Despre electricitate si CEM. Ma ajutati?
Fetita mea doarme cu capul langa o priza nefolosita si cred ca pe sub pat (pe sub podea) trece firul electric. Nu stiu mare lucru despre electricitate dar am citit din mai multe surse ca CEM pot fi daunatoare sanatatii. Ma puteti ajuta si explica cuvintele bolduite?
2) Use power outlet strips with a master switch on all remote controlled equipment. Este vorba cumva de prizele acelea (4, 6 sau mai multe) asezate la rand, cu intrerupator? Yes, you will have to give up the remote turn on function but the exercise might be good for you. It also makes it easy to unplug things during vacations or lightning storms. Your VCR clock can be fairly useless anyway, since power interruptions probably wipe out the the time settings, unless a backup battery is provided.
3) Do not leave "Wall warts" plugged in when not in use. They will last longer and not be burned out by power surges and lightning hits.
4) Get rid of light dimmers in your house. The high peak current spikes can generate more intense magnetic fields since the resistance of a cooler (dim) filament is lower, drawing high instantaneous currents. Your radio reception will improve as few dimmers are adequately RFI suppressed, with many low end bargain units having no RFI suppression at all. If you have track lighting or low voltage halogen lamps, be aware that some low voltage lighting use high frequency inverters to reduce weight and cost, powering the lamps with high frequency AC. This can radiate and produce EMFs much like a poorly shielded computer monitor. Use lamps that operate directly from 120 or 240V as applicable, so no transformers are needed.
5) Replace flourescent lighting in living areas and kitchens with old fashioned incandescents. Sunt becurile obisnuite? They are generally easier on the eyes, have a more pleasant color that is preferred by many homeowners, and generate no RFI and very little EMF. No, they not very energy efficient so simply turn them off when not being used. However, the heat they generate is not always wasted, contributing something to heating the house in winter, reducing load on the furnace. You can make up some energy consumption with measures discussed in these paragraphs such as getting off your butt to manually turn on and off your TV set and VCR. Flourescent lighting does not like too much on-off cycling and the fact that energy consumption is lower encourages one to leave them on, constantly generating strong electric and magnetic fields.
You will not see much difference in your electric bills.
6) Stay away from compact flourescents. They generate strong fields like regular flourescents, and dont seem to last as long as claimed, unless left on all the time. They are expensive, and the cheaper ones seem to fail prematurely, the electronic ballasts giving out from heat or power surges. They often do not work well at low temperatures (<0 deg C). You can buy 60W incandescents for less than 25 cents (USA) that last for 1000 hours or more. This makes it hard to justify a $15 compact flourescent that maybe lasts 5000 hours (if the electronic ballast does not fail first at best, especially considering the EMFs and RFI they produce. This has been the experience and is the opinion of one of the authors.
10) If you are building a new house, use metal conduit for all wiring if you can. Some codes require it in new construction. Also use metal rather than plastic boxes. Ce fel de cutii sunt acestea?. Steel affords some magnetic shielding as well as complete E field protection. Install underground service entrance. While no protection against magnetic fields, it gets rid of E fields and an unsightly wire. Make sure wiring carrying heavy currents is kept as far as possible from areas that are occupied for long periods, such as bedrooms. . Cum recunosc firele care transporta "heavy currents"? If you are buying a home, avoid properties in proximity to high voltage power lines and power substations.. Este vorba despre liniile obisnuite electrice si statiile electrice?
Multumesc. Daca din intamplare ma puteti trimite la un articol similar in lb. romana si asta mi-ar folosi.
conchita spune:
ML, nu pricep majoritatea termenilor tehnici din text, deci la traducere nu te pot ajuta prea mult. inteleg fiecare cuvant, dar nu inteleg la ce anume se refera luate impreuna :-))track lighting e sistemul ala de iluminare care foloseste lampi halogen montate pe un fel de teava in tavan, arata ca vrabiile pe sarma. :-)) cutiile alea (metal boxes) sunt cele de la tabloul general. e un intrand in perete intr-o cutie de metal, cu usita, le stii? old fashioned incandescents- asa stiu si eu, sunt becurile normale. despre restul, poate gasesti raspunsuri pe-aici:
http://reclama ilegala - conmsidera acesta un avertisment/content/archive/subcat.php3?domain_id=3&cat=7 (du-te la Sfaturi si Ponturi-> instalatia electrica+schimbarea prizei) (au si forum, poate stie cineva de-acolo sa-ti explice termenii astia).
joxy spune:
Articolul copiat de tine nu are nici o legatura cu problema expusa de tine... sau o legatura mult prea mica.
Nu, priza nefolosita de la capul fetitei tale nu-i face nici un rau. Voltajul folosit la aceste prize este mult prea mic (110/220 V) pentru a cauza interferente EM sesizabile de catre corpul uman.
In rest, spune sa scoti din priza si de sub tensiune firele/aparatura nefolosita, ca s-ar putea sa te deranjeze la ochi becurile gen neon/economice si sa le inlocuiesti cu becuri model vechi, cu incandescenta.
etc, etc.
Da, presupun ca intr-o casa plina de fire electrice si alte retele, poti fi deranjat de CEM-uri, dar tensiunile sunt destul de mici pentru a nu produce deranj.
Cel mai mare deranj pentru corpul uman, (sesizabil) o produc tuburile cu descarcare in gaz, neon, becuri economice.. si transformatoarele/alimentatoarele care produc un zgomot.., telefoaneme mobile, cuptoarele cu microunde.. dar nu firele de tensiune ce traverseaza casa.
Daca vrei sa te asiguri totusi, poti sa ecranezi aceste fire cu ceva metal(ic).. dar si asta necesita un anumit calcul pentru impamantarea lor si ceva masuratori dupa la prizele de pamant.. etc, etc..
Eu zic sa stai linistita.
Cu respect,
Suntem urate... si ne tarim!
ML spune:
Conchita, Joxy va multumesc. Ma gandeam ca nu imi va raspunde nimeni si iata cate informatii! In mare am inteles si m-am mai linistit cu fetita.
Emil Laurentiu spune:
S-au facut destul de multe studii privind CEM si influentele asupra organizmului uman, nu are rost sa-ti dau prea multe detalii dar ca sa te linistesti iti dau o informatie, in statiile de transformare unde nivelul tensiunilor este de 220/110 kv (220 000/110 000 volti)nu sau gasit zone cu valori ale CEM daunatoare, decat in cazul in cre se sta o perioada lunga de timp. Fiind vorba de tensiuni de 1000 de ori mai mari poti sa stai fff linistita.