cum fac glazura de ciocolata din cacao?

cum fac glazura de ciocolata din cacao? | Autor: msl1

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Stiu, ca cel mai usor ar fi sa topesc ciocolata si sa o torn pe deasupra pe prajitura, sau sa cumpar gata facuta;ciocolata nu am in casa acum; am incercat inainte gata facuta si...a fost super in sensul ca s-a intarit si f buna la gust dar cind m-am uitat la ingrediente...vreo 30 la numar...poate exagerez un pic, dar in orice caz f multe, deci m-a luat cu rau nu alta....

Mai demult cind faceam prajituri acasa la mama stiu ca se facea glazura din cacao si zahar cumva, dar nu mai stiu cum.
Aveti vreo reteta care sa iasa glazura buna, sa se intareasca, sa fie asa ca la cofetarie sau ma rog ca cea gata facuta?


Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns alintaroma spune:

Glazura 1 : - 6 linguri zahar
- 3 linguri apa
- 1 lingura mare cacao
- unt cat o nuca
glazura care se face in felul urmator: se amesteca zaharul cu cacaoa, se adauga apa si se lasa pe foc pana se leaga ca un sirop (5-7 minute). Se adauga apoi untul si se toarna deasupra prajiturii calde!

Glazura 2: Ganache Recipe:
8 ounces (227 grams) semisweet or bittersweet chocolate, cut into small pieces

3/4 cup (180 ml) heavy whipping cream

2 tablespoons (28 grams) unsalted butter

1 tablespoons cognac or brandy (optional)

To Cover a Torte or Cake: If the cake you are covering needs to be refrigerated, first chill the cake. (This will ensure that the ganache will not lose its shine when the cake is stored in the refrigerator.)

First, brush any loose crumbs from the cake. Using a cake spatula or knife, cover the sides and top of the cake with a thin layer of ganache. (This is called a crumb coat and seals in any cake crumbs so that your cake will have a smooth finish.) Refrigerate the cake for about 5 minutes or until the crumb coat has set. Then place the cake on a wire rack, and put the wire rack on top of a large baking sheet (to catch any excess ganache that drips from cake.) Then pour the ganache into the center of the cake. Working quickly, spread the ganache with a large metal spatula or knife, using big strokes to push the ganache over the sides of the cake. (This will create an even coating of ganache.) If there are any bare spots on the sides of the cake, cover with ganache. Let the ganache set before covering and storing the cake.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns isabela spune:

200 g zahar pudra, 2 linguri cacao, 2 linguri ulei, 4 linguri apa fierbinte.

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