FSH mare

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Dasha spune:

Buna seara tuturor

Mama mea a intrat la menopauza la 40 ani.Din cate stiu, bunica mea a avut ceva probleme dar dupa primul copil.Oricum dupa 35 de ani.Acum sper sa fi nimerit la un medic bun si sa vedem ce o sa spuna in urma rezultatelor la analizele pe care le fac in Februarie.Partea cea mai proasta ca este nevoie de mult timp pentru programari ,pentru analize ,pentru rezultate.Dar ce sa fac...asta este.Rabdare si tutun(pentru cine fumeaza)....
Oricum sunt multe chestii pe care eu nu le stiu , de exemplu medicamentele pe care le foloseste Silvana. Eu in afara de niste anticonceptionale(Microgynon) si acest medicament de substitutie hormonala cu estrogeni naturali(Femoston)pe care il iau de doi ani ,nu am mailuat nimic.De acum cred ca incepe distractia.
Va pup pe toate

Never say never!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns curcubeu spune:

Testul clomifen nu este de nici un folos pentru cele cu FSH marit ,deorece clomifen stimuleaza ovarele si FSH creste si mai mult .Tocmai de asta nu exista tratament pentru cele cu FSH mare deoarece toate tratamentele care exista se bazeaza pe FSH ,adica iti administreaza FSH ca sa stimuleze ovarele.Dar la noi care avem deja FSH mare deja ne stimulam singure ovarele prin FSH propriu si tot nu ovulamMie mi-a spus sa asteptam un CM cu FSH <15 ,dar in ultima perioada vad ca creste din ce in ce mai mult si nici CM numai apare,acum astept sa vad ce imi spune specialistul ca e de facut.
Silveana tu mai ai vreun CM din cind in cind?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Dasha spune:

Eu nu prea inteleg
In timpul tratamentului eu am avut FSH si 10 si CM regulat.Asta ce inseamna?Helllllp!!!

Never say never!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns curcubeu spune:

Nu stiu ce sa zic ca nu cunosc medicamentele de care spui Dasha,dar stiu ca daca iei medicamente care contin estrogen ,forteaza sa scada FSH artificial si sa vina CM ,asta nu inseamna mare lucru ,important este sa poti si ovula.E cale lunga
Probabil ca toate estea se administreaza ca sa iti mentii organismul in functiune normala dar ovulatia alta poveste.Desi sa stii aici este un medic care le da pacientelor estrogen sa forteze FSH sa scada si se apuca sa stimuleze ,unele au succes chiar si cu FSH mare .Intrebarea este de ce nu toti medicii de aici fac asa ceva?? O s ail intreb pe medicul meu cind il vad de ce nu face asa

Important este sa stringem cit mai mult einformatii

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Dasha spune:

Da am inteles .De fapt ai dreptate.Dar daca nu avem noroc sa dam peste medicul bun, degeaba...La tine oricum pare putin mai simplu daca ai ramas deja insarcinata.Sa speram ca va fi totul bine

Never say never!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns silveana spune:

Curcubeu, imi vine CM dar in cantitate foarte mica.Am uitat sa zic ca pe langa tratamentul cu Microgynon pe care il fac acum mai iau si utrogestan, pe care il luam si inainte cu Riselle.
Inca ceva, am o intrebare de pus ptr toate cele cu Fsh-ul marit.Voi de cand aveti probleme cu CM nu ati observat si o schimbare in rau in ceea ce priveste viata sexuala?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iliuta spune:

Buna fetelor. Silveana ce mai faci fat? Mai traiesti? Nu mai stiu nimic de tine de cand ai plecat in concediu in Turcia.
Dasha, pupici.


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Link direct catre acest raspuns bubulina1 spune:

Fetelor, va recomand Mastodynon si Branca ursului. Mastodynonul scade FSH-ul iar Branca ursului este indicat pentru re-intinerirea functiei ovariene. Pentru marirea estrogenului este indicata tinctura de marar.
Mai multe informatii despre relatia Mastodynon-FSH gasiti aici

Speranta moare ultima!

Cununia noastra

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Link direct catre acest raspuns curcubeu spune:

eu am ramas insarcinata ,dar din pacare ovulul ala nu a fost prea bun.Cind ai FSH marit se intimpla nu numai sa nu ai ovule dar si cele care sint pot fii de calitate proasta(asta depinde totusi si de virsta) .Asta nu inseamna ca nu ai nici un ovul bun ramas in tine,dar este foarte greu sa nimeresti bine.Pe atunci mai aveam CM cit decit sar acuma vad ca am probleme cu CM.
Viata sexuala nu cred ca sa schimbat ceva fizic vorbind, decit ca sint stresata din cauza ca trec prin asa ceva si cind sint stresata nu prea mai imi arde de..

