rasturnare de situatie in cazul Maddie

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Cristina_C spune:

Detectivii portughezi, ferm convinsi de moartea lui Madeleine, cred ca a fost aruncata in apa:

"Investigators believe that her body was likely dumped in a bag weighed down with stones, and then thrown off a British-owned yacht at high sea."

"Within this scenario, one of the most credible possibilties would involve the body having been thrown in a sack of stones at high sea from a yacht, namely the yacht of an English sailor in Lagos marina who was put under investigation by the authorities around the time official suspect Robert Murat's computers were being analysed."

Dar, fara cadavru, in ciuda probelor pe care le au, nu pot demonstra nimic: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article2454101.ece

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Andrada spune:

The Algarve is hilly, but traversed with rich valleys. Its highest point is the mountain range of Monchique, with a maximum altitude of 906m (Peak of the Fóia).

It is composed of 5,412 square kilometres with approximately 410,000 permanent inhabitants (density of 76 inhabitants per square kilometre). This figure increases to over a million people at the height of summer due to an influx of tourists
The Algarve is a popular destination for tourism, primarily because of its beaches, Mediterranean climate, safety and relatively low costs.

Tourism related activities are extensive and made the bulk of Algarve's economy.

Tourism and immigration in the Algarve
In the 1960s the Algarve became a very popular destination for tourists, mainly from Britain. It has since become a common destination for the Germans and the Dutch. Many of these tourists own their own property in the region. There are Algarve-based English-written publications and newspapers specifically addressed to this community. In addition to the natural beauties and plenty of beaches, the Algarve has invested in the creation of a network of golf courses. Well-known beaches in the Algarve range from Praia da Luz to Armação de Pêra. A well known spa town is Caldas de Monchique.

Algarve's mild climate attracts interest from Northern Europeans wishing to have a holiday home or residence on the region. Being a region of Portugal, and therefore in the European Union, any EU citizen have the right to freely buy property and reside with little formality in the Algarve.[1] British expatriates, followed by German, Dutch and Scandinavians, are among the largest groups wishing to own a home in this Portugal's sunny region.

Tourism plays an important role in the economy of the Algarve region. A large number of seasonal job opportunities are tourism-related and are fulfilled by thousands of immigrant workers arrived from countries like Brazil, Ukraine and Cape Verde, among others.

In March 2007, the Minister of Economy, Manuel Pinho, announced the creation of the "Allgarve" brand, as a part of a strategical promotion of Algarve as a tourism destination for foreign citizens

No amu e usor de inteles ca daca Mama nu a omorit-o pe Madde s-a dus dracu "Allgarve" brand,


www.desprecopii.com/chatnew/Desprecopiichat/PaginapersonalaView.asp?nickname=Andrada" target="_blank">Camera lui Marcu

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Andrada spune:

In Guardian e cea mai buna analiza a cazului actual:

The Lindbergh kidnap is a lesson for the McCanns - and the media

To read the diaries of Anne Morrow Lindbergh is to be taken to the heart of parental anguish

Ian Jack
Saturday September 15, 2007
The Guardian

Madeleine McCann has been missing for 135 days; Charles Augustus Lindbergh was missing for 72. This week readers of the Daily Express were invited to respond to the question "Were Madeleine's parents involved in her death?" by phoning or texting Yes or No (25p plus network operator rates - and "death", note, not disappearance). For the first time, the words "hyperactive" and "unruly" have been connected to the vanished child. Some papers report that her soft toy, Cuddle Cat, now in her mother's possession, is badly wanted by the Portuguese police. Others report that what the police need to see more of is Kate McCann's diary. Meanwhile Kate McCann and her husband, Gerry McCann, doctors and fellow suspects, are prospecting for a new public relations person, who may turn out to be a former editor of the News of the World.

A conventional view of the McCanns is that they are now being eaten by the tiger they tried to ride; the media like to manipulate rather than be manipulated, and the Portuguese police don't care to be mocked. But if they had behaved differently, what then? They would do well to study the Lindbergh case. Eight days after her 20-month-old son vanished, Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote in a private letter that there had been little in the way of new developments: "With this lull the papers, especially the tabs, bring out wild stories every hour and none of them true, as you know ... "

Mrs Lindbergh last saw her son about 7.30 on the night of March 1 1932. She and her Scottish nurse, Betty Gow, made sure that he was well tucked-up in his bed - he was recovering from a cold. They closed the window shutters, save the pair that couldn't be closed because they were warped. Colonel Charles Lindbergh, the great flyer, came home to the house in Hopewell, New Jersey, soon after. The couple had supper. At 10pm, Betty Gow went to check on the baby and discovered he wasn't there. It became, in the words of HL Mencken, "the biggest story since the Resurrection".

