Radu, 4 ani-limfom nonHodgkin!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

danielac spune:
Dana, Simina, multumesc mult ca sunteti alaturi de mine!
diagnosticul final este
Limfom malign Non-Hodgkin !
pana joi Radu a facut dializa si vineri a facut deja prima cura de citostatice!
asta pentru ca organismul lui a reactionat foarte bine si a reusit sa elimine apa, in urma albuminei si a furosemidului pe care medicii i le-au administrat!
am fost la el sambata si era mai bine decat stiam eu ca fusese cu o saptamana in urma, atunci cand medicii erau tare sceptici si inca nu puteau sa declanseze nici o procedura...
v-as ruga daca puteti sa traduceti pentru noi cateva pasaje gasite pe site-ul celor de la StJude
1."Disease Information
Leukemias / Lymphomas: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL)
Alternative Names: NHL
Non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) are tumors of the peripheral lymph nodes, thymus or abdominal organs, such as the bowel, but can appear in other sites. These tumors differ substantially from lymphomas seen in adults. In children, NHL may behave similarly to acute leukemia in that both cancers can involve bone marrow, blood, skin and the central nervous system.
Lymphomas are the third most common malignant disease of children, after acute leukemia and brain tumors.
Fifty-five percent of childhood lymphomas are non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
Approximately nine in one million children under age 15 will develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma each year.
Influencing Factors
Children with immunodeficiencies have a greatly increased risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Survival Rates
Approximately 80 percent of patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma can be cured with treatment.
Children with early, localized stages of the disease have about a 90 percent chance of cure.
Treatment Strategies
Therapy varies depending on subtypes and stages of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Chemotherapy, using a combination of drugs, has proven effective. Because of the effectiveness of chemotherapy, there is little role for radiation treatment.
Current Research
Researchers are looking for better ways to refine treatment for lymphoma according to the extent of the disease and the tissue subtype.
Specific therapies are being developed to target against cell surface antigens expressed by lymphoma cells or their molecular lesions.
Molecular studies are being conducted to search for the mechanisms of the development of lymphoma. "
SJBCII Protocol / Clinical Study
Small Noncleaved Cell (SNCC), Large-Cell NHL (B-Cell) and B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL) Study II
Leukemias / Lymphomas:Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Much progress has been made over the years in the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), which is cancer of the lymphoid tissue, a main component of the immune system. There are three types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma small noncleaved cell (SNCC), large cell (B-cell NHL), and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL). Studies have shown that children with early stages of NHL respond very well regardless of the NHL treatment regimen that is prescribed. However, children with advanced stage disease respond better to therapy when it is tailored to their specific type of NHL. For this study, the type and length of treatment will depend on the type of disease and how advanced it is. Subjects will be assigned to either Group A, B, or C.
The purpose of this study is to find out the response rate to chemotherapy and survival period for subjects with SNCC NHL, B-cell NHL, and B-ALL.
22To be eligible for this study, patients must meet several criteria, including but not limited to the following:
Subject must be previously untreated.
Subject must be < 18 years of age.
Subject must have a histologic diagnosis of small noncleaved cell (SNCC) NHL or large cell NHL (B-cell).
For the current eligibility status of this clinical study, referring physicians must contact St. Jude at 1-866-2ST-JUDE (1-866-278-5833)."Fetita mea Diana-Maria, nascuta pe 24.10.2001
Paginuta personala DC:


Gabrielama spune:
nu sunt medic, dar cunosc un caz asemenator, vindecat; cu tratement facut la timp, copilul are sanse mari de a se vindeca. Incerc sa iti traduc textul din mesaj (cum spuneam nu sunt medic, si ma impiedic de multe cuvinte medicale pe care nu le inetelg. Esenta este ca:
Rata de supravietuire
Aproximativ 80% din pacienti pot fi vindecati prin tratament. Copii carora li s-a identificat boala din timp au 90% sanse de vindecare.
Tratement (strategie)
Terapia variatza depinzand de sub-tipurile de boala; Chimoterapia, in combinatie cu medicatia, s-a dovedit eficienta.
Promit toata traducerea putin mai tarziu.
Ne rugam pentru Radu. Doamne ajuta!


crissy spune:
dana, mai ai nevoie de traducere?
foto: http://www.desprecopii.com/chatnew/Desprecopiichat/PaginapersonalaView.asp?nickname=crissy


