Saptamana urmatoare sunt programata pentru o histero. Am idee in ce consta operatiunea in sine dar as dori sa stiu (daca cineva de pe site a facut asa ceva) daca e dureroasa, adica daca e necesar sa cer o anestezie locala si daca, inainte de interventie, a fost necesara o analiza in vederea depistarii infectiilor pelviene.
Mali, mergi mai bine la "Asteptand un ingeras...", acolo sunt mai multe subiecte pe tema HSG unde fetele povestesc propriile experiente.
HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAM (HSG, HYSTEROGRAM, TUBOGRAM) - An x-ray procedure used to determine whether the fallopian tubes are open and capable of functioning properly. The physician injects dye into the uterus through the cervix. The dye passes through the tubes if they are open. An HSG can also reveal information such as the configuration of the uterus, irregularities, and the presence of fibroids.
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