Americancele gatesc - 10
Raspunsuri - Pagina 19
gotzilia spune:
Mamici din america,am o rugaminte : postati va rog retete de fursecuri americane....sunt inebunita dupa fursecurile lor,eu stiu doar 2 retete de'ale lor............multumesc si pupici
Ramona J spune:
Abia am mai gasit subiectul asta.
Am facut astazi niste paste potrivite pentru vara, au avut succes la toata familia si m-am gindit sa le trec aici:
Basil am avut proaspat, din gradina. N-am mai avul pine nuts, am folosit slivered almonds.
Prosciutto l-am facut in tigaie (fara ulei) si apoi am pus usturoiul. Uleiul l-am amestecat direct cu pastele. Am fost tentata sa pun niste cream cheese, dar am zis sa incerc reteta cit mai aproape de original. Yummy!
alintaroma spune:
Am rascolit tot forumul pina am dat de subiect
Lenesul mai mult alearga deh cautasem ca stiam ca am mai scris o data reteta de salata de fasole boabe dar nu m-au mai tinut nervii sa o caut in mai mult de 2 capitole, asa ca o mai scriu o data.
Cu dedicatie Corinei
Salata de fasole boabe
4 cups fasole boabe fiarta se amesteca cu 1 ceapa mare taiata cubulete si prajita in ulei pina devine translucida. Apoi adaugam 2 cups de crutoane, 1 cup de shreded cheese (mixed, chedar, ce doriti) usturoi pisat dupa gust, sare, piper si maioneza 2-3 tbs. Se amesteca si se mai adauga condimente dupa gust daca e nevoie.
Bon apetite!
alintaroma spune:
Reteta pentru Petra
White chocolate raspberry thumbprints
(about 3 dozen)
3/4 cup butter , softened
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs separated
1-1/4 cups flour
1/4 cup baking cocoa
1-1/4 cups finely chopped roasted pecans or walnuts
4 oz. white baking chocolate coarsely chopped
2 tbs butter
1/4 cup raspberry jam
In a small bowl cream the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg yolks. Combine flour and cocoa, gradually add to creamed mixture amd mix well. Cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
In a shallow bowl whisk egg whites until foamy. Place nuts in another shallow bowl. Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Dip in egg whites, then roll in nuts.
Using a wooden spoon handle make a indentation in center on each cookie. Place 1 inch apart on baking sheets. Bake at 350 F for 8-10 minutes. Remove to wire racks to cool.
Melt the chocolate and butter, stir until smooth. Spoon about 1/2 tsp into each cokie. Top each with about 1/4 tsp jam. Store in an airtight container.
philip spune:
corina, la mine secretul unei fasole gustoase sunt 2 ardei grasi (unul galben, unul rosu adaugati inainte sa pun sosul de rosii) si better than bouillon
daca nu le vrei de post. mie imi place cel de chicken. yum. si fac in doua variante, fie cu patrunjel verde tocat sau cu amestec de ierburi uscate (basil, oregano, thyme). sotului ii plac cele din urma mai mult.
vio, suna bine salata dar nu-i chiar light :)
alintaroma spune:
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citat din mesajul lui philip vio, suna bine salata dar nu-i chiar light :) Andreea |
Da nici nu am zis ca e light ci doar ca e buna
corinadana spune:
Multumesc fetele ! am notat!
Corina mama domnisoarei RALUCA si a bebelasei FRANCESCA
petra spune:
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citat din mesajul lui alintaroma Reteta pentru Petra White chocolate raspberry thumbprints (about 3 dozen) 3/4 cup butter , softened 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 eggs separated 1-1/4 cups flour 1/4 cup baking cocoa 1-1/4 cups finely chopped roasted pecans or walnuts Filling: 4 oz. white baking chocolate coarsely chopped 2 tbs butter 1/4 cup raspberry jam In a small bowl cream the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg yolks. Combine flour and cocoa, gradually add to creamed mixture amd mix well. Cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours. In a shallow bowl whisk egg whites until foamy. Place nuts in another shallow bowl. Shape dough into 1 inch balls. Dip in egg whites, then roll in nuts. Using a wooden spoon handle make a indentation in center on each cookie. Place 1 inch apart on baking sheets. Bake at 350 F for 8-10 minutes. Remove to wire racks to cool. Melt the chocolate and butter, stir until smooth. Spoon about 1/2 tsp into each cokie. Top each with about 1/4 tsp jam. Store in an airtight container. There's no elevator to success ... you have to take the stairs!!! |
Multumesc mult Alinta !
Deci, gemul de raspberry nu se pune la copt. se coc intai cookisurile, se pune ciocolata deasupra si apoi un mot de gem?! eu as incerca sa pun gemul si apoi sa pun ciocolata deasura !oricum cred ca sunt delicioase !