Candy spune:
Uite ce am gasit la noutati in domeniul tratamentului limfomului non-Hodgkin:Rituxan (anticorp monoclonal) - un nou medicament in tratamentul limfoamelor non-hodgkiniene
Intr-un studiu incluzand 166 pacienti cu o forma avansata de limfom non-Hodgkin, 48% dintre pacienti au prezentat reducerea volumului tumoral cu cel putin jumatate, 6% dintre pacienti au intrat in remisiune completa, 50% dintre pacientii la care tratamentul a avut succes ramanand stabili pentru mai mult de 11 luni, anunta conducatorul studiului, Dr. Peter McLaughlin de la M.D. Anderson Cancer Center din Houston, USA. Pacientii au urmat tratament cu Rituxan (rituximab), primul anticorp monoclonal aprobat in Statele Unite pentru tratamentul cancerului, compania producatoare, IDEC Pharmaceuticals and Genentech Inc afirmand ca medicamentul va fi disponibil in curand, tratamentul costand 9 000 USD/cura de o luna. Dintre efectele secundare, se citeaza febra si frisoane, pentru scurt timp dupa prima perfuzie, pana acum nefiind documentate procente anormale de incidenta a infectiilor. Datorita faptului ca administrarea medicamentului nu necesita spitalizare, iar efectele adverse sunt minore, Rituxanul devine prim candidat in tratamentul limfoamelor non-hodgkiniene, impreuna cu chimioterapia, existand studii in desfasurare pentru aprecierea eficientei acestei combinatii, precum si pentru stabilirea potentialului beneficiu al acestui tratament la pacientii cu stadii mai putin avansate ale bolii.
Poate te ajuta!


Gabrielama spune:
Traducerea, asa cum am promis:
1. Informații despre boală
Nume alternative: NHL
Limfoamele non-Hodgkin (NHL) sunt tumori ale nodulilor limfatici periferici, ale timusului sau ale organelor abdominale, cum ar fi intestinul, dar poate apărea și în alte locuri. Aceste tumori diferă substanțial de limfoamele adulților. La copii, NHL se poate comporta similar leucemiei acute, așa cum cancerul poate implica măduva osoasă, sângele, piele și sistemul nervos central.
Limfoamele sunt cea de-a treia boală malignă cea mai comună la copii, după leucemia acută și tumorile pe creier.
55% din limfoamele copiilor sunt limfoame non-Hodgkin. La aprox. 9 din 1 milion de copii sub 15 ani se poate descoperi limfom Hodgkin în fiecare an.
Factorii de influență
Copiii cu imunodeficiențe au un mare risc de apariție a limfomului non-Hodgkin.
Rate de supraviețuire
Aprox. 80% din pacienții cu limfom non-Hodgkin por fi vindecați cu tratament.
Copiii cu etape timpurii, localizate ale bolii au aprox. 90% șanse de vindecare.
Strategiile tratamentului
Terapia variază în funcție de sub-tipurile și etapele limfomului non-Hodgkin. Chemoterapia, folosind o combinație de medicamente, s-a dovedit eficientă. Datorită eficacității chemoterapiei, există un mic rol al tratamentului cu radiații.
Cercetarea actuală
Cercetătorii caută căi mai bune pentru a rafina tratamentul pentru limfom, conform limitei bolii și sub-tipului de țesut.
Terapiile specifice sunt create pentru a acționa asupra antigenilor de la suprafața celulei, exprimate prin celule limfom sau alte leziuni moleculare.
Studiile moleculare sunt efectuate pentru a cerceta mecanismele dezvoltării limfomului.
2. Protocol
Protocol SJBCII/Studiu clinic
Celule nedivizate mici (SNCC), celule mari NHL (B-Cell) și Leucemia limfoblastică B-Cell acută (B-ALL) Studiul II
Leucemii/Limfoame: limfomul non-Hodgkin
S-a progresat de-a lungul anilor în tratamentul limfomului non-Hodgkin (NHL), care este cancerul țesutului limfoid, un component principal al sistemului imunitar. Există trei tipuri de limfom non-Hodgkin:
Leucemia celulelor nedivizate mici (SNCC), celulor mari NHL (Celula B) și leucemia limfoblastică a celulei B acută (B-ALL).
Studiile au arătat că copiii cu etape timpurii ale NHL răspund foarte bine, indiferent de tratamentul NHL care este prescris. Totuși, copiii într-o etapă avansată a bolii răspund mai bine la terapie când este creată în funcție de tipul lor specific de NHL. Pentru acest studiu, tipul și lungimea tratamentului vor depinde de tipul de boală și de cât de avansată este. Subiecții vor fi împărțiți în Grupa A, B sau C.
Scopul acestui studiu este de a găsi rata de răspuns la chemoterapie și perioada de supraviețuire a subiecților cu SNCC NHL, B-cell NHL și B-ALL.
Pentru a putea fi aleși pentru acest studiu, pacienții trebuie să îndeplinească unele criterii, inclusiv, dar nelimitându-se la cele de mai jos:
- trebuie să nu fi fost tratați anterior
- trebuie să fie sub 18 ani
- trebuie să aibă un diagnostic histologic de celule nedivizate mici (SNCC) NHL sau celule mari NHL (B-cell)
Pentru a putea fi ales în acest studiu, medicii trebuie să contacteze Stz. Jude la 1-866-2ST-JUDe (1-866-278-5833).


