cumparaturi din Canada

Merg in Canada, stau in Toronto
si as avea nevoie de cateva recomandari de la cunoscatori.
Ce ma sfatuiti sa cumpar din Canada?
La ce produse sunt preturile mai bune?
De exp lucruri pt copii, camera foto, cafea etc
Va multumesc.
PS. si ceva de vizitat, Niagara etc

petra spune:
Despre cumparaturi nu stiu ce sa-ti zic!
Dar neaparat sa te duci sa vezi Niagara. Si mai ceva nu te zgarcesti si cumpara-ti bilete la turul de aprox. 4 ore cu autocarul, care formeaza grupuri mici si te duce un ghid mai peste tot unde este interesant de vazut pe acolo. Sa mergi cu barca (Niagara MIst) care te duce pana in fata cascadei. Este super. Poti sa mergi si tu personal la fiecare dintre atractiile acestea dar se pierde mai mult timp si nu gasesti parcare chiar unde vrei. Noi fiind un grup in cateva locuri am avut linii separate de intare. In general aceste tururi le gasesti la receptia oricarui hotel. Noi am fost foarte multumiti pentru ca la finalul a 4ore si jumatate am vazut tot ce era de vazut pe acolo, ma refer la punctele de stractie turistica!

XIO spune:
Neaparat sa mergi a Liquidation world si Winners unde gasesti multe lucruri faine.
DIn Zellers si K-mart poti lua aparate foto , camere de filmat f. ieftine daca ai noroc si prinzi reduceri.
In mall la fel , la reduceri ......rai

Lemoni spune:
Nici eu nu stiu ce sa te sfatuiesc sa cumperi, pt ca nu stiu marfa pe care o ai tu in japonia si nici preturile.oricum poti sa fi destul de dezamagita marfa asta in Canada e cam ca la tara!
Toronto's waterfront - one of North America's largest recreational waterfronts - provides a scenic backdrop for many popular and entertaining attractions including Harbourfront, Ontario Place, Rogers Centre, the CN Tower, and the Toronto Islands. It's also the setting of many big events including the Celebrate Toronto Street Festival, Caribana, the Toronto International Film Festival, the Canadian National Exhibition and WinterCity.
Downtown Toronto offers museums and art galleries galore including The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) , Canada's largest museum and one of the top 10 in the world; the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), Canada's oldest art gallery and home to more than 15,000 paintings; and the Ontario Science Centre, which entertains and educates 800,000 visitors a year.
At the northeast end of the city, Canada's largest zoo, the Toronto Zoo, features more than 5,000 animals in their natural environment. Just north of the City, Canada's largest theme park, Paramount Canada's Wonderland, features more than 160 attractions and 50 rides in a thrilling environment.
Day or night - always something going on!
Air Canada Centre
Air Canada Centre is a state-of-the-art arena that is home to the Toronto Raptors of the National Basketball Association and the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League.
Rogers Centre (formerly Skydome)
Famous for its retractable roof, the Rogers Centre is home to the Toronto Argonauts football team and the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team, 1992 and 1993 World Series Champions.
CN Tower
Recently nominated one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, the CN Tower features glass floor observation decks, a revolving restaurant, and a Simulator Theatre. It is Toronto's most recognizable landmark and as such, it receives almost two million visitors annually.
Canadian National Exhibition
For the past 120 years, the 18-day Canadian National Exhibition, which runs from mid-August until Labour Day weekend, has traditionally signified the end of summer to two million visitors from across Canada and throughout the world. The "Ex", as it is better known, is the largest annual exhibition of its kind anywhere.
Situated on the shores of Lake Ontario, the Ex is a 350-acre carnival of entertainment, rides, buildings, sports and agriculture. It is also the site of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair held each November.
Ontario Science Centre
The Ontario Science Centre offers interactive and multi-media exhibits with live demonstrations and exhibits on topics that include sports, space, the environment and the information highway. The Science Centre entertains and educates more than 800,000 visitors each year.
The Toronto Zoo
Divided into geographic regions, the zoo's 710 acres feature more than 5,000 animals in their natural environments. Its new Africa Savanna exhibit includes a 32-acre walking safari through the wild lands of East Africa.
Paramount Canada's Wonderland
Canada's largest theme park was built in 1980 on 300 acres of land just north of Toronto. It features more than 180 attractions and 50 thrilling rides, including Canada's only suspended roller coaster and the largest outdoor wave pool in the country.
Ontario Place
A 96-acre modernistic culture, leisure and entertainment parkland complex built on three human-made islands over the lake, Ontario Place features restaurants, a children's village, an outdoor amphitheatre, a water play area, mini-golf, the Rush River Raft Ride and many other attractions. The highlight of Ontario Place is the Cinesphere - a six-story curved screen capable of showing not only regular 35 and 70 millimetre films, but IMAX films as well.
Like most big cities with a water's edge, Toronto's downtown waterfront has gradually been transformed into a lakeside people place. The heart of this revitalization is the award-winning Harbourfront Centre - the site of art galleries, theatres, craft boutiques restaurants, offices, hotels and marinas fronted by a waterside promenade.
Harbourfront Centre attracts approximately 3.5 million visitors every year.
Toronto islands
Only a 10-minute ferry ride from the foot of Yonge Street, the Toronto islands offer a panoramic view of the city skyline. Centre Island offers miles of parkland with beaches, barbecues and picnic tables, boat rentals, bicycle paths, a children's farm and even an amusement park.
Depinde si in ce perioada vi aici , cam astea sunt toate atractiile din Toronto.Te asteptam.

susur spune:
Nu ai ce cumpara de aici inafara de suveniruri .Probabil daca n-ai fost niciodata pe aici o sa ai un soc ( cum am avut eu la inceput),lumea nu pune pret pe haine si nu are fitze se asorteaza cu verde la rosu si pun sosete in pantofi cu toc.Daca ma vezi pe mine zici ca-s copilul strazii .Sunt alte valori si alte preocupari decat in Ro de exemplu ca de alte tari nu stiu .O sa vezi tu la fata locului ce sa cumperi si ce nu.

XIO spune:
Ei , n-are ce cumpara pardon!
Da , lumea nu se aorteaza si nu se imbraca asa ca in Eurpa , dar haine si pantofi sunt.
Sunt destule magazine de unde poti cumpara haine f. faine , la accesorii nu mai spun.

susur spune:
Bineinteles ca daca vrea sa cumpere poate cumpara orice..oricum postarea innitiala e ambigua, nu stim la ce se refera "cumparaturi" si ce asteptari are : preturi mai bune , calitate etc.