Whatever the McCanns achieved in publicity - the visit to the Pope, the wristbands, the words of David Beckham and Gordon Brown - was both prefigured and far exceeded by the Lindbergh baby. By midnight there were road blocks all across the state; the next day 100,000 police and volunteers were sweeping the countryside and 400 journalists had gathered in the Lindberghs' garden. Aircraft circled to take pictures. Presidents, prime ministers and the Prince of Wales extended their hope and sympathy. Al Capone offered his help from jail. Such was public vigilance that a car with New Jersey number plates was stopped 109 times on its way home from California.

"I think it is thrilling to have so many people moved by one thought," his mother wrote, but soon it became less thrilling, became exhausting and confusing. By mid-April, the Lindberghs had received 38,000 letters, which Mrs Lindbergh divided by content: Dreams 12,000, Sympathy 11,500, Suggestions 9,500, Cranks 5,000. Mrs Lindbergh wrote in her diary: "I have a sustained feeling - like a high note on an organ that has got stuck - inside me."

Her husband, unlike the McCanns, didn't seek this attention. He already knew, as the McCanns may now do, how newspapers behaved. By the courageous but essentially simple act of being the first pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic he'd become the world's hero. The press had made him famous but he despised its inaccuracies and inventions. Now that he was in charge of the hunt for his son (the police were in awe of him), newspapers began to feel that they were unfairly rejected. Unhelpfully, always seeking stories, the tabloids published ransom notes and details of Lindbergh's negotiations with the underworld figures that he felt sure would lead him to the kidnappers. He and his wife felt the publicity was risking their baby's life by scaring his captors. "I think such papers are really criminal outside of their inaccuracy," Mrs Lindbergh wrote. "The publicity makes it almost impossible for them to get the baby to us."

Those were the days when parents of vanished or dead children were not the prime suspects. The Depression had brought "kidnapping syndicates" to American cities. Nobody, at least publicly, suspected the Lindberghs had harmed their own child. In private, there were rumours. Lindbergh was well-known to be an irritating practical joker and a believer in "toughening up" his son; perhaps there had been an accident. As to Mrs Lindbergh, it would be observed today that the previous year she'd left her baby with her parents and servants while she went flying with her husband - for several months, adventurously, in the Arctic and Asia. Nothing was made of this then, or should be made now: to read her diaries, eventually published in 1973, is to be taken to the heart of parental anguish.

"January 30, 1933. Terrible night. 'Do you think about it much, Anne?' All the time - it never stops - I never meet it. It happens every night of my life. It did not happen and it happened. For I go over the possibilities of it not happening - so close, so narrow they are. So hard do I think about it that almost I make it unhappen ... and then always, like a bell tolling, like a clock striking, inevitable: 'It happened.' Then, at last, back to the only comfort - Death; we will all have it. In a century, between him and me it will be nothing. And then: He did not suffer, he did not know, a blow on the head. But I want to know - to know what he suffered - I want to see it, to feel it even."

Seven months earlier, on May 12 1932, a man got out of a truck four miles from the Lindbergh's house and went to urinate among some trees. There he discovered the body of Charles Augustus and a burlap sack. Gnawed off or eaten away, presumably by animals, were the left leg below the knee, both hands and most internal organs. The post-mortem concluded that death had occurred two or three months before, the result of a fractured skull. Until then, the Lindberghs had believed that reckless newspapers and bungling police were damaging their baby's chances of survival - may even have killed him. Now they faced the stark probability that nothing they could have done would have made any difference. Their baby had died that first night, either by falling to the ground when his taker was balanced on the ladder to the window with the warped shutters, or by a sharp blow with a hammer to the head. In 1936, Bruno Richard Hauptmann, a German immigrant living in the Bronx, was sent to the electric chair, refusing to confess.

The Lindbergh case sent a shudder through America, and led the American-Japanese furniture designer, Isamu Noguchi, to invent his Radio Nurse, now known to us as the baby monitor.

The Lindberghs went on to have five more children. Anne Morrow Lindbergh, as her diary suggests, was a good writer and turned it into a career. Too-bright optimism sickened her. Reading Virginia Woolf, she wrote in her diary: "Excited by The Waves [but] I hate those labored in-between descriptive passages of the sun's rays and birds cheeping, etc. When I see those italics coming at me, I rage."

Who knows what Kate McCann's diary will be like? This week, watching her assured exits and entrances on television, it was easy to imagine that she contained Mrs Lindbergh's "sustained feeling - like a high note on an organ that has got stuck"; a feeling sustained and quietly shrieking.

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'I'm thinking the unthinkable'

un articol despre indoieli.