danielac spune:
Fetelor sunteti nemaipomenite, multumesc din suflet!
Gabriela, Candy, multumesc !
Crissy, daca ai vreme poti traduce tu asta:
"Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.This information is about a specific type of non-Hodgkins lymphoma known as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. It should ideally be read with CancerBACUPs general information about non-Hodgkins lymphoma.
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
Signs and symptoms
How it is diagnosed
Clinical Trials
Diffuse large B-cell lymphomaDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma is a common type, making up about 40% of all cases. It is a cancer of the B-lymphocytes. Diffuse B-cell lymphoma can occur at any time from adolescence to old age. It is slightly more common in men than women.
Causes.The causes of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma are not known. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, like other cancers, is not infectious and cannot be passed on to other people.
Signs and symptomsOften, the first sign of the condition is a painless swelling in the neck, armpit or groin, caused by enlarged lymph nodes. Sometimes more than one group of nodes is affected. The lymphoma may spread to various organs in the body, such as the liver, lungs or the bones. Some people have loss of appetite and tiredness.
Other symptoms may include night sweats, unexplained high temperatures and weight loss. These are known as B symptoms.
How it is diagnosedA diagnosis is made by removing an enlarged lymph node, or part of it, and examining the cells under the microscope. This is known as a biopsy. It is a very small operation and may be done under local or general anaesthetic. Biopsies may also be taken from other body tissues.
Additional tests, including blood tests, x-rays, scans and bone marrow samples, are then used to get more information about the type of lymphoma and how far it has spread in the body. This information is used to help to decide which treatment is most appropriate.
Staging.The stage of non-Hodgkins lymphoma describes how many groups of lymph nodes are affected, where they are in the body and whether other organs such as the bone marrow or liver are involved.
Stage 1 The lymphoma is only in one group of lymph nodes in one particular area of the body.
Stage 2 More than one group of lymph nodes is affected, but all the affected nodes are contained within either the upper half or the lower half of the body. The upper half of the body is above the sheet of muscle underneath the lungs (the diaphragm) and the lower half is below the diaphragm.
Stage 3 The lymphoma is in lymph nodes above and below the diaphragm. The spleen is considered a lymph node in this staging system.
Stage 4 The lymphoma has spread beyond lymph nodes for example, to sites such as the bones, liver or lungs.
The stage usually includes the letter A or B, which describes whether any B symptoms are present or not (e.g. stage 2B). Sometimes the lymphoma can start in areas outside the lymph nodes, and this is represented by the letter E, which stands for extranodal (e.g. stage 3AE).
Grading.For practical purposes non-Hodgkins lymphomas are also divided into one of two groups: low- and high-grade. Low-grade lymphomas are usually slow-growing and high-grade lymphomas tend to grow more quickly.
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is a high-grade lymphoma and needs prompt treatment.
TreatmentChemotherapy.Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells. It is the main treatment for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The type of chemotherapy depends on the extent of the lymphoma and other factors, such as your age and general health.
The two drugs that are usually given to treat diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, are called doxorubicin (pronounced docks o rou bi sin) and cyclophosphomide (sigh clo fos fa mide). They are usually given together with other anti-cancer drugs. Currently the most widely used combination is called the CHOP regime. This includes the drugs vincristine (vin chris teen) and prednisolone (pred ni so lone), as well as doxorubicin and cyclophosphomide. CHOP is often given with a drug called rituximab (ri tucks i mab)which is a monoclonal antibody (see below). The chemotherapy can usually be given as an outpatient at hospital and continues for 46 months.
Chemotherapy will lead to a cure in a large number of people with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Even when a cure is not possible treatment can still usually control the disease for a number of years.
High-dose treatment with stem cell supportHigh-dose chemotherapy with bone marrow or stem cell infusions has been effective in some people whose lymphoma has come back. This type of treatment involves very intensive chemotherapy and sometimes radiotherapy.
As the side effects can be severe, some types of high-dose treatment are not given to people over the age of 4550, while others can be given to people of up to 65 years who are fit enough. The intensity of the treatment increases the risks of serious side effects for people over this age.
Radiotherapy.Radiotherapy is the use of high-energy rays to destroy cancer cells while doing as little harm as possible to the healthy cells. It may be used when the lymphoma cells are contained in one or two areas of lymph nodes in the same part of the body (stage 1 or 2). It may also be given in addition to chemotherapy.
Steroid therapy.Steroids are drugs which are often given with chemotherapy to help treat lymphomas. They also help you feel better and can reduce feelings of sickness.
Monoclonal antibody therapy.Another treatment that has been tried is a monoclonal antibody called rituximab. Monoclonal antibodies are drugs that recognise, target and stick to specific proteins on the surface of cancer cells, and can stimulate the bodys immune system to destroy the cell. This treatment is usually given with chemotherapy as part of a regime called CHOP-R (see above).
Clinical Trials.New treatments for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma are being researched all the time, and you might be invited by your doctor to take part in a clinical trial to compare a new treatment against the best available standard treatment. Your doctor must discuss the treatment with you and have your informed consent before entering you into any clinical trial.Fetita mea Diana-Maria, nascuta pe 24.10.2001
Paginuta personala DC:


