Palin versus Obama - a star is born (2)
Raspunsuri - Pagina 37

Ramona J spune:
In privinta asta cu research McCain nu e Bush.
Sa nu va inchipuiti ca Obama va cheltui nu stiu citi bani pentru programele lui de vis, pur si simplu nu sint bani.
Andrada, tare mai esti in "awe". Asta cu tax break pentru oil companies e o gluma, nu? Asa cum Obama minte despre toate minunatiile pe care le va face, tot asa cred ca si McCain va mari taxele (mai ales ca in alte vremuri gindea la fel). Si-l mai aminteste cineva pe Bush Sr. cu "read my lips"?
Eu incerc sa ma uit dincolo de promisiunile electorale, la cine sint de fapt oamenii astia.
Habar n-am cine-i Obama si nu-mi place ce se intrezareste.
McCain n-ar fi favoritul meu, da nu e Bush - asta-i clar.
Vesti triste despre Hillary, dar pe undeva nu ma mir ca nu mai vrea sa "run" si alta data. O sa plingem si dupa ea cum il regretam pe Gore.

Ramona J spune:
Pai am vazut pe link-ul pus de Blackpanterro ca nu-i interesata. Vrea sa ramina senator de NY si atit.
Eu o vreau presedinte.

caro spune:
mi-e lene sa traduc, da' m-a distrat tare de tot
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old Texas rancher who caught his hand in a gate while working with cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually, the topic got around to Sarah Palin and her bid to be a heartbeat away from being President.
The old rancher said, "Well, ya know, Palin is a post turtle."
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was.
The old rancher said, "When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle."
The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain:
"You know she didn't get up there by herself, she doesn't belong up there, she doesn't know what to do while she is up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put her up there to begin with."

Oana_B spune:
Oana_B" target="_blank">vesnica aspiranta
I love pink!

Andrada spune:
loool Caro.
Ma intreb daca stilpul ala e destul de inalt sa vada Rusia,
A" target="_blank">Camera lui Marcu

Aprilie spune:
Tocmai am citit subiectul nou "Moartea unei Miss Romania".
Jos, la comentarii am gasit ceva interesant :
"Sadly, idiot liberals in America want to emulate socailized health care like this in the UK and other places in Europe. For some reason they think dumbing down care is better than the good system they have now.
I always hear from friends in the UK how deplorable the health care system has become there. Not to mention the numbers of people who get sick and die after being admitted from hospital borne superbug viruses and staph infections. The UK is a great country but your crime, bad healthcare and ridiculous cost of living is why so many britons are leaving and not coming back.
We have better healthcare in our former communist country than you do. Not making fun, just a point. It is sad, truly."
- Michael, Prague, Czech Republic, 15/10/2008 16:35
" My mother suffered a stroke sometime during the day, after being admitted to hospital for a fall. It wasn't until we visited her the following day, that we noticed she was slurring her speech, unable to move her hand and it was obvious, even to a layman, that she had some kind of problem. She had been seen by two doctors and several nurses up to and including Sister status - not one noticed it. The other patients in the bed around hers stated they thought it had occurred during the previous afternoon, when my mother had been groaning and slumped down in the bed. It took over an hour for someone to attend her, despite repeated calls by other patients, all they did was prop her up in bed and leave her (probably hoping she'd die and they wouldn't have to nurse her). The on-duty Doctor, just passed by her bed, commented she was asleep and didn't even examine her."
- andrea, buckingham, 15/10/2008 16:33
"Socialized medicine at it's best. This is what the US will have to look forward to if the liberals get their way."
- Ken, New York, NY USA, 15/10/2008 16:20
Asta ma pune pe ginduri...Pe voi nu ?

analuz spune:
Nu. Cei care au scris comentariile nu au habar de cum functioneaza sistemul de sanatate din state. Iar alternative sunt destule, nu neaparat un sistem ca in regat, poti sa te informezi de cum functioneaza sistemul de sanatate in Franta sau in Italia, cotate printre cele mai bune din lume. Rezumate foarte interesante despre fiecare sistem aici:
In principiu, sistemul din SUA nu va ajunge complet sub tutela guvernului pentru ca este deja organizat in jurul unui sistem privat. Se poate interveni la partea de asigurari, fara a se interveni neaparat la partea de furnizare a serviciilor.
Iar in plus, probleme de genul celor din articol sunt destule si in state. Greseli peste greseli, incercari de a le musamaliza datorita sistemului de malpractice iesit de sub control, etc...
Nu ma starni la subiectul acesta pentru ca nu mai scapi de mine :).

Andrada spune:
Anglia are asigurari de stat si private (cam acelasi procent ca si in US au asigurari private). Cele de stat sint mai proaste fireste decit celelalte dar exista. Asigurarile generale de sanatate se vor adauga in America la cele private si nu le vor inlocui.
Iar Anglia desi are un sistem de asigurari in criza are toti indicatorii de sanatate cu mult superiori americii (malpractice, speranta de viata, etc).
Cind vorbim de un sistem de sanatate nu ne luam dupa parerea lui Michael din Praga, trebuie sa citim expertii in materie si sa vedem intregul,
A" target="_blank">Camera lui Marcu

monabella spune:
aseara m-am uitat la Choice2008 pe PBS. OK m-am lamurit ca McCain nu e Bush. Cica la un moment dat a cochetat cu ideea de a trece la democrati si kerry si altii si-au pierdut mult timp cu el sa-i explice ce si cum. Singurul lucru care l-a facut sa nu schimbe partidele a fost ca s-a gindit ca in 2008 are sansa sa candideze la alegeri. si tot din aceasta cauza in ultimii ani s-a apropiat de bush l-a aprobat in totul incercind cumva sa devina 'succesorul" lui pe linie de partid.
Obama are o istorie foarte interesanta. oricum tot cu el votez :=)