
acronime | Autor: arboria

Link direct la acest mesaj

= abrevieri

o mica lista:

2L8 = Too late
AFAIK = As far as I know
AKA = Also known as
ASAP = As soon as possible
ASL = Age, sex, location?
ASLP = Age, sex, location, picture?
ATYS Anything you say
AWA = As well as
B4 = Before
B4N = Bye for now
BBS = Be back soon
BFN = Bye for now
BC = Be cool
B/C = Because
BOT = Back on topic
BRB = Be right back
CU = See you
CUS = See you soon
DL = Download
F2F = Face to face
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FTR = For the record
G4U = Good for you
G2G = Gotta go
GAL = Get a life
GL Good luck
IC = I see
IK = I know
IMAO = In my arrogant opinion
IMHO = In my humble opinion
IRL = In real life
J/K = Just kidding
K = OK
KIT = Keep in touch
L8 = Late
L8R = Later
LMK = Let me know
LYL = Love you lots
LOL = Laugh out loud
LOLOL = Lots of laugh out louds
NP = No problem
NRN = No reply necessary
OT = Off topic
PLZ = Please
PPL = People
RFC = Request for comment
RL = Real Life
TLC = Tender love and care
TTFN = Ta ta for now
TY = Thank you
U2 = You too
W8 = Wait
WB = Welcome back (chat)
WB = Write back (e-mail)
WTF = What the f?
? = Huh?
?4U = Question for you" target="_blank">restul listei

oare or exista si in lb. romana astfel de acronime? voi stiti?
