De ce ingrijesc americanii bebelusii abandonati?

Oricit de mult ar dori sa picteze in roz actualul guvern situatia
protectiei copiilor institutionalizati in Romania, problema
fundamentala a acestor copii ramine nerezolvata, si anume, sansa ca
ei sa aibe o mama si un tata. Neavind de ales, pentru multi din
acesti bebelusi abandonati, protectia lor de catre guvern se traduce
in final intr-o condamnare la viata in orfelinat.
Mai jos redau un articol despre experienta recenta a unor studenti
americani intr-un program medical la Spitalul "Alfred Rusescu" in
Bucuresti, unde se afla citeva sute de bebelusi abandonati.
De ce ingrijesc totusi americanii bebelusii din spitalele romanesti,
cind Romania se declara deja campioana in protectia copiilor?
Motivul, aflam din articol, este ca nu exista suficiente persoane sa
aibe grija de bebelusii abandonati din spital. De
ce nu sunt resurse suficiente? Aici pot sa raspunda oficialii romani.
Florin Rapan
Making a difference in the world, one orphan at a time
Students spend spring break in Romania
By Paysha Stockton, Globe Correspondent | April 3, 2005
DEDHAM -- By the time they left Romania, each student had a favorite
baby. There was adorable Elena; Florin, nicknamed the ''Gerber Baby";
and ''Princess," the orphan girl with no known name. And there was
Isak, cute as a little turtle.
''I'm just obsessed with him," said 17-year-old Noble & Greenough
School senior Molly Valle, cooing over digital photographs of Isak on
a white iBook laptop. She wanted to take him home in her suitcase,
she said. ''He's so cute."
Valle, of Dedham, was one of five Noble & Greenough students who
spent their spring break taking care of orphaned and sickly children
in a Bucharest hospital.
The Dedham school has sent students, five or six at a time, to
volunteer with the Romanian Children's Relief foundation for the past
six years, a project that grew from dean of faculty Sandi MacQuinn's
personal connection to Romania, where she studied as a Fulbright
Scholar. A group from the Rivers School in Weston makes the trip
every year as well.
The Noble students, who stayed with host families during the 11-day
trip, spent about 10 hours a day at the Alfred Rusescu Hospital, a
pediatric facility and home to about 30 orphan babies who normally
get very little attention. For teenagers accustomed to private school
and American luxuries, it was an eye-opening experience, they said.
''There's a difference between when people tell you statistics about
the rest of the world, and going there and seeing them," said Becky
Barbrow, 17, of Needham. ''Sometimes it makes me feel guilty about
the way I live."
The hospital was drab and muggy, the students said. Everything was
painted a sterile white. ''I was kind of surprised," said 16-year-old
Julia Hickey of Dover, whose father is a doctor at Children's
Hospital in Boston. ''It didn't even look like a hospital, in our
modern conception."
The nursing staff and Romanian volunteers were dedicated and loving,
but there just weren't enough people to give individual care to the
several hundred children at the hospital, the students said.
The orphan babies, sticky and often wet, spend their days in cribs
with sides like chain-link fences. Some were sick, but many lived at
the hospital because they had no other home. Neglected and bored,
these infants seemed emotionally dead: They neither cried nor smiled,
the students said.
''Some of them didn't have any facial expressions," said Matthew
Mitchell, an 18-year-old from Tariffville, Conn. But eventually, with
coaxing, ''they got to smile," he said.
Crying is a good sign: It shows the babies know the difference
between being held and being alone, said MacQuinn, who chaperoned the
students, along with athletic director Bob Moore and Joyce Eldridge,
the school's communications director.
Some babies cried all day, remembered Hambisa Goso, 17, of Boston. It
was sad, he said. ''They cry and cry, and nobody's going to come to
them. They cry when you leave."
The students' work was not complex: The babies simply needed
attention. So they held, fed, and bathed them, talked to them, and
gave them lots of love. The relief organization had decorated two
colorful rooms at the hospital, where students and babies played with
teething toys, mobiles, and plastic ring sets.
Before leaving Dedham, the students raised money to buy more toys for
the infants. Dr. Paul Hickey, Julia's father, also secured $6,000
worth of donated medical equipment and supplies, from Tylenol to IV
equipment, for the babies.
The students toted the stuff to the hospital in eight 70-pound duffel
bags, Eldridge said. ''The doctors were so beyond elated," she said.
By the time they left the hospital, it was the students who were
crying. Though they had cared for many babies, each had grown
particularly attached to at least one.
Barbrow loved 2-month-old Elena, who finally smiled at her on the
last day of the visit. The boys latched onto 5-month-old Florin, who
they thought looked just like the Gerber baby. Valle said she adored
7-month-old Isak for his easy smile and his large, turtle-like eyes.
''He couldn't even hold his head up, because he was so weak," she
said. ''No one played with him. The whole trip I would always think
about him. It was so hard to put him down."
Hickey's favorite was Princess. ''When we first started playing with
her, she didn't respond at all," she said. ''Eventually, Princess
started making eye contact and smiled. It was so bad when we had to
leave -- we were holding them and sobbing."
The boys were less teary, but equally affected. Goso said the trip
changed his life. ''This came as a shock to me," he said. ''I
couldn't believe people would leave their beautiful children at this
For Valle, the trip confirmed her dream -- to work with special needs
children, maybe as a nurse, and definitely in other countries. ''I
feel I could help so much more . . . in a country like Romania," she
Hickey also wants to pursue medicine. One female doctor at the
Romanian hospital was particularly inspiring, she said. ''Just seeing
what one person could do."
The teens learned another hard lesson in Romania: it is difficult to
help for a short time and then leave, but it can be done. They knew
some of the babies could end up being adopted, but others will go
into foster care or orphanages, Eldridge said. Some Noble students
from past batches have returned on subsequent trips; others have
returned to volunteer on their own. But for most, it is a one-time
For Moore, the athletic director, the visit reinforced the value of
small efforts. He had an infant son who lived for 19 days in a
hospital before dying, and he learned from nurses that small gestures
can make a profound difference in a short time, he said.
Working in Romania reminded him of the difference one person can make.
''Things aren't necessarily going to work out. But you do what you
can," he said.

