Kiss FM sau Europa FM?
If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you it`s yours. If it doesn`t, it never was
Da, mergatori = papucei comozi, moi, cu talpa joasa :)
Europa FM
Mancare traditionala sau specialitati de peste hotare...?
Dora, mami de Ami
I'm the best, so "beep" the rest!
Amelia mea
traditionala - turceasca si fara carne, dc se poate
Eu sunt tataroaica si d`aia mancarea turceasca e traditionala pt mine
Balsam de par normal sau leave-in?
If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you it`s yours. If it doesn`t, it never was
normal...dar daca se poate e bine si unul si celalalt
prajitura cu fructe sau cu cioco?
Cu fructe!
Kupilu: nani singur sau cu mami?
Dora, mami de Ami
I'm the best, so "beep" the rest!
Amelia mea
MSN Messenger sau Yahoo Messenger?
If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you it`s yours. If it doesn`t, it never was
baietel (TOTI, daca s`ar putea!)
facultate sau colegiu?
If you love something let it go. If it comes back to you it`s yours. If it doesn`t, it never was