset Child
. Very little learning takes place when children are emotionally distressed or upset. Negotiation while children are genuinely upset teaches children that resistance, emotional displays, or opposition and defiance can result in a "payoff". . Negotiation or compromise is not helpful when children act upset to get their way. It is far more effective to wait until a child is calm and then discuss the problem.
Oppositional and Defiant Role Models
. Children naturally imitate the behavior of people they are emotionally bonded with. Oppositional and defiant behavior is reinforced and strengthened whenever it solves a problem or avoids a distressing experience. Argumentative, angry or threatening behavior on the part of parents that results in a winner and a loser can be a disastrous example for children. Children become more oppositional and defiant if they believe their parents and role models can get away with such behavior and they can#65533;t.
Alcohol or Other Drug Use
. Make no mistake about it, alcohol and other drug use can have an incredibly powerful impact on your thoughts and mood. Alcohol and other drugs can dramatically change your behavior and you will not notice or appreciate the long term emotional impact on your child. Irritability, frustration, anger, resentment and guilt are the chemical and social consequences of alcohol and other drug use.
So is it reasonable to assume that effective parenting is merely the absence of mistakes like these? Of course not. But children are amazing in how quickly they learn from what others do. If you find your child acting oppositional and defiant, you might ask yourself, "Where are they learning to do that?" If you find yourself saying, "My child is a better mani****tor than I am", then you might want to look around to see who is teaching them to act that way.
Parenting and raising children to be respectful, cooperative and generous is not easy. Fortunately, children don#65533;t need perfect parents. Children need parents who are "good enough". Good enough is the best you can do without making the same mistakes over and over.,M1,M1,M1
nelia spune:
Imi inghit ochii, vorba lui Mqqm, dar tot nu m-am lasat pina nu am citit ce ati mai scris. Si ati scris, nu gluma...
Try, tie iti mai dau o si atit, ca altceva nu mai stiu ce sa spun. Sau poate mai bine . Multumesc frumos, mi-ai facut un compliment, dar ma indoiesc sincer ca am vreo legatura cu structura ta mentala, la mine e haos total.
Ina, am vazut frumusetea de fetita si frumusetea de mamica! Pai, acum ca am vazut-o, si eu spun ca nu are cum sa aiba ceva. E superba, e vie, cum spunea Ktrinel. Si deosebita, are ceva in privire, in zimbet... e superba!
Laura, nu stiam ca si cu dermatita te-ai luptat. E groaznica si dupa ce Tudora m-a scutit de problemele cu pielea, Lisandru o ia incetisor pe urmele Agatei, nu e grav, dar are picioarele pline de mici eczeme. Adica le avea, de o luna, mai ales dupa ce a facut un eritem fesier urit, ne-am intors la piureutul curat de bebelus si numai la alimente organice sau produse la fermele de pe linga Montreal. Si e muuult mai bine! Te inteleg tare bine cu micile succese, la noi Tudora a fost cu nemincatul si cu nevorbitul. Nici acum nu vorbeste foarte bine, in engleza si-a dat drumul in ultimele luni, dar in romaneste aproape ca numai eu o inteleg. Am facut niste exercitii cu ea si am observat ca nu pronunta deloc l si r. Dar pentru fiecare cuvintel spus, chiar daca e simplu si alti copii de virsta ei sint muuult mai evoluati, eu ma bucur de parca ar fi spus o propozitie intreaga. Si cu Lisandru am un stres, ca nu merge, calca ca o ratusca, cu picioarele indreptate rau in exterior, are talpa dreapta si s-ar putea sa aiba platfus... sau poate nu are nimic, dar fetele au mers la 11 luni si au calcat de la 7 cu piciorusele in pozitie corecta, deci nu pot sa spun ca am experienta si sa stau linistita ca va merge el. Lunea viitoare, pe 26, merg la pediatra si atunci voi cere sfatul sa vedem ce spune. Dar de citeva zile vine si ma ia de minuta, pina acum nu prea voia, se lasa imediat pe fund... atit de tare ma bucur ca-l vad ca vrea sa mearga si ma invita la plimbari prin casa, ca las tot si ma duc sa ma plimb cu el. Si ma duce in toate camerele si imi arata cu minuta si ma intreaba diverse lucruri: hmmm, aaa? Astazi la patinaj m-a intrebat o mamica ce virsta are si eu ii spun ca aproape 14 luni... Ah, si nu merge inca!?! Si eu i-am raspuns: ba da, nu merge singur, dar merge daca il tin de minute! Si asa de mindra m-am simtit ca merge baiatul meu tinut de minute, de parca alerga.
Lorelai, nu am apucat sa intru pe link-urile puse de tine, dar e interesant. Ina, poate nu ar fi rau sa lucrezi un pic si si la acest aspect, sa-i prezinti avantajele de a fi mare (si dezavantajele de a fi mic). Si sa va spun de ce... Va spuneam ca Tudora a avut perioade in care refuza mincarea, a mincat o vara intreaga numai lapte si afine. De vreo citeva luni insa, maninca bine, atit de bine cit poate minca ea. Si se vede, ea are 3 ani si jumatate si a stat sub 12 kilograme pina in vara. Acum are 14 si s-a implinit la corp, desi tot balerina e. Ei, coincidenta sau nu, a inceput sa manince bine si sa doarma singura in camera ei toata noaptea, adormind singura, din momentul in care a zis: veau sa chesc mare, ca Agata! Pina acum citeva luni, Tudora nu voia sa creasca, era atit de suparata ca nu mai e bebelus incit nu voia nimic din ce ar face-o fetita mare. Intr-o seara, ne uitam la pozele lor de cind erau mici si Tudora se arata pe ecran si ma intreaba: Lisandru? Nuu, mami, tu esti. Si s-a pus pe un plins din ala de jale si tot repeta nuuu, nuuu, nu eu... Dupa ce a urlat vreo ora, abia am potolit-o, a spus printre sughituri: me nu vea male, veau mica, veau bebe! Si tot timpul imi spunea ca ea e mica, incepea sa plinga imediat daca ii spuneam ca e fetita mare. Si in toamna, intr-o zi pe drumul de la gradinita spre casa, imi zice brusc: me veau sa fiu male, ca Agata! Si de atunci s-a schimbat tot: ma lasa sa o imbrac, ca nu poate singura sa faca tot, dar unde stie ca poate, nu ma lasa chiar daca intirziem, adoarme singura dupa poveste, doarme toata noaptea (acum are un episod cu frici, dar pina acum chiar nu se mai trezea pina dimineata), maninca bine si fara prea multe mofturi, nu maninca mult dar mult mai bine si de toate si multe alte schimbari, nu le mai insir aici. Parca e alt copil dupa acea propozitie. Numai inainte sa vina mos Craciun a zis ca ea trebuie sa primeasca multe jucarii anul asta pentru ca e inca mica si pentru ca de la anul va fi mare de tot si va primi mai putine. In timp ce citeam mesajul lui Lorelaim m-am gindit ca s-ar putea sa fie o legatura intre refuzul mincarii (si acceptarea laptelui, noi nu am avut niciodata biberon, dar laptele e la loc de cinste si acum) si imaturitatea socio-afectiva despre care vorbea Lorelaim.
Noapte buna, cred ca mi-am inghitit deja un ochi... pe luni!
Ktrinel spune:
Ina, te cunosc, nu stiu nimic despre tine...pur si simplu am o intuitie buna, care nu m-a tradat niciodata si in care am mare incredere...abia astept sa mai vii printre noi la povesti !
Nelia.cum asa "pe luni" ...pai sambata, duminica...cum ramane ?
..apropo, ce faceti voi in weekenduri pe frigurile pe mine ma apuca depresia cand stiu ca e weekend. prefer restul sapt, chiar si cu job cu tot...gandul ca imi sta copilul tzintuit in casa, ca se plictiseste si el si io ziceti sa jucam jocuri, sa citim ..sunt fumate.. sa ies prin mall, nu sunt cu copil asa mic nu gasesc ca e nici o alte activitati e prea face eu multe pt mine, personal, ca am ceva restante..dar nu pot de uite-asa...bine ati venit in depresia mea...mai e cineva asa ?
lorelaim, cred ca tu ai labartzat pagina cu linkurile..poti face ceva ?
Ica 1975 spune:
Spuneti-mi si mie va rog, cum este traficul dinspre Mtl spre Laval la orele de varf , am vazut cateva joburi interes la 4 zile si ma mananca degetele dar parca n-as vrea nici sa stau in trafic pana ma usuc
Ktrinel, te inteleg perfect daca gasesti activitati noi te rog spune-mi si mie, ca jumatate de an nu-i chiar putin
Ce spui sa si infaptuiesti !