qsar spune:
Lucrurile sunt in mod sigur mai complexe si mai nuantate. Cel putin asa se vede de-aici (din Romania, adica). Poate ca ar fi mai cinstit sa intrebam de ce nu fac romanii voluntariat, pentru ca, in fond, despre asta e vorba, nu? De ce nu se implica in mod activ organizatiile ne-guvernamentale si tot felul de comitete si comitzii care trambiteaza ca au drept scop protectia si ajutorarea copiilor aflati in dificultate. De ce intr-o tara majoritar ortodoxa, biserica nu are nici o contributie? Cu doar cateva exceptii notabile unde nu institutia bisericeasca ci unul-doi preoti au trecut la fapte. De ce 99% dintre absolventii de la sociologie, psihologie sau mai stiu eu ce facultati la mare moda vor sa lucreze musai in Piar si Hasher, in nici un caz in sistemul de protectie a copilului?
Parerea mea!
PS." target="_blank">Regulamentul forumului zice asa:
In consecinta, daca nu o traducere integrala, macar un rezumat al articolului postat de tine s-ar cam impune. Ce zici?
Q, moderator


Briantis spune:
Sincera sa fiu nu inteleg ce vrei sa spui cu subiectul asta.Cred ca sunt multi copii in spitale ,abandonati si de care nu se are grija asa cum trebuie .
Daca legea ar fi altfel probabil ar fi adoptati de la varsta foarte mica .Noi toti care scriem la acest forum o stim foarte bine .Toti ne-am dorit si unii ne mai dorim inca sa mai putem adopta .Poate in viitorul apropiat vom putea face cava sa modificam legea adoptiilor .Sa stii ca si romanii isi doresc sa ingrijeasca bebelusi abandonati .Daca sunt lasati sa o faca !


frapan spune:
OK, am luat nota de regulament forum, re. limba oficiala si ma conformez :))
Sunt total de acord cu ce spui re. implicare societate civila, biserici/culte in a ajuta pe acesti sarmani copilasi. Astept si alte comentarii re. nuante pe care eu poate nu le percep de aici de departe. Ma intereseaza foarte mult subiectul. Multzam celor ce vor scrie.
Eu sper ca toti acesti copii sa isi gaseasca o familie iubitoare, fie in Romania fie in alta tara. Si da, legea adoptiei este perfectibila, inclusiv pentru adoptiile interne, de care romanii din Romania, ca noi astia de peste mari si tari, doar sa visam mai putem.
Schimbarea va trebui sa vina in primul rind din partea societatii civile romanesti, din partea celor din Romania care se lovesc de greutati cind vor sa adopte. Sugestia mea este sa va contactati parlamentarii pe care i-ati votat si sa le cereti sa va reprezinte interesele...bine :))
Toate bune.
Mic rezumat din materialul din engleza postat anterior:
Povestea din engleza ne-o prezinta pe studenta din US, Molly Valle, de 17 ani care voluntariaza impreuna cu alti 5-6 tineri americani la spitalul romanesc, prin fundatia Romanian Children's Relief. Acest program de voluntariat de catre studentii americani se deruleaza deja de 7 ani. Proiectul a fost lansat de Sandi MacQuinn, decana la Noble & Greenough School din localitatea Dedham.
Acesti studenti care locuiesc la familii gazda in Bucuresti, voluntariaza 10 ore pe zi la spital, unde traiesc 30 bebelusi orfani. Stundetii americani remarca diferenta dintre conditiile din luxoase SUA, si cele precare din spitalul romanesc, care “nici macar nu arata a spital” in conceptia moderna Americana, spune Julia Hickey din Dover, al carui tata este doctor pediatru la un spital din SUA.
Bebelusii abandonati, lipiciosi si de multe ori uzi, isi petrec zilele in patuturi pentru copii cu pereti laterali asemanatori care seamana cu garduri de metal. Un student spune ca acesti copii neglijati, si plictisiti par morti din punct de vedere emotional: ei nici nu rid, nici nu pling.
Matthew Mitchell spune ca unii dintre ei “nu au nici o expresie faciala”.
Hambisa Goso, de 17 ani , din Boston spune ca unii copii pling toata ziua. “Ei pling, si iar pling, si nimeni nu va veni sa ii vada”.
Inainte sa se intoarca acasa, studentii au donat jucarii si aparate medicale in valoare de $6000.
La plecare, stundetii erau cei ce plingeau, pentru ca se atasasera de copii.
In final, se spune ca fiecare a facut cit a putut, dar ca au simtit cit de mult au putut sa ajute ca voluntari.


