Redoutistele fidele La Redoute France(147)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Laura Ioana spune:

Fetelor, care mai dati azi comanda, va recomand din suflet (pt sotzi/prieteni):" target="_blank">bluzonul asta. E super fain! Cred ca-i cel mai fain lucru luat de pe LR (in afara de jucarii).

Mama fericita de minune si frumusete de Thea Maria
Sarcina 2007
Nasterea minunii Thea Maria (3.01.2008), Botezul minunii Thea Maria

Atat sunt de mare

Am reusit sa ma intorc pe burtica - filmulete
Prima vacanta a Theei, Am 6 luni, Lacu Rosu si nu numai

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ana_gabriela spune:


Am un cos plin cu hainute pt cadourile de Craciun. Ziceti ca ar trebui sa ma grabesc sa dau azi comanda ? :(

A luat cineva asta: ? Cum este?

Vineri am primit comanda de pe 27.10. S-au miscat f repede. Nu am avut nimic special, in general produse recomandate de voi de care sunt multumita.

Am semnat si petitia.


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Link direct catre acest raspuns anne16 spune:

Eu am spus: Sa comandati astazi.
Am primit mail, aveam un bon d'achat si mi-au spus sa comand ca nu mai pot comanda.
Mai mult ce pot sa va spun

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lizzy spune:

in sfarsit a ajuns comanda din 23.10, foarte mare (peste 200euro, cos plin) sper sa fie intreaga, abia deseara ajung s-o iau de la posta...

era de asteptat sa sisteze livrarile. de acum incolo orice demers al nostru pentru respectarea drepturilor de a cumpara liber din spatiul UE este perfect indreptatit.

1 to go: comanda din 04.11

Semneaza" target="_blank">Petitia LA REDOUTE !!!

Marc 2 si Ianis 4 - Poze cu muschetari

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Link direct catre acest raspuns missdeutza spune:

Hellooo!!!! Astept si eu comanda de pe 27.10, vad ca deja au inceput sa apara...poate vine si la mine k am ceva emotii de data asta....
Arleena eu cunosc pe cineva din Romania care comanda de pe, numai ca taxa pe un singur produs e de 10 dolari , cam mult, mai ales ca dolaru a crescut acuma...Am incercat sa aflu cum... da nu am putut inca, cei care comanda nu dezvaluie nik k altfel nu le-ar mai merge lor mica afacere, oricum atata stiu ca se plateste prin paypall.
O zi buna tuturor!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ChrisDun spune:

Salve !

Mey, cum naiba sa te orienteze sa comanzi pe un site care nu este gata ?... site care are pagini intregi cu caractere ciudate !@##$%^&*(), pagini intregi netraduse sau traduse total aiurea (ca sa ma exprim elegant), pagini intregi lipsa comparativ cu site-ul francez ?! ... si ce PRETURI !!! Dumnezeule !

Ce nu isi dau romanii seama este ca taierea macaroanei de catre francezi o sa ne infurie si mai tare, deci vom si si mai virulente la adresa nenorocirii de site romanesc. Pe cand daca am fi avut acces in continuare pe am fi scormonit acolo dupa cadouri pentru sarbatori, si am fi acordat mai putina importanta site-ului odios. Dixit !

In alta ordine de idei, o prietena de-a mea a facut prima comanda pe pe 27 octombrie, si a primit-o vineri, 7 noiembrie. Inutil sa va spun ca a semnat si ea petitia, si ca nu va comanda niciodata de pe

Eu am 2 to go: 28 octombrie si 5 noiembrie, si nu mai am niciun ban pe card :(

Sa aveti o saptamana frumoasa !

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Link direct catre acest raspuns croco21 spune:

Off-topic: pt cei care vor sa comande pe eastbay, am incercat eu mai demult si nu s-a putut pe site, in schimb mi-au trimis un email cu procedura:


Thank you for ordering from our website.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept payment for orders which are billed
or shipped to addresses in Romania through the usual checking or credit
card channels. The order has been cancelled.

There is still another way we can get you the product you want.

Check the item availability (inventory status check) at Eastbay's homepage
to see if the item is in stock. If it is, your only option is Western
Union's Quick Pay. This is the quickest method of payment, as money is
electronically transferred to our company's Western Union account in US
Dollars. Once the payment is verified (usually within fifteen minutes),
we will apply the funds to your account. These funds will process within
48 hours, as an available credit on your account on business days.
Business days to not include weekends (Saturday or Sunday) or holidays.
After you have sent your money to us, please e-mail or fax with a note
indicating you have sent us money through Western Union.

After the funds are available and you are ready to place your order,
please check item and size availability on our site as this will be the
most current account of our available products. The inventory status on
our items changes by the minute. Orders will not be held if an item is
not available. We cannot guarantee product availability for shipment.
You will be notified with the shipment confirmation you will receive via
e-mail on what items are available at the time of shipment.

You will also need to include your shipping costs in your order total when
placing your Western Union Quick Pay Order. Shipping fees vary depending
on the country being shipped to. Please see the Shipping Information
section of our site for specific shipping fees. Please be aware these
fees do not include any additional customs fees that may be charged by
your local customs office. We have no control or knowledge of these
costs. Please consult them for more information.

Please also put your customer ID number on your order. If you don't have
a customer number, please contact customer service to have an account set
up and to receive a customer number.

Quick Pay allows you to make cash payments in your local currency.
Consult your telephone directory under Money Transfer for the nearest
Western Union location, or check for your closest Western Union location
using their website at When you arrive at the
Western Union location, be sure to:

1. ask for and fill out the BLUE Quick Pay form
2. EB, WI as the Locale/Code City
3. write 0000000 in the Account Number field. (7 zeros.)
4. if a contact name is needed please use Jennifer Charles.

Quick Pay fees vary from country to country, but are generally around $15
US Dollars for amounts up to $3,000.

Any money left over due to unavailable items will be credited to your
account for your next purchase.

Please send your order via e-mail or fax to:

E-mail Address:
Fax Number: 1.715.261.9550

Mie mi s-a parut complicat si n-am incercat.

Vacanta 2008

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Link direct catre acest raspuns diotima spune:

Eu stiu de la var-miu ca se poate comanda pe eastbay din Romania...el si-a luat o gramada, si fara intermediari.


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Link direct catre acest raspuns claujro spune:

aaaaaaaaaaa immediatly nu inseamna azi Tot nu au dat o data concreta.

mada, si eu am pierdut cardul si am facut unul nou. A trebuit s afac si cont nou pt ca deja folosisem 2 pe contul vechi.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns luny spune:

fetelor, aveti vreun cod fdp 0, sau vreun cadou ceva? merge nimic din ce mi-au trimis pe mail!!

LUNY, mami de bebe MATEI CRISTIAN - Mufarina Pufarina!(16 martie 2008)

Life is to precious to worry about stupid Shit!

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