Coming Home mp3

Coming Home mp3 | Autor: ruxij

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Era in vara anuului 1988 cand am ascultat melodia asta de cateva ori. Este posibil sa fi fost mai veche, pe vremea aceea eu nu prea eram la curent cu muzica, nu aveam de unde sa fac rost, trebuia sa ma limitez la radioul romanesc, de aceea nu stiu prea multe despre melodie. De atunci sper sa o mai aud odata si nu am mai reusit sa dau de ea. Nu mai stiu nici cine o canta, nimic, doar ca era lenta. Stie cineva ceva despre asta? Unde o pot gasi sau macar cine o canta? Ia sa vedem dc. reusesc sa aflu ceva dupa 14 ani...

Multumesc mult.

Numai bine!



Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns FLORYNA spune:

modern talking?bad boys blue?sandra?sabrina?cc catch?glen medeiros?...cine o cinta?nothing gonna change my love for you?asta???ca mi-ai aprins calciiele!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns FLORYNA spune:

stai putin..coming home e titlul melodiei pe care o cauti?

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ruxij spune:

Da, asta e titlul. Stiti cine o canta?


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Link direct catre acest raspuns Andrada spune:

Nu stiu de care vorbesti una e de:
Rod Stewart
pe albumul Vagabond Heart

Rhythm Of My Heart

Across the street the river runs
Down in the gutter life is slipping away
Let me still exist in another place
Running under cover of a helicopter blade

The flames are getting higher in effigy
Burning down the bridges of my memory
Love may still be alive somewhere someway
where they're downing only deer
a hundred steel towns away

Oh rhythm of my heart is beating like a drum
with the words "I love you" rolling off my tongue
No never will I roam for I know my place is home
where the ocean meets the sky
I'll be sailing

Photographs and kerosene light up my darkness
light it up, light it up
I can still feel the touch of your thin blue jeans
Running down the alley I've got my eyes all over you baby
Oh baby

Oh the rhythm of my heart is beating like a drum
with the words "I love you" rolling off my tongue
No never will I roam for I know my place is home
where the ocean meets the sky I'll be sailing
I'll be sailing

Oh I've got lightning in my veins
shifting like the handle of a slot machine
Love may still exist in another place
I'm just yanking back the handle
no expression on my face

Oh the rhythm of my heart is beating like a drum
with the words "I love you" rolling off my tongue
Never will I roam for I know my place is home
where the ocean meets the sky
I'll be sailing

Oh the rhythm of my heart is beating like a drum
with the words "I love you" rolling off my tongue
No never will I roam for I know my place is home
where the ocean meets the sky
I'll be sailing

The rhythm of my heart is beating like a drum
with the words "I love you" rolling off my tongue
Never will I roam for I know my place is home
where the ocean meets the sky
I'll be sailing

Ar mai fi una a lui Bryan Adams care se numeste chiar Coming home:
All those nights I've spent alone,
Uninspired, so tired and wasted.
There's lots of times I'd have telephoned,
I couldn't find the words to say,

I'm coming home,
Lord I'm coming home
I'll make it short,
I'll make it sweet,
Make it up to you and me.
I'm not the same guy I used to be,
What can I do to make you believe,

I'm coming home,
Oh I'm coming home.
I'm coming home,
Yeah I'm coming home.
Only seems like yesterday,
You and I were sayin' goodbye,
Now I'm just a few miles away
Gonna see you tonight.

I've been alone and I live the pain,
Reach for you in desperation.
I was wrong, I'll take the blame,
I need you back now I just can't wait,

I'm coming home
Yeah I'm coming home.
Coming home,
I'm just coming, coming,
Waiting it out.
I'm just coming home.

ar mai fi una a lui Sting Never Coming home:

Well it's five in the morning and the light's already broken
And the rainy streets are empty for nobody else has woken
Yet you turn towards the window as he sleeps beneath the covers
And you wonder what he's dreaming in his slumbers

There's a clock upon the table and it's burning up the hour
And you feel your life is shrinking like the petals of a flower
As you creep towards the closet you're so careful not to wake him
And you choose the cotton dress you bought last summer

There's a time of indecision between the bedroom and the door
But the part of you that knows that you can't take it any more
There's the promise of the future in the creaking of the floor
And you're torn if you should leave him with a number

And in your imagination you're a thousand miles away
Because too many of his promises got broken on the way
So you write it in a letter all the things you couldn't say
And you tell him that you're never coming home

She starts running for the railway station praying that her calculation's right
And there's a train just waiting there to get her to the city before night
A place to sleep a place to stay will get her through another day
She'll take a job she'll find a friend she'll make a life that's better

