Limba engleza

Limba engleza | Autor: motanik

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Toni, vad ca avem permisiunea unui moderator sa scriem aici...deci cand vrei...ori scrii aici otri pe privat...glad to help! Si daca mai are cineva nevoie, in limita timpului meu liber, va ajut cu corecturi la tot ce imi scrieti in engleza.



Inceputul discutiei

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Draga Motanik,
Pentru ca te-ai oferit sa ma ajuti, iata ca iti fac de lucru. O sa-ti dau traducerile mele, din romana in engleza. Iti multumesc oricum.

1.A invatat sufiveienta engleza ca sa poata citi carti in original.
He learned enough english, lest be able to read the originaly books.

2.S-au urcat pe terasa uzinei ca sa poata vedea tot orasul.
They had get up on the factory’s terrace lest can see all the town.

3.Ar fi bine sa notezi lucrurile ca sa nu le uiti
It would be well to notice that things lest don’t you forget them.

4.Se vor infiinta noi societati anonime pentru a incheia tot mai multe contracte la export, pentru a mari volumul tranzactiilor si pentru a incasa profituri tot mai mari.
It will appoint new anonymous company to deal more and more contracts at export, for expand the transaction volume and for encash bigger profits.

5.S-a sugerat sa cumparam tot mai multe actiuni.
It was proposed us to buy more and more stocks.

6. Mi s-a cerut sa-mi schimb programul de lucru.
It was asked me to change the labor program.

7.Cand s-a discutat votarea unui consiliu de administratie ni s-a propus un numar de doi directori.
When it was discution to vote a board of directors, it was propose us two managers.

8.Este imposibil ca el sa fi spus asa ceva.
It is imposible that he said something about this.

9.Este putin probabil ca intreprinderea noastra sa se extinda.
It is little probably that our company will expand.

10. Este posibil ca el sa stie atat de putin despre problemele intreprinderii?
Is it posible that he know so little about the enterprise’s matters?

11. Oricat de mult as risca as vrea sa cumpar actiuni de la o întreprindere publica/
However I should risk, I should want to buy share from the public company.

12.In vederea estimarii activitatii corporatiilor s-ar putea aplica o noua metoda de calculare a profiturilor intreprinderii.
Wherefore assesment the corporations performance it might apply a new method of calculation the enterprise’s profits.

13.Aceasta metoda ia in considerare numai masurarea profiturilor legate de activul corporatiei.
This method take on only measuring the profits links from the assets of corporation.

14.Metoda poate fi gresita deoarece nu se poate aplica si la acele societati cu capital intensiv cum sunt bancile sau societatile din domeniile publice.
The method can be wrong because it can’t apply to these company with intensive stock like banks or company from public domain.

15.Oricum profitul nu trebuie calculat raportat la activul societatii, ci trebuie luate in considerare si celelalte elemente altfel estimarea activitatii corporatiei este cu totul nesatisfacatoare si inexacta.
Anyway, the profit must not calculate rapported to the firm assets, so it must take on others components, otherwise the assessment of the firm activity is very unsatisfactory and inexact.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns motanik spune:

Pt Toni:

1-.English cu E mare intotdeauna, la fel toate limbile si nationalitatile
He learnt enough English so that he could read books in oroginal.
(lest e negativ)
2. They got up (fara had ala ca e past perfect cu had, adika mai mult ca perfect si nu trebuie aici) so that thet could see all the town.
Ce ai cu lest???
3. Aici e bine pus lest, am zis mai devreme ca e negativ...
It would be better to note down things lest you should forget them.
(lest cere should dupa el)
4. e pasiva deci nu are ce cauta it ala ca subiect...
New anonymous societies (comapnies) will be set to deal more and more export contracts, to expand the transactions volume and to cash bigger and bigger profits.
(daca ai pornit cu to, ce mai cauta for?)
5.We were suggested to buy more and more shares (bonds).
6. I was asked to change my work programme.
7. When the voting of a new administration board was discussed, a number of two directors were proposed to us.
8. He couldn't have said this. sau It is impossible for him to have said this.
9. It is not so likely for our company to expand.
10. Is it possible that he knew so little about the problems of the enterprise?
11. No matter how much I would be risking, I'd like to buy shares from a public enterprise.
A new method of calculating the profits of the enterprise might be applied with regards to the assessment of the corporatins' activities.
This method is only considering measuring the profits related (links inseamna legaturi) to the asset of the corporation (nu sunt sigura de acel 'activ')
14....beacuse it can't be applied to those companies with intensive capital like banks and public domain societies.
15. anyway the profit must not be calculated with regards to the society asset ('activ'), but also the other elements must be considered otherwise the assesment of the corporation's activity is completely not satisfying and not exact.


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