Ce parere ai despre vaccinul anti HPV?

Ce parere ai despre vaccinul anti HPV? | Autor: admin

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Pornind de la mai multe discutii despre acest vaccin
(ultimul aici: http://forum.desprecopii.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=142758)
am hotarat sa lansam un sondaj de opinie, mai ales ca subiectul este de mare actualitate.

Intrebarea este: ce parere aveti despre vaccinul anti HPV?

Intrebare sondaj:

Ce parere ai despre vaccinul anti HPV?

Pornind de la mai multe discutii despre acest vaccin
(ultimul aici: http://forum.desprecopii.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=142758)
am hotarat sa lansam un sondaj de opinie, mai ales ca subiectul este de mare actualitate.

Intrebarea este: ce parere aveti despre vaccinul anti HPV?

Alege respuns:

Nu stiu despre ce este vorba. Nu am auzit de HPV.
Stiu despre ce este vorba dar nu am nici o parere
Sunt impotriva acestui vaccin
Sunt pentru acest vaccin
Prefer sa mai astapt sa vad ce rezultate are
L-am facut deja copiilor mei
Urmeaza sa-l fac copiilor mei in urmatoarele luni
Nu ma intereseaza subiectul. Nu am copii de vaccinat.


Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns iulia_b spune:

Eu as mai adauga: cate persoane au facut vaccinul si-l recomanda altora si cate n-au facut dar il recomanda cu caldura. Dintre cele care n-au facut si-l recomanda cu caldura, motive: sunt gravida, am depasit varsta, sunt virgina, alaptez, sunt racita, n-am bani, sunt barbat si altele .

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns makydenis spune:

Pai raspunsul meu nu prea se incadreaza intre variante!!!
E foarte important ca exista vaccinul, dar nu cred ca rezolva toate problemele. Adica nu exclude variantele:
- control ginecologic si test PAP anual pentru femeile active sexual;
- informarea femeilor in ceea ce priveste cancerul de col uterin;
- si pentru ca e un virus cu transmitere in mare parte sexuala, vaccinarea nu scuteste "ma culc cu cine vreau ca si asa sunt vaccinata";
- si de ce nu educatia sexuala a copiilor.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns adrianapop spune:

de cand au aparut discutii si controverse despre acest vaccin am fost oarecum impotriva,,,,dar la ultimul control cu copii la pediatra in austria,,,am zis totusi sa mai cer o parere ,,,alta decat cele care le aud in romania...
Raspunsul pediatrei de acolo a fost:- e alegerea ta daca vrei sa il faci,poti sa il cumperi de la farmacie din austria fara reteta,,aici nu e obligatoriu, vaccineaza cine vrea copilul.
Nu m-a multumit si cum avem o relatie ff apropiata deja de 6 ani santem mai mult prieteni decat pacienti am rugat-o sa imi spuna parerea ei personala,,,eu avand ff mare incredere in gandirea si parerile ei,,si mi-a zis asa:
- sfatul meu prietenesc e sa mai astepti,nu se stie foarte bine ce urmari si ce efecte secundare pot sa apara in timp,,,e un vaccin scos rapid pe piata ptr a se imbogatii unele companii,iar despre efecte secundare nimeni nu zice nimic,,,,,
Asa ca asta mi-a intarit convingerea ca totul e o sursa de imbogatire rapida,,,Eu zic NU VACCINARII.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns mirelacam spune:

eu l-am facut, si nu am avut reacctii adverse si prietenele mele la fel

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns anaemi spune:

sunt impotriva.

Ana mamica lui Filip (06.03.2007) si a Anastasiei (03.08.2008)

Doamne ajuta !

Cand am ajuns in sfarsit la capatul rabdarii, s-a gasit unul sa mute capatul mai incolo.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns danielac spune:

astept sa vad ce fel de reactii va da...



Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns aquariusrpro spune:

citat din mesajul lui danielac

astept sa vad ce fel de reactii va da...

replica ta mi-a adus aminte de cererea cercetatorilor nemti de a vedea datele brute si dezlegarea misterului cum si de unde anume au scos cei de la MErck datele din studiul care a stat la baza proclamatiilor legate de eficienta vaccinului. Raspunsul Merck / Sanofi a fost "misto"

When asked for additional data, Sanofi-Pasteur MSD Germany replied: “Unpublished figures and tables are only available to the colleagues who were immediately involved in evaluating the results, that is to say, at the headquarters in the USA. We do not have this data, and we will not get it, either.

Mai pe romaneste .. na.. ca nu-i pentru voi si nici nu avem de gand sa le dam.