The passengers ignore her just a girl with an umbrella
And there's nothing they can do for her, there's nothing they can tell her
There's nothing they could ever say would change the way she feels today
She'd live the life she'd always dreamed if he had only let her

Now in her imagination she's a million miles away
When too many of his promises got broken on the way
So she wrote it in a letter all the things she couldn't say
And she told him she was never coming home
She told him she was never coming home

I wake up in an empty bed a road drill hammers in my head
I call her name there's no reply it's not like her to let me lie
It's time for work it's time to go but something's different I don't know
I need a cup of coffee I'll feel better

I stumble to the bathroom door, her make up bag is on the floor
It really is a mess this place it takes some time to shave my face
I'm not really thinking straight she never lets me sleep this late
I'm almost done and then I see the letter

In his imagination she's a universe away
Too many of his promises got broken on the way
So she wrote it in a letter all things she couldn't say
And she told him she was never coming home,
She told him she was never coming home,
She told him she was never coming home

I'm gonna live my life
And she told him she was never coming home
I'm gonna live my life in my own way

Si mai a una a lui Tom Jones:

I'm coming home to your loving heart
Till the one that I was
True way and broke apart

I want you I need you
A chance is on I'm asking now
I must get back to you so now
So I am coming home to you
'Cause I am nothing without you
May be you found somebody new
'Cause I'm still coming home to you

Please let me stay and forget your pride
Now my world is falling round
I got know when behind

I want you I need you
I know with true I made you cry
Then like a fool I say goodbye
Now I am coming home to you
Yes I am nothing without you
May be you found somebody new
But I'm still coming home to you

Mie cel mai mult imi placea aia a lui Rod Steward care avea clipul ala simpatic cu ala de se intorcea acasa si il intimpina o fetitza mica...


L’amore che move il sole e l’altre stelle. Dante
Iubirea misca soarele si celelate stele

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Link direct catre acest raspuns elena2001 spune:

"Mama I'm comin' home" cantata de Ozzy Osbourne
Este o melodie superba

Dar, din cate stiu a aparut prin 1991....oricum, merita sa fie ascultata!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns piatra lunii spune:

Mie mi-a venit in cap o melodie cantata de Falco,unde la refren zice ceva de coming home,da' e mai veche,stiu ca o ascultam prin '93. E frumoasa,mie chiar imi placea tare.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns FLORYNA spune:

..da un search coming home lyrics o sa gasesti mai multe cintece....poate dai de el...bafta

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Garofitza spune:

Lia, sa stii ca si Brian Adams are si el un cantec cu aceleasi cuvinte. Mai tii minte filmul Robin Hood, cu Kevin Coster, parca acolo era si melodia despre care spun eu.


Sanatate, ca-i mai buna ca toate.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Yasmine spune:

Initial creeata de ruxij

Era in vara anuului 1988 cand am ascultat melodia asta de cateva ori. Este posibil sa fi fost mai veche, pe vremea aceea eu nu prea eram la curent cu muzica, nu aveam de unde sa fac rost, trebuia sa ma limitez la radioul romanesc, de aceea nu stiu prea multe despre melodie. De atunci sper sa o mai aud odata si nu am mai reusit sa dau de ea. Nu mai stiu nici cine o canta, nimic, doar ca era lenta. Stie cineva ceva despre asta? Unde o pot gasi sau macar cine o canta? Ia sa vedem dc. reusesc sa aflu ceva dupa 14 ani...

Multumesc mult.

Numai bine!


Daca titlul nu este coming home, ci Jeanie, este cantata de Falco, cel care a murit, suna cam asha ... coming home, let me tell you who I am, let me show you I´m your man, I would give anything to see Jeanie, again, ....


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Link direct catre acest raspuns Garofitza spune:

Initial creeata de ruxij

Era in vara anuului 1988 cand am ascultat melodia asta de cateva ori. Este posibil sa fi fost mai veche, pe vremea aceea eu nu prea eram la curent cu muzica, nu aveam de unde sa fac rost, trebuia sa ma limitez la radioul romanesc, de aceea nu stiu prea multe despre melodie. De atunci sper sa o mai aud odata si nu am mai reusit sa dau de ea. Nu mai stiu nici cine o canta, nimic, doar ca era lenta. Stie cineva ceva despre asta? Unde o pot gasi sau macar cine o canta? Ia sa vedem dc. reusesc sa aflu ceva dupa 14 ani...

Multumesc mult.

Numai bine!


Lia, s-ar putea ca Yasmine sa aiba dreptate!
Da un click pe linku' de sus, este de pe, poti sa asculti "song sample" - Jeanny.


Sanatate, ca-i mai buna ca toate.

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