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Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns xenocid spune:" target="_blank">Cucu? Bau!

Come to The Dark Side ... we have cookies!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns blackpanterro spune:

citat din mesajul lui xenocid" target="_blank">Cucu? Bau!

Come to The Dark Side ... we have cookies!

Asa! Le-a zis-o el boicotandu-i vreo 3 minute!!

Adriana si Aidan - 4 ani
A ticket to hell has never been funnier

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms be too short to scratch...AMEN"

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