REstul textului ce contine pe scurt nelamuririle cercetatorilor germani:

Scientists in Germany call for a reassessment of the HPV vaccination and an end to misleading information

As of autumn 2006, adolescent girls and women in Germany can be vaccinated against human papilloma virus (HPV). Ever since then there have been intense discussions about possible side effects and the costs of the vaccines, as well as the partly misleading promotional information which is given out to the public. The question of how effective the vaccines really are is hardly ever asked. Yet this crucial issue of efficacy – i.e., to what degree the vaccine actually lowers the rate of new cervical cancer cases – has not been sufficiently evaluated, and is the object of misleading information. STIKO made its recommendations before the relevant studies were published

In March 2007 the “Ständige Impfkommission” (STIKO) [Standing Vaccination Committee]of the Robert Koch-Institute recommended the HPV vaccine for all girls aged 12-17 years to decrease the burden of disease due to cervical cancer. However, at the time the recommendation was made, the results of the decisive studies had not yet been published.

It was not until May 2007 that the most important studies on the Gardasil® vaccine, FUTURE I and FUTURE II, were published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). The central message of an editorial published in this journal more than one year later was: “The bad news is that the overall effect of the vaccines on cervical cancer remains unknown” (Haug 2008)1. The most important study on the second vaccine, Cervarix®, was published in June 2007. Cervarix® has not yet been approved in the USA.

What do studies and other documents say about the efficacy of the HPV vaccines? Cervical cancer is closely associated with HPV infection. Of the approximately 100 known strains of HPV, at least 13 can trigger cervical cancer. Strains 16 and 18, which are the target of these two vaccines, are assumed to be responsible for 70% of all cervical cancer cases. However, rather than assessing the effect of the vaccine against cervical cancer, the studies examined the incidence of high-grade cervical lesions (a potential precursor of cervical cancer) in 15-26 year-old women.

The vaccine did achieve a 98%2 decrease in the precancerous stages associated with HPV 16 or 18 in women who had not yet been infected with these two strains. This gave rise to much optimism, and it was widely proclaimed that the 70% of cervical cancer cases associated with HPV strains 16 and 18 could be almost completely prevented (thus achieving a decline in all cervical cancer cases of almost 70%). This assumption, however, has so far not been confirmed by studies.

In analyses which included all women enrolled, FUTURE I found a decline of 7.8%3 in the incidence of all high-grade cervical lesions (number extracted from EMEA [European Medicines Agency] 2008), and FUTURE II a decrease of 17%.4. These evaluations have not yet been considered by STIKO. Regarding the second vaccine, Cervarix®, STIKO based its recommendations exclusively on data on the prevention of persistent infections. Data regarding the efficacy of Cervarix® against precancerous stages or cancer were not yet

The efficacy of Gardasil®, which has been described as “modest”, was partially explained by the fact that some of the women examined had already been infected with HPV 16 or 18. It is well known that the vaccine does not work once women have been infected. Hence it was recommended that women should be vaccinated before they could be infected with HPV, i.e., before they become sexually active. STIKO, in its recommendation, set this age at 12-17 years. Data on the efficacy against early stages of cervical cancer, however, are only available for females aged 15-17 years, not for 12-14 year-olds.

To make up for this lack of data, the FUTURE studies conducted statistical analyses including only girls and women who tested negative for HPV 16 or 18 at the beginning of the study. This group was expected to approximate 12-year old girls. However, it remains unclear how Gardasil® affects the total number of high-grade cervical lesions in this group. Here, the only available data comes from a two-year follow-up of the FUTURE studies published by the FDA in 2006 which found an efficacy of 16.9%.5 The FUTURE II study gives an efficacy estimate of 27%.6 EMEA provides estimates of 37.9%7 for 2006 and 46.1%8 for 2008 for varying populations. However, in order to derive the figure of 46.1%, about half of the women enrolled were excluded post hoc.

When asked for additional data, Sanofi-Pasteur MSD Germany replied: “Unpublished figures and tables are only available to the colleagues who were immediately involved in evaluating the results, that is to say, at the headquarters in the USA. We do not have this data, and we will not get it, either.”

The STIKO recommendations for the HPV vaccine must be reassessed now. The STIKO recommendations made in March 2007 were not based on explicit data on efficacy. Instead, STIKO mentions that “lifelong immunity” was 92.5%9, apparently based on its own extrapolations. No explanation was given for how this number was arrived at, nor was
– or is – there any data on “lifelong” immunity. No study indicated an efficacy of this magnitude.

The STIKO recommendations must be reassessed immediately. STIKO should consider more recent study results and ask manufacturers for the missing data, which must then be included in a new evaluation. This evaluation should indicate clearly and precisely what efficacy STIKO expects of the vaccine, and what assumptions and data these expectations rest on. Adolescent girls and women must be informed adequately.

