FIV in Austria cap ( 2)-Germania cap (1)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 11
KITTA spune:
Daca dintre fetele care au facut in Austria - Germania si mai scriu pe aici am o intrebare stupid: cum e moda pe la ei sa te prezanti in ziua punctie, rasa tunsa si frezata, ca tot pe aici citii ca daca te duci asa la japonezi esti luata drept o mare c....Sau asta era doar la un simplu consult, nu mai stiu. Daca e sa judec dupa cum umbla nemtoaicele (sa bagam si austriecele in aceeasi natiune vorbitoare de limba germana!) de naturele inseamna ca trebuia sa ma las netunsa de acum 1 an. Ca vazui eu prin concedii in tari straine cu pretentii si ma speriai, da' vazui una, vazui 2 si dupa aceea ma lamurii ca asa le place lor sa se vada bogatia prin prejurul slipului
Avalon spune:
Pfuuuui, nu mai pot de ras! Kitooo, cum ma scoti tu din barlog!
Asa am auzit si eu, ca occidentalele arata ca noi cand ne ducem la eco numai daca sunt staruri de film (un anumit tip de film)... numai la noi freza e obligatorie (zero), pe afara pana si nasterile sunt "naturale", dar naturale 100%, asa cum le-a facut mama lor... padure tropicala, ce mai, carlionti poti impleti... am vizionat cateva filme cu nasteri 'in direct' si m-am crucit ce am vazut.
Eu cred ca poti incerca ceva 'mediu', draga mea, adica nici ca la Giuli (zero), dar nici padure tropicala, eventual mergi la cosmeticiana si zi-i sa faca ceva incat sa nu dai impresia ca te-ai dus sa filmezi, dar nici sa nu cazi in extrema cealalta... chiar daca doctorii aia s-au obisnuit sa vada minunatii ale naturii...
In alta ordine de idei, vreau sa urez tuturor multa bafta prin Austria sau Germania, pe unde va veti incerca norocul! Sa va intoarceti cu burtici!
Avalon spune:
Fetele - cu rubeola treaba sta in felul urmator: daca aveti IGG negativ inseamna ca nu ati avut rubeola in copilarie si oricand puteti contacta virusul (mai ales daca intrati in contact cu copii). Cazul nefericit este cand contactati virusul insarcinate (de aceea va pun medicii sa faceti vaccinul), pentru ca virusul rubeolei face ravagii asupra fatului... Daca insa sunteti in situatia mea, IGG pozitiv si IGM negativ, atunci stati linistite ca ati avut rubeola si aveti anticorpi, chiar daca intrati in contact cu bolnavi de rubeola, aveti imunitate.
IGM pozitiv inseamna ca aveti in prezent rubeola, asteptati sa treaca si gata, desi e putin probabil acest lucru.
Faza cu IGG si IGM este valabila si pentru CMV si toxoplasma, care de asemenea pot afecta sarcina in mod nefericit.
Avalon spune:
Un articol despre viagra si ce rol are ea in fiv:
Avalon spune:
Si rolul prednisonului:
Steroid therapy in the forms of prednisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone has been used to prevent both pre-implantation pregnancy failure and post-implantation pregnancy loss. Steroids are routinely administered in many IVF programs. These medications are started prior to initiating ovarian stimulation with gonadotropins and continued until the diagnosis of pregnancy. If the pregnancy test is negative, the dosage is tapered off over the next week and then discontinued. If the pregnancy test is positive, treatment is continued until 8 to 12 weeks of gestation. Steroids are believed to act by inhibiting the cellular immune response. The exact mechanism and the degree to which implantation is enhanced by the use of steroids are not known. Dosages of steroids for treatment of pre-implantation failure vary depending on the preparation. A typical regimen is dexamethasone 0.5mg a day.
Avalon spune:
Fetele care ati primit fraxiparin in Austria, vreau sa va spun ca e echivalentul clexane la noi- heparina. Asta e una din cele mai noi descoperiri in materie de fiv, heparina se utilizeaza in cazul mai multor esecuri in fiv (si nu numai). Desigur, doctorii nostri habar nu au de asta:
Heparin has also been used in conjunction with aspirin to prevent blood clotting. The rational for using heparin is that it is a blood thinner and inhibits clot formation by a different pathway that the aspirin. While the effectiveness of heparin and aspirin for treatment of women with elevated circulating antiphospholipid antibodies and a history of recurrent miscarriage is well accepted, the use of heparin with or without aspirin to enhance implantation rates has been controversial. Most clinical trials of women with elevated antiphospholipid antibodies and a history of implantation failure undergoing IVF/ET show no enhancement of implantation rates with heparin and aspirin compared with no treatment. This observation is not surprising since the action of heparin is on the cells lining the blood vessels and pre- and peri- implantation pregnancy loss occurs before placental blood vessels appear. The combination of both heparin and aspirin given to women experiencing repeat pregnancy loss who had antiphospholipid antibodies are associated with a live birth rate of 80% compared with a live birth rate of 44% in women receiving aspirin alone. Live birth rates with heparin, aspirin and a steroid called prednisone are 74%. Thus no enhancement of live birth rates are noticed when prednisone is added to heparin and aspirin therapy for treatment of recurrent miscarriage.
Heparin is usually administered at a dose of 5,000-10,000 units subcutaneous twice a day along with aspirin 80mg each day. In women with a circulating lupus-like anticoagulant, more heparin may be required. The side effects of heparin therapy include bleeding, decreased platelet count and osteoporosis or thinning of the bones. Calcium supplementation (two tablets of Tums a day) is recommended while taking heparin. Low molecular weight heparins such as Lovenox and Fragmin have also been used to treat recurrent pregnancy loss associated with thrombophilias, either acquired or inherited.
Avalon spune:
Cami, uita-te la filmuletul asta cum sa-ti faci injectiile:
cami30 spune:
FETELOR NU gasesc OVITRELLE. Nu le-am luat din Germania bazandu-ma ca ma ajuta soacra-mea sa fac rost de ele si acu' am ramas in plop. Stie cineva unde as putea sa gasesc in tara si cat costa?