adrianangi spune:
Stimate domnule Florin Rapan,
"Jurnalul National" ( va publica saptamina viitoare un amplu serial documentar despre sirtuatia copiilor abandonati in maternitatile si spitalele de pediatrie din Romania. Conform unui studiu UNICEF, numarul lor se ridica la 9000/anual.
In spitalele prin care am fost, toti voluntarii erau fie din Sua, fie din Anglia sau Italia. Singurii romani pe care i-am intilnit erau angajati (cu bani) ai acestor organizatii umanitare.
Au americanii mai mult suflet decit noi ? Greu de spus. Ce au insa, cu siguranta: o alta educatie, spirit civic (noua nwe lipseste cu desavirsire), bani si timp pentru a-si arata bunatatea. Sejururile pe care le fac in Ro le platesc din buzunarele lor...
Si se bat sa vina aici! Noi stam la juma de km de aceste spitale, sau la juma de metru de paturile lor, cind suntem internate cu copiii nostri linga ei, si nu le putem oferi decit compatimire. Nici o secunda din timpul nostru pretios in plus...
Sper din tot sufletul ca generatiile care vin dupa noi vor avea puterea sa faca mai mult. Si sa ne judece, pentru putinul de care suntem noi in stare.


pumpkin spune:
Adrianangi, stiu ca tu ai fost de curand la Alfred Rusescu. Crezi ca se poate face ceva sa ii ajutam pe copiii abandonati de acolo? Eu stau aproape, la mai putin de jumatate de kilometru si as putea sa merg macar o data pe saptamana cateva ore sa stau cu ei, sa ma joc cu ei, sa ii tin in bratze....dar crezi ca e suficient? De ani de zile imi dau lacrimile cand trec pe langa o casa de copii si totdeauna mi-am dorit sa fac ceva...dar mi-e rusine ca n-am facut nimic niciodata...poate acum...


adrianangi spune:
Iti las numerele de telefon ale Fundatiei "INOCENTI", e cea care se ingrijeste de copiii din acest spital.
La "Alfred Rusescu" sunt 45 de copii abandonati...


Cricor spune:
Nu stiu daca peste tot e asa, dar in Canada voluntariatul e un mod de viata. Copii de mici sunt obisnuiti cu voluntariatul, pentru ca mama a facut voluntariat la scoala, in liceu trebuie sa aiba 40 ore de voluntariat pe an. Programele de voluntariat la care participi iti dau o sansa in plus ca sa fii acceptat la facultate. Batranii fac si ei voluntariat pentru ca au timp si vor sa se simta utili (asta e un paradox - nu-si cresc nepotii, dar fac voluntariat). Multi emigranti fac voluntariat in domeniile lor de activitate in speranta ca asa isi vor crea mult ravnita experienta canadiana sau sa exerseze limba engleza. Refugiatii se implica si ei in programe de voluntariat si folosesc asta ca pe un atu in procesele pe care le au pentru obtinerea unui statut stabil aici.
Bineinteles ca pe langa toti cei care au un mic interes (asta e binecunoscut si chiar subliniat in unele campanii de atragere de voluntari) in a face voluntariat exista si cei care o fac din simpla dorinta de a-i ajuta pe altii.
La ceremonia de primire a cetateniei canadiene, ni s-a tinut un discurs despre importanta voluntariatului, ca un mijloc de a rasplati societatea care ne-a acceptat.
Ajutati un OM sa traiasca


Rozi spune:
Multumesc, Adriana, pt ca m-ai ajutat sa aleg fundatia catre care sa indreptam, eu si sotul meu, cei 1% din impozitul pe venit. Sper sa fie doar inceputul. Am gasit datele necesare pe si am completat pe declaratie. Am citit si siteul american (, pe unde se recruteaza voluntari. M-a durut nitel sa citesc ceva cu "necesitatile lumii a 3-a", dar poate n-am inteles eu bine (e in engleza).
Pe site am vazut o poza alb-negru cu un baietel. Trist. Mi-au dat lacrimile, gandindu-ma ca poate asa ar fi aratat si Victoras al meu... care si el a fost internat la Alfred Rusescu. Micutz, bolnavior si singur... ca atitia alti copii...
Victoras (24.08.2004)
