Un nou virus!!!
Fetele, cica a aparut un nou virus...aveti grija ce mail-uri primiti. Un prieten mi-a trimis si mie urmatorul mail:
"Avem de-a face cu un nou VIRUS!!!!!!
Puteti primi un mail cu un fisier PowerPoint in atasament, denumit: „Welcome to the matrix.pps”.
Nu deschideti acest mail !!!!
Daca il deschideti va fi prea tirziu! Urmeaza o animatie de 10 sec, iar mesajul "You're hard drive is over" va fi afisat. Pierdeti tot continutul Hard-Disk-ului. Trimiteti acest mail tuturor prietenilor."
Pupuci , Ada
Otilia spune:
Virusi noi apar intr-una.
Daca vreti sa fiti intotdeauna bine informati, abonati-va de exemplu pe http://www.secuser.com/ (sau pe alt site de acest gen)la NEWSLETTERS si veti fi intotdeauna la curent cu cele mai noi aparitii de virusi sau viermi si cu metodele de protectie. Nu uitati sa va actualizati des si antivirusii.
Bugbear.B, Klez.H, Mimail.A, Sobig.A, Yaha.K, Magistr.B, Bugbear, Ganda.A, Fortnight.E ... Gasiti aici si o lista cu numele virusilor si data aparitiei, precum si gradul de risc: http://www.secuser.com/alertes/index.htm
Ultimul aparut este Mimail.A, pe 1 august, grad de risc important.
Otilia spune:
Initial creeata de adda
Fetele, cica a aparut un nou virus...aveti grija ce mail-uri primiti. Un prieten mi-a trimis si mie urmatorul mail:
"Avem de-a face cu un nou VIRUS!!!!!!
Puteti primi un mail cu un fisier PowerPoint in atasament, denumit: „Welcome to the matrix.pps”.
Nu deschideti acest mail !!!!
Daca il deschideti va fi prea tirziu! Urmeaza o animatie de 10 sec, iar mesajul "You're hard drive is over" va fi afisat. Pierdeti tot continutul Hard-Disk-ului. Trimiteti acest mail tuturor prietenilor."
Hai ca l-am gasit si pe "raul" asta de care zici! Nu este decit un hoax (un virus fals) care nu face altceva decit sa va pacaleasca cum ca ar fi o alerta virus si sa va faca sa transferati mesajul "binevoitor" in lant la toti prietenii dvs.
Mai multe informatii despre acest hoax aici:
Tocmai, daca primiti un astfel de mail, nu-l transferati nimanui, pentru a stopa difuzarea lui (inutila) in masa.
ligia13 spune:
Atentie si la virusul asta:
There is a new virus: code name is "work". If you receive "work", from
your colleagues, your boss, via
e-mail or any where else, do not touch "work" under any circumstances !!
This virus wipes out your private life completely. If you should come
into contact with this virus, put on your jacket and take two good
friends and go straight to the nearest pub. Order three beers and after repeating 14 times, you will find that "work " has been completely
deleted from your brain.
Forward this warning immediately to at least 5 friends. Should you
realize that you do not have 5 friends, this means that you are already infected by this virus and "work" already controls your whole life.This virus is deadly. Please pay close attention to it and take heed.
adda spune:
Asa deci??? Adica m-am facut de ras?? ...okie dokie...si eu care credeam ca aveam si eu cu ce sa va sperii...dezamagire totala! ...
Dragostea e intotdeauna gata sa ierte, sa aiba incredere, sa spere si...sa indure orice urmeaza
nadina spune:
Originally posted by ligia13
Atentie si la virusul asta:
There is a new virus: code name is "work". If you receive "work", from
your colleagues, your boss, via
e-mail or any where else, do not touch "work" under any circumstances !!
This virus wipes out your private life completely. If you should come
into contact with this virus, put on your jacket and take two good
friends and go straight to the nearest pub. Order three beers and after repeating 14 times, you will find that "work " has been completely
deleted from your brain.
Forward this warning immediately to at least 5 friends. Should you
realize that you do not have 5 friends, this means that you are already infected by this virus and "work" already controls your whole life.This virus is deadly. Please pay close attention to it and take heed.
Lol ligia13, cine se mai inscrie la bere? :)))
"Poate pentru lume esti o singura persoana, dar pentru o anume persoana esti intreaga lume"(G.J.G.MArquez)