cum stiu daca sotia m-a inselat?
Raspunsuri - Pagina 3


Guestus spune:
Originally posted by Alynutza
Nora esti tare haioasa, sa stii ca-mi placi, pe bune.
Eu tocmai de aia ma distram, ca mi se parea asa de aiurea (nici nu stiu cum sa spun sa ma intelegeti) metoda respectiva, ca zau n-as vedea pe nimeni sa stea la masurat.
Stiu de un caz in care "dovada" a fost un prezervativ (pentru ca ei doi nu foloseau asa ceva).
Eu zic ca daca o fi cazul (Doamne fereste, eu sper ca n-o sa fie veci) o sa-mi dau seama si fara "teste de laborator".Miresicade 15 iulie
Alynutzo...daca te iubeste si este corect sta sa-l analizezi. daca nu te iubeste/incorect o sa faca pe nebunu. Eu zic ca merita sa incerci....decit sa-ti ratezi casnicia....sau sa dai 10 000 la imparti vazut si tu cite cazuri sint pe pamint.
Il pui pe el sa sa faca tot...tu numai masori si notezi in caietul tinut la casuta de valori a bancii. Ce este asa greu?


Alynutza spune:
Guestus eu ma refeream ca sa stau eu sa masor, nu ca n-ar sta el la "testare" .
Eu nu incerc ca n-am motive de suspiciune, dar daca-mi da, una-doua il trantesc cu in lighean
(just kiddin').
Oricum, nu stiu cum as putea masura, ar fi mai usor daca am folosi prez, dar cum noi nu folosim.......
In rest, corect ce spui tu, daca nu sta la "testare" precis are ceva de ascuns (sau o face din orgoliu masculin: cum adica sa stau eu la asa ceva?)



Nora__ spune: a usura munca nevestelor la masurare si pt a nu mai cumpara atatea borcane,as sugera alta metoda...dar tot trebuie cantar ia una bucata mascul si se aduce la cantar.Se iau 2 bucati 'bijuterii' si se pun usuuureeeel pe noteaza valoarea.Dupa cantarire,se merge in dormitor sau la baie si se usureaza bijuteriile de bagajul excedentar,iar apoi se cantaresc iar.Cu o marja de eroare de cateva pot nota valorile ca etalon si ulterior se compara cu datele obtinute la intoarcerea din delegatie.Deci se scapa de borcane si eprubete...Dar se recomanda metoda numai barbatilor rapizi in ca daca la intoarcere din delegatie,valoarea masurata este sub etalonul poata sa si le traga repede de pe cantar,pentru a inlatura riscul zdrobirii lor de taler de catre nevasta infuriata
Si apoi ii putem face si fisha cadastrala si ii scoatem certificatul de urbanism...asta daca nu-l demolam cand il prindem cu 'balcoane' ilicite
Comorile Norei


Mirunaa spune:
Marian98, cred ca esti foarte suparat pe ceea ce se intampla cu subiectul tau.Tu te dai de ceasul mortii ca nu stii daca te-a inselat sotia( faza cu chilotii trebuia musai s-o spui) si forumistii au ajuns la testul cu ligheanu`....Vai, Vai,Vai!
Hai sa fim seriosi.De la inceput s-a vazut ca subiectul este postat la misto...
Toate cele bune!


Nadia1976 spune:
Originally posted by conchitaquote:
Originally posted by Nadia1976
O femeie care inseala, in general se simte vinovata si de aici se naste un comportament mai dragastos fata de sot si copiii, ca si cum ar vrea sa-si rascumpere greseala, coplesindu-si sotul cu atentii, gesturi frumoase...
Nadia, ia scoate in careu toate femeile care-s dragastoase cu sotii lor si sa vedem daca ai curajul sa le zici in fatza ca-s niste adulterine.haide mai, Nadia, cum asa?! dragalasenia e semn de inselaciune? valeeeu. :-))
Nu, Conchita, nu am spus asta; ai inteles tu gresit sau nu m-am exprimat eu clar; am spus asa:de aici se naste un comportament mai dragastos fata de sot... adica exagerat si diferit de cum se purta pana atunci. Daca numai adulterele sunt dragastoase, inseamna ca eu as fi printre cele mai mari adultere din lume, ca imi rasfat sotul 24/7... Am vrut doar sa spun ca (,) comportamentul e diferit.
Winners don't quit; quitters don't win.


forte spune:
Marian, uite un test sa te scoata din incurcatura :)) (discriminatoriu testul, recunosc, vorbeste doar de barbati, dar si femeile sint animale sexuale si sexuate, asa ca poti incerca)
Here's a startling fact: Telltale signs that he or she is about to cheat on you first begin to appear while the infidelity is still in the planning stage. That's the word from Ruth Houston, author of "Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs."
"Most cheaters display signs of infidelity they aren't even aware of and wouldn't even think to cover up," says Houston. "Most people either miss or misinterpret the many subtle signs of infidelity that are staring them in the face. If you know what to look for, you can find countless signs of infidelity using only your eyes, your ears and your personal knowledge of your mate. It's not the obvious signs of infidelity, it's the subtle signs--the ones most people overlook--that will give the cheater away every time."
Here are some of the more than 800 signs of infidelity that Houston has identified:
Physical Appearance: A man who is having an affair will want to make himself more attractive. Look for changes in his wardrobe, grooming and personal hygiene.
Conversational Clues: What your husband chooses or refuses to talk about can alert you to his involvement in an extramarital affair. He may mention new people, places and things, while the people, places and things he normally talks about are no longer a part of his conversation. Even his tone of voice can be an important telltale sign.
Day-to-Day Behavior: We all have a routine that we usually follow each day. A man who is cheating will display changes of some kind in his normal patterns of behavior. Pay close attention to any deviations in your husband's daily routine. These deviations are telltale signs.
Car Clues: Your husband's (or the family) car can be a rich source of telltale signs. The glove compartment, car seats (underneath and between), the tire well, the underside of the visor, the ashtray, the side pockets or compartments, under the floor mats and other nooks and crannies can reveal a wealth of information.
Sex: Be alert for any type of changes in the frequency or the quality of your sex life together. Most important of all: If you suspect your husband of having an affair, take steps to protect yourself. Do not put yourself at risk for HIV/AIDS, herpes or some other sexually transmitted disease.
Smells and Tastes: Each person has his or her own unique smell or taste. Pay close attention if your husband smells or tastes "different."
Invasion of Your Home: It's not uncommon for a man who is cheating to invite his lover to his home. When this happens, it's not unheard of for lovers to leave personal items behind--sometimes deliberately, for an unsuspecting wife to find. You will usually find evidence in your bedroom or bathroom if another woman has been in your home while you were away. Telltale signs may turn up in other areas of your home, as well.
Cell Phones and Pagers: Today's technological advances make it easier for a husband to cheat on his wife. But it's also easier for a husband to get caught while trying to make contact or stay in touch with his lover.
Houston says that 66 percent of infidelity victims have no idea their husband or wife is cheating so paying attention to the signs of infidelity--instead of ignoring them--will actually pay off. "The earlier you spot the signs of infidelity, the better your chances of saving your marriage or of protecting yourself legally and financially in case the infidelity leads to divorce," says Houston


Calin-Alin spune:
Chestia cu cintaritul este la misto.
Faza cu ligheanul; stii tu ceva dar nu stii tot.
Se ia una bucata barbat, se pune intr-un lighean sau cada cu apa, si in apa mai pui si o mina de sare
Daca testiculele s-au ridicat insemna ca femeia trebuie sa porneasca alarma, iar daca nu, se ia una bucata barbat din lighean sau cada si se pune in pat frumusel si il folosesti. In cazul in care testele au fost simtite de cobai acesta nu mai poate fi folosit pentru o perioada nedeterminata
