Copilasi din 2002 (11)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 11

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SAnatate la toata lumea! Sanzi vad ca ai de furca cu David! Bine ca s-a ales doar cu nasucul umflat de data asta.Noi suntem in continuare cu mucisori, eu dezorientata ca nu mai stiu cand sa il scot afara si cum sa il imbrac pentru ca fiind bolnav ba de una ba de alta de o luna deja nici eu nu mai stiu cum sa fac sa fie mai bine. Trebuie sa fac ceva sa il cocolosesc o perioda sa ii revina imunitatea la zero ca acum e cu minus la el si apoi sa facem ceva pentru imbunatatire ca nu se mai poate. Atatea tratamente si raceli l-au dat peste cap de tot.Si poate din aceste motive Liviu al meu e tot mai nervos, mai neascultator si mai impulsiv sau cum vreti sa ziceti ca simt ca nu il mai pot controla.Mi-am cumparat si eu cartea "Copiii sunt din rai" sa vad daca reusesc sa aplic metodele pozitive si sa il aduc pe drumul cel bun.mama Lucia si Liviu minunea (24.05.2002)" target="_blank">Povestea-nasterii Desene noi - iunie

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sinzi_ana spune:

DAvid dupa ce s-a trezit a cerut ciocolata, apoi dupa ce a muscat de 2 ori in ea si m-a vazut ca spal capsuni a aruncat ciocolata ca vrea capsuni...oare e normal? Un copil, si mai ales copilul meu, sa dea ciocolata pt o capsuna??????? O fi bolnav???? Oare nu e copilul meu??? credeam ca o sa o vad si pe asta!!!

Lucia imi pare rau ca Liviu e tot cu muciosiori dupa el...Nu stiu ce sfat as putea sa iti dau...
Poate cocolosirea nu e cea mai buna solutie...
Ai incercat sa ii dai fiole de vitamina C? Eu ii mai fac lui DAvid cure de 5 zile de fiole...una pe trebuie sa fie sanatos ca sa ii dai vitamia C si intareste sist imunitar...
Fructe mananca??

". A man should treat all creatures in the world as he himself would like to be treated.

Sinzi si David
Poze de la prima noastra serbare si excursia din Timisoara

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Sanzi, Liviu niciodata nu a fost un copil cocolosit dar acum e ultima solutie pentru a rupe lantul asta de raceli care nu se mai termina. Asa ca macar o perioada scurta o sa il ocrotesc mai mult decat e cazul.Vitamina c e preferata lui, tablete cu gust de fructe si i-am dat mai mereu. Fructe mananca obligatoriu zilnic macar o data daca nu cu placere, cu trucuri, dar tot mananca. Asta e, acum merg cu el sa decupam si poate reusim si noi sa facem ceva frumos cum faceti voi pe la gradinita.Stie cineva daca la noi in magazine se gasesc figurine colorate care sa se lipeasca pe foi, planse cum sunt in pozele Gabrielei, cele cu operele de arta?mama Lucia si Liviu minunea (24.05.2002)" target="_blank">Povestea-nasterii Desene noi - iunie

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Gabbriela spune:

Calendar Rhymes:

26. Thirty Day hath September
Thirty day hath September,
April, June and November;
February has twenty-eight alone.
Al the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting leap year, that’s the time
When February has Twenty-nine.

27. Play Days
How many days has my baby to play?
Saturday, Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday;
Saturday, Sunday, Monday,
Hop away, skip away,
My baby wants to play.
My baby wants to play every day.

28. March Winds
March winds and April showers
Bring forth May flowers.

29. Calm in June
Calm weather in June
Sets corn in tune.

30. Saturday, Sunday
On Saturday night
Shall be all my care
To powder my locks
And curl my hair.

On Sunday morning
My love will come in,
When he will marry me
With a gold ring.

31. After Sunday
As Tommy Snooks and Bessy Brooks
Were walking out in Sunday,
Says Tommy Snooks to Bessy Brooks,
“Tomorrow will be Monday.”

32. Winter
Cold and raw the north wind doth blow,
Bleak in the morning early.
All the hills are covered with snow,
And winter’s now come fairly.

33. When the snow is on the ground
The little robin grieves
When the snow is on the ground.
For the trees have no leaves,
And no berries can be found.
So toss around some crumbs of bread,
And then he’ll eat ’til snow is gone.

