
barefoot | Autor: notquiteso

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asta scriam eu la 9 nov. 2003. regasesc gandurile de atunci, si ma cuprinde o caldura, o senzatie de bine.. iar umerii mi se misca usor in ritm de samba. dar sa nu anticipez:

Imi misc umerii usor, in lumina asta roz.
I am the girl from ipanema, and each day when I walk to the sea, I look straight ahead and not at you.. the portuguese lyrics are gently sighing around my brown ankles.
Swing so cool and sway so gentle, like a this song..
Each day when I walk to the sea I'm capturing seagulls with a lift of my eyebrow, and I practice my sway barefoot on the rocks, but.. there's no need for you to know that. Pentru tine sunt doar fata din ipanema, si asta fiindca e singurul cantec pe care-l fredonezi.

* nota: ipanema si portuguese sunt scrise cu small caps pt ca asa a vrut muschiul meu :)) pt ca sunt idei, nu locuri. na.