crissy spune:
Eu am inceput sa traduc: dar scrie ca survine incepand cu varsta adolescentei - esti sigura ca asta ne poate ajuta?
Limfom difuz cu cellule B mari. Aceste informatii sunt despre un tip specific de limfom non-Hodgkin cunoscut sub numele de limfom cu cellule B mari. Ar fi foarte bine ca aceste informatii sa fie citite impreuna cu informatiile generale despre limfomul non-Hodgkin.
Limfomul difuz cu celule B mari este responabil pentru 40% din cazuri. Este de fapt cancerul limfocitelor B. Poate surveni in orice moment, de la adolescenta pana la varsta matura/inaintata.
foto: http://www.desprecopii.com/chatnew/Desprecopiichat/PaginapersonalaView.asp?nickname=crissy


crissy spune:
intre timp, pana imi raspunzi tu, mai traduc ce gasesc:
despre stadii:
stadiul 1: un singur grup de noduli limfatici este afectat sau exista o singura tumoare extranodulara (ex.: stomac)
stadiul 2: doua sau mai multe grupuri de noduli sunt afectate, sau exista o singura tumoare extranodala care s-a raspandit si la nodulii limfatici din apropiere, ori exista doua tumori extranodale, insa numai pe o parte a diagramei
stadiul 3: exista limfom pe ambele parti ale diagramei, sau in doua sau mai multe grupuri de noduli sau doua tumori extranodale.
stadiul 4: limfomul a trecut de la nodulii limfatici la alte organe ale corpului.
foto: http://www.desprecopii.com/chatnew/Desprecopiichat/PaginapersonalaView.asp?nickname=crissy


crissy spune:
Daniela, acum m-am lamurit. Acest nenorocit de limfom este cu celule B sau T. Absolut totul, de la tratament pana la prognostic, difera de la un tip la altul! Trebuie sa afli ce fel de tip a dezvoltat Radu. Ceea ce ai propus tu pentru traducere este cel cu celule B.
Cum facem sa il ajutam pe baietel? El are varsta fiului meu, nu pot sa cred ca se intampla asa ceva!
foto: http://www.desprecopii.com/chatnew/Desprecopiichat/PaginapersonalaView.asp?nickname=crissy


danielac spune:
la Radu celulele sunt de tip B...
imediat revin cu alte detalii...
Crissy, Radu este nascut pe 30 octombrie 2002.Fetita mea Diana-Maria, nascuta pe 24.10.2001
Paginuta personala DC:
