Am aflat cu placuta surprindere ca Bucurestiul este inclus pe lista posibilelor orase gazda pentru evenimentul din 2011 cand se vor anunta cele 7 noi minuni ale lumii.
Orasul care va fi gazda se va decide in functie de voturile de pe internet pe site-ul
Edit: ca sa vedeti ce conditii trebuie sa indeplineasca viitorul oras gazda:
"Our choice of Official Host will be based on the following:
-the best and most spectacular location to showcase the biggest event in 2011
-a country and city with the political and strategic ambition to be at the centre of the world
-as with any other major event, standard license and contract terms and conditions
-the passion and interest of the people, the national decision-makers and the media.
So make sure you also contact your:
-political leaders and national decision-makers, so they get behind this
-main media, journalists, TV newspapers, so they support you
-friends and get them to visit this page and tell us about their choice as well!"
Cu aceiasi placuta surprindere am vazut ca Parcul National Retezat s-a calificat in semnifinala impreuna cu alte 76 de locuri din intreaga lume.
Ce frumos!!
Alina, mami de Ana Antonia (06 Dec 2007) si Luca nazdravanul
(14 Feb 2003)
Poze botez Ana 02.03.2008
poze Luca nazdravan
poze Ana mica
Povestea nasterii Anei
Emma este iubire!