Problema mea este ca nu stiu cum satin aceste tratamente de infertilitate cind nu am CM ,toate produsele vad ca se i-au in functie de cum vine CM .
Eu am inceput sa am probleme cu CM de cind am ajuns in USA (aveam 31 de ani) ,mi se deregla de 2ori/an l ainceput in general cind se schimba anotimpul si credeam ca este de la clima si mincarea de aici .Am aflat de FSH deabea cind mi se dereglase mai rau CM si vroiam bebe(asta la 35 de ani),nu mi-am imaginat ca o sa am probleme si nici numai auzisem de asa ceva ,am ramas traznita si socata ceea ce ne dauneaza si mai mult.Trebuie sa existe o cauza de ce avem asa ceav si nu ne mai functioneaza ovarele cum trebuie ,iar cercetatorii din pacate nu stiu nici ei multe despre asa ceva si nu au gasit un tratament pentru ce avem noi.Totusi mult efemei care au facut bebe nicinu au stiut cit au FSH_ul si unele dintre ele il aveau probabil mare doar ca nu au stiut.

Sa stiti ca menopauza precoce nu este acelasi lucru cu menopauza de batrinete aici cea precoce se numeste POF,uite un aticol:

"What happens differently in POF?

Currently, researchers are unable to pinpoint exactly what happens in POF to stop normal function of the ovaries in most cases. Remember that the FSH levels are high when the ovaries fail to produce enough estrogen. LH levels also stay high in many cases, even during the occasional times that follicles successfully grow. Mature follicles in the ovaries make estrogen, as well as other substances, including the protein inhibin. Because women with POF have low levels of estrogen, scientists are focusing their attention on the follicles in the ovary in their study of POF.

Follicles in the ovaries start out as microscopic seeds, called primordial (pronounced prime-OR-dee-ul) follicles. These seeds are not yet follicles, but can grow into them. In general, a woman is born with about two million primordial follicles, which should be enough to last her until she goes through menopause. But this may not be the case for a woman with POF. Women with POF may fall into one of two groups.

Follicle Depletion

A woman with follicle depletion has no responsive follicles left in her ovaries. There is no way for the body to make more primordial follicles. And, currently, there is no way for scientists to make primordial follicles. Although scientists haven’t identified all the causes of follicle depletion, some known causes include:

* Chemotherapy or radiation therapy—strong treatments for cancer
* An abnormal or missing X chromosome—the X chromosome stores genetic material that helps “build” a person. It also helps to determine whether a person is a male or a female. Females need two normal X chromosomes to make enough primordial follicles, and to use them properly. If a critical part of either X chromosome is missing, or if an entire X chromosome is missing, the body may not make enough primordial follicles to begin with, or it may use them up too quickly. This problem is the cause of POF in 2 percent to 3 percent of women with the condition.
* Even when it appears that all a woman’s follicles are depleted, it is possible that a very small number of surviving follicles can, without warning, begin to function on their own. This spontaneous function can cause ovulation or a menstrual period; if insemination occurs, this function could lead to pregnancy, although such a situation is uncommon. Currently, health care providers can’t predict which women with POF will experience this recovery of ovarian function.

Follicle Dysfunction

A woman with follicle dysfunction still has follicles in her ovaries, but for unknown reasons they are not working properly. Currently, scientists do not have a safe and effective way to make follicles start working normally again. Although they have yet to identify all the causes of follicle dysfunction, some known causes include:

* An autoimmune attack—the immune system normally protects the body from invading bacteria and viruses. In some women, though, for reasons researchers don’t understand, the immune system attacks developing follicles, which prevents the follicles from working the way they should. Current research suggests that this type of problem occurs in 5 percent of women with POF.
* A low number of follicles—even though only one mature follicle releases an egg each month, that follicle usually has less mature follicles developing along with it. Scientists don’t understand exactly how, but these supporting follicles seem to play a role in helping the mature follicle function normally. If these extra follicles are missing, the dominant follicle becomes luteinized and will not mature and release an egg properly. Current research estimates that this problem may occur in up to 60 percent of women with POF, but this is not a definite number.

Research also shows that 10 percent to 20 percent of women with POF have a family history of the condition, which could mean that some cases of POF have a genetic component. But, inheritance patterns show that POF is not a purely genetic disorder. Research into the causes of POF is ongoing, in hopes that knowing why it occurs will also help in developing treatments for the disorder. How many women have POF?

POF affects approximately:

* One in 10,000 women by age 20
* One in 1,000 women by age 30
* One in 250 women by age 35
* One in 100 women by age 40

What are the symptoms of POF?

The most common first symptom of POF is having irregular periods. Health care providers sometimes dismiss irregular or skipped periods (sometimes called amenorrhea—pronounced AY-men-or-ee-uh) as being related to stress; but a woman’s monthly cycle is actually an important sign of her health, in the same way that blood pressure or temperature are signs of health. If you have irregular periods or skip periods, you should tell your health care provider, so that he or she can begin to determine the cause of these problems. Some women with POF also experience other symptoms with POF. These symptoms are similar to those experienced by women who are going through natural menopause and include (but are not limited to):

* Hot flashes
* Night sweats
* Irritability
* Poor concentration
* Decreased interest in sex
* Pain during sex
* Drying of the vagina
* Infertility

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Dasha spune:


Curcubeu ,din cate stiu eu Microgynon este anticonceptional;l-am luat si eu 3 ani.De ce ti l-au prescris daca tu vrei un?

Never say never!

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