34. A Week of Birthdays
Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s chills is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for it’s living,
But the child that’s born on the Sabbath day,
Is bonny and blithe, and god and gay.

35. Sneezing
If you sneeze on Monday,
You sneeze for danger.
Sneeze on a Tuesday,
Kiss a stranger.
Sneeze on Wednesday,
Sneeze for a letter.
Sneeze on Thursday,
Something better.
Sneeze on Friday,
Sneeze for sorrow.
Sneeze on Saturday,
Joy tomorrow.

36. The Greedy Man
The greedy man is he who sits
And bites bits out of plates,
Or else takes up a calendar
And gobbles all the dates.

Gabbriela &" target="_blank">Julian
0 - 2 years 2 - 3 years
Opere de arte

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Gabbriela spune:

Silly People Rhymes:

37. Handy Pandy
Handy Pandy, Jack-a-dandy,
Loves plum cake and sugar candy.

He bought some at the grocer’s shop,
And out he came, hop, hop, hop.

38. The House That Jack Built
This is the house that Jack built.

This is the malt
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the rat, that ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cat,
That killed the rat, that ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the dog, that worried the cat,
That killed the rat, that ate the malt,
That lay in the house that Jack built.

This is the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog, that worried the cat,
That killed the rat, that ate the malt,
That lay in the hose that Jack built.

This is the maiden all-forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog, that worried the cat,
That killed the rat, that ate the malt,
That lay in the hose that Jack built.

This is the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog, that worried the cat,
That killed the rat, that ate the malt,
That lay in the hose that Jack built.

This is the priest all shaven and shorn,
That married the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog that worried the cat,
That killed the rat, that ate the malt,
That lay in the hose that Jack built.

This is the farmer sowing his corn,
That kept the rooster that crowed in the morn,
That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,
That married the man all tattered and torn,
That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed the dog, that worried the cat,
That killed that rat, that ate the malt,
That lay in the hose that Jack built.

39. Mary, Mary
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells,
And pretty maids all in a row.

40. Peter White
Peter White will ne’er go right,
And would you know the reason why?
He follows his nose wherever he goes,
And all that stands awry.

41. The piper’s Son
Tom, Tom, the piper’s son,
Stole a pig and away he run!
The pig thought it was quite a treat,
To be carried down the street.

42. Lucy Loket
Lucy Loket lost her pocket,
Kitty Fisher found it;
Not a penny was there in it,
Only ribbon round it.

43. Nothing at all
There was an old woman called Nothing-at-all,
Who lived in a dwelling exceedingly small;
A man stretched his mouth to the utmost extent,
And down in one gulp house and old woman went.

44. Miss Mackay
Alas, Alas, for Miss Mackay!
Her knives and forks have run away.
And where the cups and spoons are going,
She’s sure there is no way of knowing.

45. Anna Elise
Anna Elise,
She jumped with surprise.
The surprise was so quick,
It played her a trick.
The trick was so rare,
She jumped in a chair.
The chair was so frail,
She jumped in a pail.
The pail was so wet,
She jumped in a net.
The net was so small,
She jumped on a ball.
The ball was so round,
She jumped on the ground.
And ever since then
She’s been turning around.

46. The Old woman
The old woman stands at the tub, tub, tub,
The dirty clothes to rub, rub, rub;
But when they are clean and fit to be seen,
She’ll dress like a lady and dance on the green.

47. Rub-a-Dub-Dub
Three man in a tub,
And how do you think they got there?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick maker,
They all jumped out of a rotten potato,
That was enough to make a man stare.

48. The old woman under the hill
There was an old woman
Lived under a hill;
And if she’s not gone,
She lives there still.

49. Old Soldier of Bister
There was an old solider of Bister,
Went walking one day with his sister,
When a cow at a poke
Tossed her into an oak
Before the old gentlemen missed her.

50. If Wishes Were Horses
If wishes were horses,
Beggars would ride.
If turnips were watches,
I would wear one by my side.
And if “ifs” and “ands”
Were pots and pans,
There’d be no work for tinkers!

51. Lock and Key
“I am a gold lock.”
“I am a gold key.”
“I am a silver lock.”
“I am a silver key.”
“I am a brass lock.”
“I am a brass key.”
“I am a lead lock.”
“I am a lead key.”
“I am a don lock.”
“I am a don key!”

