Copilasi dragalasi de ian-feb 05 (3)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ixxi spune:

Simona, chiar daca pozele nu/s cele mai recente....mie mi se pare ca vladut iti seamana.

patricia e o scumpa rebecca si ce corp de manechin are.....

ar fi fost buna o intalnire in parc, dar am inteles ca de maine iar se strica vremea...

din experienta voastra de la baby expo preturile sunt mai mici decat in oras?
vreau sa/i cumpar cristinei un carut sport pe care nu/l gasesc nicaieri, iar cei de la chicco au spus ca pana atunci primesc noua ma gandeam ca poate prind vre/o oferta......

Beatrice si piersicuta Cristina (18 februarie 2005)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ixxi spune:

patricia am uitat sa te intreb in dieta aceea de 13 zile cand spui spanac la ce cantitate te referi si in ce mod sa fie pregatit?

Beatrice si piersicuta Cristina (18 februarie 2005)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns PatriciaArdeleanu spune:

ixxi, multumim frumos, la fel ca si voi. Manechine le facem.

Spanacul eu il iau la cutie -Maxim- sau congelat, poti minca cit vrei la o portie, o farfurie plina de exemplu.
eu il fac asa: pun putin ulei si il calesc, putina sare+vegeta si apa si il las sa fiarba. Eventual pun si putin bulion sau suc de rosii. Merge si varianta cu putin usturoi, lapte, cum iti place.
Mi-am cumparat si aseara niste carne de vita, sper sa fie buna de gratar, ca niciodata nu ma pricep ce sa cumpar de la anumalu' astasa iasa bun de gratar (pulpa nu e buna de gratar). de data asta am luat rasol alb, carea seamana cam ca file de porc.

eu ma apuca de luni. Asadar, azi voi face Lady's fingers si ma voi ghiftui ca sa am motive sa ma apuc. Tomasa, esti pe faza??

Patricia si Rebecca (05.02.05)

Rebecca, dragostea mea

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Link direct catre acest raspuns danielai spune:

Ingrozitoare tragedia Laurei Stoica. Am vazut-o de dimineata la stiri, cat de fericita era ca vazuse bebe-ul la eco... Doamne fereste!
Trebuie neaparat adoptate niste legi draconice care sa ordoneze circulatia.

In alta ordine de idei, Shobo, multumesc pentru pontul cu rest indian. Eu lucrez cu cineva din India si m-a intrebat de restaurante cu specific in bucuresti si a fost bienvenita informatia, mai ales ca fac si delivery.

Patricia, mutumim si tie pentr pontul cu Nestle. Am pimit si eu plianul si am vazut ca laptele Junior e f convenabil, dar stateam sa ma gandesc daca sa ma duc in aglomeratia aia. Acuma c-am aflat si de cadouri!

Ixxi, in mod sigur la Baby expo sunt preturi mai mici.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns PatriciaArdeleanu spune:

Cu placere, Daniela. si scutecele Pampers mari au atasate cite un sampon Clariol Herbal parca.

Patricia si Rebecca (05.02.05)

Rebecca, dragostea mea

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sirimie spune:

Patricia, Beatrice, multumesc pentru ca spuneti ca Vladut seamana cu mine. Nu-i asa? Pun acuma poze mai noi, de anul asta, inca nu s-au terminat de incarcat.

Eu sper sa nu se strice vremea miine ..

Va dorim sa cresteti mari si frumosi!

Simona & Vladut (27 februarie 2005)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Melania 14 spune:

Ciao fetele , suntem si noi pe aici ! citeam discutiile voastre si ma gandeam ca bine ca aveti atatea hipermarketuri ca noi aici in vest, noroc cu Timisoara...( exagerez si eu putin).
Am vazut ca pt unii dintre BBlasii vostri tata e tot mama... la noi e mama si ing-ing (tata).
Aa... si treceti-ne si pe noi in catastif , va rugam

Melania (14.01.2005) si mama

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Link direct catre acest raspuns danielai spune:

melania, bine ai venit!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sirimie spune:

Ceva interesant. Sursa: Baby Center
Your 12-month-old's development
Taking his first steps
That major rite of passage is almost here, if it hasn't happened already -
sometime this month your baby may take his first steps alone. (If he
doesn't, don't worry - it takes some babies several more weeks or months to
become a toddler.) If he's like most children, your baby will take those
early strides on tiptoe with his feet turned outward; keep the camera ready!
He may also begin feeding himself with a spoon this month, though his aim
won't be the best.

