intrebari despre Finlanda- zona Espoo

intrebari despre Finlanda- zona Espoo | Autor: Ubi

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Sotul meu va pleca cateva zile in zona Espoo, mai precis o sa stea in Tapiola, Espoo - Finlanda. Poate cineva sa ma ajute cu cateva hint-uri despre ce merita vazut in zona, ce magazine cu jucarii si lucrusoare ptr copii exista prin apropiere sau ce souveniruri merita cumparate din Finlanda?
Va multumesc din suflet.



Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns bb_alinus spune:

Ubi, uite am intrebat-o pe colega mea finlandeza despre tapiola.
iata raspunsul, in engleza, sorry nu am timp sa il traduc:

The capital area of Finland consists of 3 big cities; Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa. Tapiola is the center of one of the cities (Espoo). Tapiola is always mentioned because it was built in the 1960-70s in a way that at that time was new in Finland. Low buildings and a lot of green areas. Tapiola has kept some of this BUT nowerdays there is also higher buildings etc and doesn't differ from other places like it used to be.
Tapiola is only 15min from Helsinki city center by bus. As I don't think Tapiola as it self has something to offer (people who are interested in architecture and so like to visit Tapiola) I would advise your friend to go to Helsinki and see things there. Otherwise Tapiola only has a shopping center and that's about it.

Mergi la inceput