The results of the studies clearly contradict many overly optimistic pronouncements.Adolescent girls and women are entitled to be adequately informed. We strongly object to stirring up fear regarding the risk of cervical cancer and feelings of guilt by disseminating incorrrect information.

We demand that gaps in the data be discussed openly. Assertions that a vaccine reduces the risk of cervical cancer by 70% or even 98% should simply not be made at this point in time. Instead, data should be used which is supported by sound research and which gives all those involved an opportunity to make an informed choice.

Numele celor care au semnat documentul de mai sunt de gasit pe link. Din cate stiu pana acum ( este adevarat ca persoana care mi-a trimis documentu' nu a mai corespondat cu neamtu' de prin iunie), nici acum nu exista acces la datele lipsa si la minunatele metode prin care au ajuns la cifrele mult cantate.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns azra_m spune:

Am avut cancer de col uterin si as fi dat orice ca atunci cand aveam 14 ani sa fi fost vaccinata. Viata mea sexuala a inceput la 18 ani - cu sotul meu. Foarte ciudat totusi ca eu eram virgina si el era abia la a doua experienta. Si iata ca totusi el avea hpv si nestiind am reusit sa fac cancer pentru ca nu am fost educata de mica sa ma duc la doctor si nu am fost invatata ce inseamna o viata sexuala.
Credeti ca daca fetitele de 14 ani sunt vaccinate impotriva unei boli pe care au 80% sanse sa o capete, le desfranam sau le deschidem apetitul pentru o viata sexuala?

Pai voi va uitati la televizor? La lumea in care traim si care e plina de ingrediente sexuale?

Oameni buni, treziti-va si cititi mai mult. E usor sa tipam ca nu stim si ca vrem sa asteptam. Asteptarea pe mine m-a costat 4 ani din viata. 4 nai de chinuri. Si n-am avut decat un singur barbat in viata mea. Am prietene care au facut avorturi multiple, au avut mai mult de 3 barbati si totusi n-au trecut prin chinul prin care am trecut eu.

Chiar credeti ca fetitele noatre o sa fie ferite? Ca daca le casatorim repede virgine o sa fie lipsite de aceasta povara?

Si nu in ultimul rand, as vrea sa vad ca lumea nu este atat de idioata sa se ia dupa ce zice unul sau altul. As vrea sa vad ca va informati. ca cititi. ca vorbiti cu medici.

Eu m-am interesat si am aflat ca vaccinul asta a fost facut la milioane de femei in toata lumea si iata ca inca mai traiesc si chiar bine. Si m-am mai interesat si am aflat ca vaccinul este printre cele mai eficiente de pana acum. Poate ar trebui sa mai cititi inainte de a posta tot felul de comentarii fara sens.

SI mai intrebati-va doctorii sa aflati cate femei vin zilnic in cabinet cu HPV si cate din ele au sub 25 de ani. Eu am vazut cu ochii mei.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns gaba-rema spune:

citat din mesajul lui azra_m
Credeti ca daca fetitele de 14 ani sunt vaccinate impotriva unei boli pe care au 80% sanse sa o capete, le desfranam sau le deschidem apetitul pentru o viata sexuala?

Categoric nu.
Acele fete vor pricepe în mod sigur ca vaccinul anti HPV nu le apara de HIV, sifilis etc.


Chiar credeti ca fetitele noatre o sa fie ferite? Ca daca le casatorim repede virgine o sa fie lipsite de aceasta povara?

Categoric nu.
Partenerul le poate infecta, fie fiind deja purtator de HPV, fie calcând pe de laturi.
Plus ca fetele pot avea si ele ceva de zis... si parintii sa nu le poata "casatori repede virgine", doar pentru ca asa au decis ei.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns gadeamarc spune:

citat din mesajul lui makydenis

Pai raspunsul meu nu prea se incadreaza intre variante!!!
E foarte important ca exista vaccinul, dar nu cred ca rezolva toate problemele. Adica nu exclude variantele:
- control ginecologic si test PAP anual pentru femeile active sexual;
- informarea femeilor in ceea ce priveste cancerul de col uterin;
- si pentru ca e un virus cu transmitere in mare parte sexuala, vaccinarea nu scuteste "ma culc cu cine vreau ca si asa sunt vaccinata";
- si de ce nu educatia sexuala a copiilor.

un vaccin nu rezolva toate problemele, doar cea pentru care e facut. iar vaccinul anti-hpv nu este recomandat numai celor ce nu stiu variantele mentionate de tine, chiar daca sfaturile tale, absolut normale, nu sunt suficiente pentru a nu te infecta de hpv. una nu e exclude pe alta. simplu.


Mergi la inceput