Desprecopii.com - Asa se naste o mare iubire.
iubesc:www.supereva.ro Blog: http://mirelablog.supereva.ro/dblog/

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Link direct catre acest raspuns speed spune:

interesanta rasturnare de situatie in cazul tabloidelor britanice care pina acum sustineau din rasputeri cuplul...
la fel de interesant e si faptul ca parintii fetitei au relatii foarte sus puse,gordon brown si sotia acestuia sunt sustinatori ai campaniei "find madeleine", la fel ca si alte persoane importante din parlamentul britanic si din media. asa cum portughezilor le e teama sa nu-si compromita turismul asa si crema "politichiei" britanice se teme sa nu para stupida in eforturile sustinute de a absolvi parintii de orice vina-in special de vina de a-si lasa copiii nesupravegheati. sunt tot mai multe zvonuri ca parintii nu ar fi fost nicidecum intr-o "family holiday" ci mai degraba intr-o "swinging holiday"-ceea ce explica neglijenta,lasatul apartamentului deschis,refuzul de a apela la babysitter,neconcordanta dintre marturiile celor implicati etc. la fel se pare ca in urma analizei de dna din parul gasit in masina reiese ca micuta a fost sedata in mod repetat...
banuiesc ca adevarul se afla undeva la mijloc...pacat ca in acest mijloc s-a situat micuta maddie...

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Link direct catre acest raspuns louisea spune:

Pey e frumos Andrada? Ia baga si tu un rezumat de 2-3 randuri in limba astorlalti muritori

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Link direct catre acest raspuns desprecopii spune:

Am urmarit inca din primele zile cazul Maddie. Mai intai am ajuns pe site-ul Find Maddie http://www.findmadeleine.com/ si am ramas sub impresia ochilor ei atat de frumosi si deosebiti. Un ochi care parca plange ... ca un semn al unui destin napraznic.
Nu stiu de ce am inceput sa nu am incredere in parinti. Poate din momentul in care am auzit ca tocmai au fost la Papa de la Roma. Atunci am avut senzatia ca se incearca o turnura emotionala - ca publicitatatea atat de perfecta facuta cazului ascunde niste interese.
Acum citind prin ziarele engleze am si auzit ca inainte de se intalni cu papa - au fost la magazine - intr-o localitate langa Praia de Ruz - sa isi cumpere haine pentru intalnirea cu papa ... ce haine iti mai trebuie sa cumperi pentru intalnirea cu papa? Nu te primeste fara rochie de seara si frac? in cazul si situatie lor ... chiar era nevoie???
Acum aflu ca acea masina au inchiriat-o exact la acele 25 de zile ...ziua in care se presupune ca ar fi mutat cadavrul pentru ca urmau investigari mai amanuntite ale politiei ...in jurul si in apartamentul lor...
Si tot aceasta e masina in case se spune ca exista niste urme de ADn ...ale lui Maddie.
Si apoi - de ce a spalat mama ei jucarioara cu care mergea MAddie la somn. Ce sa spleli? Mirosul copilului tau? Singurul lucru care iti poate alina sufletul?

Este foarte trista disparitia unui copil. Este sfasietor de fapt, dar atat de multi copii dispar in Europa si nu se aude nimic de ei... nu se merge la PApa, nu da bani Beckham sau alti cantareti de rock...

In Romania sunt asa de multi copii disparuti ... si doar Jurnalul National a avut o initiativa de ajutor ...au facut acest site Copii disparuti http://copiidisparuti.jurnalul.ro/
Ceea care are initiativa pentru acest site - este chiar o prietena a acestui site - ziarista Adriana Popescu.

Sper ca macar vinovatii, cine or fi ei sa nu ramana nepedepsiti. IAr, daca sunt chiar parintii... e si mai trist.

Si nu cred ca englezii vor boicota Algarve - indiferent care va fi verdictul ... pentru ca Algarve este o zona atat de frumoasa... dar si pentru ca au inceput sa aiba si ei dubii si intrebari ... la urma urmei - un copil nevinovat a disparut de pe aceasta lume.

Desprecopii.com - Asa se naste o mare iubire.
iubesc:www.supereva.ro Blog: http://mirelablog.supereva.ro/dblog/

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Link direct catre acest raspuns desprecopii spune:

am citit acest paragraf

Sniffer dogs brought over by British police detected a smell of death on GP Kate’s blouse and jeans. But she had been present at the deaths of six patients shortly before flying to Portugal. The same odour was found on Maddie’s soft toy Cuddle Cat. Kate said she had taken the toy to work.

sursa http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2005320001-2007420676,00.html

?????? adica animalutul lui Maddie - il lua maica-sa la servici (la morga) unde consulta cadavre???? si statea cu aceleasi haine???? oh God!....

daca puteti sa credeti asa ceva .... :((((

Desprecopii.com - Asa se naste o mare iubire.
iubesc:www.supereva.ro Blog: http://mirelablog.supereva.ro/dblog/

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Witchie spune:

The Sun este o mizerie de ziar, Mirela. Un fel de Atac, dar mult mult mai rau.

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Link direct catre acest raspuns desprecopii spune:

dar acelasi lucru il spune si http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/news/tm_headline=maddie-mccann-file-what-judge-will-examine&method=full&objectid=19777416&siteid=66633-name_page.html

Desprecopii.com - Asa se naste o mare iubire.
iubesc:www.supereva.ro Blog: http://mirelablog.supereva.ro/dblog/

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