am nevoie ,ca sa ma corectez, de o traducere. daca poate cineva...
As the fast food companies have expanded around the world, they have had to adapt to local sensitivities.
There were disturbances in India when it was learned that McDonald’s french fries were precooked in beef fat in the USA…
In the USA itself, the taste for the food of the Eisenhower-era brightly coloured takeaway has changed over fifty years too.
What the market is meant to offer is more choice, not less.
This is not Ray Kroc’s vision of stripping out choice to save time and money.
Some were branches in cities like London, but the company pulled out altogether from some countries that were not giving appropriate financial returns.
The reasons for these corporate changes may not be just to do with fast food.
MD…makes most of its money from rent, because it owns more retail property than any other company on earth.
lai spune:
In procesul de extindere peste tot in lume, companiile de fast food au fost nevoite sa se adapteze la particularitatile (punctele sensibile) locale.
In India s-au facut valuri cand s-a aflat ca, cartofii prajiti de la McDonald's erau trecuti, inainte de a fi preparati, prin grasime de vaca in SUA..
Chiar si in SUA preferintele pentru mancarea gata preparata, colorata strident de pe vremea lui Eisenhower s-au schimbat in ultimii cincizeci de ani.
Piata ar trebui/e facuta sa ne ofere mai multe optiuni si nu mai putine.
Asta nu este viziunea lui Ray Kroc de a limita optiunile in ideea de a economisi timp si bani.
Unele dintre ele erau filiale din orase precum Londra, dar compania s-a retras de tot din anumite tari unde profiturile nu erau corespunzatoare.
Motivele acestor schimbari facute de corporatie s-ar putea sa nu fie legate doar de mancarea fast food.
MD.. banii le vin in cea mai mare parte din chirii, caci sunt compania care detine cele mai multe spatii comerciale din lume.
carola spune:
multumesc mult.
eu nu am experienta in tradus si imi este mai greu sa asez cuvintele.
carola spune:
ma mai poate ajuta cineva?
The M stands for McDonald’s, but the rounded m represents mummy’s mammaries, acccording the design consultant and psychologist Louis Cheskin.
… its Freudian symbolism of a pair of nourishing breasts.
This may seem funny, but it is no laughing matter to the industrial psychologists and marketing consultants who are paid millions to find new ways to seduce us into buying by manipulating our unconscious desires.
who even hypnotise focus groups of consumers to reach their innermost associations.
Market research has found that children can recognize a brand logo before they can recognise their own name.
highway system.