New kinds of play
Around now your baby's play will probably start shifting from mastering his
fine motor skills (he's got that thumb-and-forefinger grasp down pat) to
exercising larger muscles. Some children this age have an attention span of
two to five minutes for quiet activities - though your baby's favorite games
may not be all that quiet.

Your baby probably thinks it's fun to push, throw, and knock everything
down. He'll give you a toy as well as take one, and he likes games where he
can put things in containers and dump them out again. This works well with
blocks in buckets or boxes and with pots and pans, which he can nest inside
one another. He'll thrill to the loud sounds of those pots and pans banging
together, too.

Making bedtime easier
Naptime is one of the small luxuries of caring for a baby, especially if you
use the downtime to rest and recharge yourself. But as your baby approaches
his first birthday, he may begin to resist taking naps. Not only that - his
growing independence may lead him to make a fuss at bedtime, too.

Following a well-established nighttime routine, which might include a bath
or a bedtime story, for example, may help settle him to sleep. It's a good
idea to consistently "sequence" your baby toward slumber: Feed him, give him
a bath, put him in his pajamas, play a game, read him a book, sing songs or
play some music, then put him down. Most sleep experts suggest that you
always put your baby to bed while he's still awake. This will help him learn
to fall asleep on his own, a skill that will come in handy for you both when
he wakes in the wee hours. Whatever you do, make bedtime a regular routine,
one that gives you and your baby plenty of time to connect and wind down.
You may elect to alternate activities with your spouse (you do the bath, he
reads the story, and so on) each night. Or, to give both of you a break
several times a week, try switching off nights when you're responsible for
putting the baby to bed.

It's hard to say good-bye
Your child has probably been wrestling with bouts of separation anxiety
during the last several months. This is natural: He loves and depends on
you, so he's distressed when you leave. To ease departures, ask your sitter
to arrive early so your baby has time to adjust. Be matter-of-fact when you
leave, and don't prolong the agony with extended good-byes; make it quick,
with just one goodnight kiss. Your baby's tears will subside soon after
you're out of sight.

You can help your child feel more independent by not hovering over him all
the time. Of course, he still needs to know you're around and dependable. So
if he toddles to another room, wait a couple of minutes before following. If
you go to another area of the house, call to him when you're in the next
room - but don't come running every time he squawks.

Learning more about language
Though at this point his vocabulary probably consists of only a couple of
words besides "mama" and "dada," your one-year-olds can probably babble
short, fully inflected sentences that sound like he's speaking a foreign

By now, your baby may also be able to respond to simple questions and
commands, especially if you give him some clues with hand gestures. For
example, ask "Where's your mouth?" and point to it. Or try "Hand me the cup"
and point to the object. Your baby may even answer you in his own way, using
his own gestures, such as shaking his head for "no."

Because he's receptive now, it's a good time to begin to teach him manners
and how to help out. Emphasize "please" and "thank you," and make toy
cleanup time fun by turning it into a game. Though he probably won't get the
idea just yet, it's not too early to start.

Name that item
It's up to you to help your baby make connections between objects and their
names - the more you do, the faster your child's vocabulary will grow. Keep
talking to your baby and labeling things. Count stair steps as you climb
them, and point out the names and colors of the fruits and vegetables at the
grocery store. Read your baby a picture book and ask him to point to or name
familiar objects. Solicit his opinion once in a while: Ask him if he'd like
to wear the red or the blue socks, or if he'd like to play with his blocks
or his stacking rings. He may not answer, but then again, he may surprise

Is my baby developing normally?
Remember, each baby is unique and meets physical milestones at his own pace.
These skills are simply a guide to what your baby has the potential to
accomplish - if not right now, then shortly.

If your baby was born prematurely, you'll probably find that it will be a
little while before he can do the same things as other children his age.
Don't worry. Most doctors assess a preterm child's development from the time
he should have been born and evaluate his skills accordingly.

Va dorim sa cresteti mari si frumosi!

Simona & Vladut (27 februarie 2005)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ixxi spune:

patricia multumesc de reteta pt spanac, ma gandeam eu ca nu poate fi doar asa fiert (beah), acum despre ofertele de la baby expo....sunt eu pe aratura sau de unde stiti voi de oferte?

Beatrice si piersicuta Cristina (18 februarie 2005)

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