Ceva frumos...despre copii
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

MissParker spune:
Minunate citate
29+ mami under construction pentru
- David
Poze cu noi si vacantele noastre

Germina spune:
" Capul copilului nu este un vas pe care sa-l umpli, ci o faclie pe care s-o aprinzi astfel īncāt mai tārziu sa lumineze cu lumina; proprie " Plutarh
Povestea nasterii printului
Povestea nasterii printului 2 (praslea)
Poze cu noi

kid spune:
Copiii incep prin a-si iubi parintii; pe masura ce cresc incep sa-i judece; iar uneori ajung sa-i ierte. (Oscar Wilde)
Copiii sunt cea mai mare bogatie a lumii si cea mai buna speranta pentru viitor.(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)
Teodora Ana de
Mihail Vladimir(15.05.2007)
www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=3d7f6050076153b58e971e" target="_blank">Capsunele minunate de mai-iunie 2007
www.helpsonia.com/" target="_blank">Ajutati-o pe Sonia

carla2005 spune:
Foarte frumos!
www.desprecopii.com/POZECONCURS/folderview.asp?folder=Clipe%20de%20viata%202007&page=35" target="_blank">POZA CONCURS - "primiipasi1"

anca_27 spune:
Am cateva-n engleza pt cunoscatori
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life`s longing for itself.
They came through you, but not from you
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you
Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
It should be noted that children at play are not playing about; their games should be seen as their most serious-minded activity.
Montaigne, Essais
Having one child makes you a parent; having two you are a referee.
David Frost, Independent
Literature is mostly about having sex and not much about having children. Life is the other way round.
David Lodge
There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.
Graham Green, The power and the glory
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in. (L. Cohen)

Alinutzaa spune:
Minunate. M-au pus pe ganduri.
Alina, mamica de Tudor (05.08.2007)
Un pici pe nume Tudor

amyarabella spune:
Mami Amy & bebe Stefan(15.12.2005 ora 11:35)

Ontica Camelia spune:
Cine are..."ochi", sa...citeasca.
Foarte frumoase si adevarate citatele!
Noi participam la www.desprecopii.com/POZECONCURS/folderview.asp?bid=2&folder=Clipe de viata 2007" target="_blank">concurs cu poza "2fetecucuiete". Voi ?
poze si www.dropshots.com/day.php?userid=173213&cdate=20070416" target="_blank">filme cu noi
tot noi
Camelia cu Alexandra -Elena (27 feb 2004) & Tedora Lucia
(5 aug 2007)
www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEL5RoD_xZc&NR=1" target="_blank">Tudor Gheorghe - Dorul calator