52. Three Wise Men
Three wise men on Gotham
Went to sea in a bowl.
If the bowl bad been stronger,
My song would be longer.

53. Solomon Grundy
Solomon Grundy,
Born on Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday,
This is the end of Solomon Grundy.

54. Gregory Griggs
Gregory Griggs, Gregory Griggs,
Had twenty-seven different wings.
He wore them up, he wore them down,
To please the people of the town.
He wore them east, he wore them west,
And never could tell which one he liked best.

55. Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee
Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee
Resolved to have a battle,
For Tweedle-dum said Tweedle-dee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.

Just than flew by a monstrous crow,
As big as a tar barred,
Which frightened both the heroes so,
They forgot their quarrel.

56. Moses’ Toeses
Moses supposes his toeses are roses,
But Moses supposes erroneously.
For nobody’s toeses are posies or roses
An Moses supposes his toeses to be.

Gabbriela &" target="_blank">Julian
0 - 2 years 2 - 3 years
Opere de arte

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sinzi_ana spune:

Nu stiu ce are David de vreo 2 zile nu mai doarme la pranz decat o ora, o ora si fac o liniste sa nu il trezesc...
Azi a mancat pt prima data varza ...gatita ca salata a mai mancat...oare are ceva? E prea grea pt 2 ani??? I-a placut tare mult, caci a mai cerut o portie!! Hihiih...era gatita de bunica prietenului lui....(ca io...)

". A man should treat all creatures in the world as he himself would like to be treated.

Sinzi si David
Poze de la prima noastra serbare si excursia din Timisoara

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Link direct catre acest raspuns light spune:

David sa se ia de mana cu Liviu. El nu a dormit deloc ieri, iar azi l-am culcat f tarziu pt pranz, pe la 15.30.Varza e foaarte sanatoasa, vorba ta, nici eu nu prea fac d-astea, desi ar merita incercat. Al meu, azi spre surprinderea mea a mancat aproape un morcov.Eu zic ca nu e problema cu varza, poate singurul lucru sa ii fi facut putin crampe la stomac. Iar despre somn, al meu, de regula, cand nu iese afaara si nu prea are actitivitate fizica, nici el nu doarme prea mult.mama Lucia si Liviu minunea (24.05.2002)" target="_blank">Povestea-nasterii Desene noi - iunie

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Link direct catre acest raspuns sinzi_ana spune:

noi tocmai ce am venit de la plaja...
Desi nu e prea cald, baietii au stat numai in apa de la pa ora 5 la slip si tare incantati...
sper sa fie ok...

". A man should treat all creatures in the world as he himself would like to be treated.

Sinzi si David
Poze de la prima noastra serbare si excursia din Timisoara

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns Gabbriela spune:

Sinzi_ana nu mai doarme asa de mult ca a crescut si el ... si cum e apa la mare.. nu e rece?
Varza e sanatoasa, eu si sarmale ii dau si ii place tare.
Julian de mai bine de 6 - 8 luni mananca un morcov pe zi crud, si radacina de pastarnac... uneori si tulpini aieriene de la telina... habar nu am cum le poate manca pe ultimile, dar sunt bucuroasa ca le mananca.

Fetelor am inceput o carte nou de povesti (povesti de 5 minute ii zice)... si va adaug la fiecare poveste si ilustratele ei si le pun pe un album la inceputul povesti... sa cititi cumintei...

Gabbriela &" target="_blank">Julian
0 - 2 years 2 - 3 years
Opere de arte

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Link direct catre acest raspuns crig72 spune:

Nadina sanatate multa puiutului tau!
Mik si noi ne uitam in oglinda si facem mofturi la haine.Hehehe si ce-o sa urmeze..
Cert e ca si mie imi place s-o vad cat mai dragalasa.Succes la serbare!
mariuca are 13 kg si 89 de cm la 33 de luni.Chiar azi s-a mirat o vanzatoare ca e mica de inaltime "Numai atat????"si eu foarte calma "Da, dar e foarte bine pentru varsta ei."Dupa care nu am mai vrut sa-mi bat capul s-o conving ca nu e obligatoriu sa ai 98 de cm la varsta ei.Sunt altele mai importante.
pupici la mamici si pitici!!

Cristina si Mariuca" target="_blank">Povestea nasterii

1 iunie 2005

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