Va roooooooooog, vreau un sfat...urgent!
Raspunsuri - Pagina 2

ioana c spune:
Nu stiu Maryam daca sunt cea mai in masura sa-ti dau sfaturi, dar poate macar te pot incuraja spunandu-ti ca din cate stiu in cele mai multe cazuri organismul mamei refuza sarcina din primele saptamani daca e ceva in neregula cu ea, ceea ce nu e si cazul tau.Pe de alta parte, subscriu la ceea ce au spus si celelalte fete,du-te maine la medicul tau,chiar si la alti medici,discuta pe indelete iar decizia finala ia-o tu impreuna cu familia.Pot sa-ti mai spun ca,cred ca fiecare viitoare mama sta cu gheata in san pana i se naste ingerasul pentru ca si cu si fara medicamente se pot intampla nenorociri.In rest,sa auzim numai de bine!Itzi tzin pumnii si asteptam vesti.
Ioana si Patricia Maria +38 saptamani.


maryam spune:
Nu stiu in ce fel, ce cuvinte sa folosesc ca sa exprim cu adevarat multumirile pe care vreau sa vi-le adresez din suflet, uite, parca mi-a trecut si teama cand am citit mesajele voastre...maine e ziua cea mare, dar ma intareste gandul ca ALLAH este mare si o sa ma ajute sa trec cu bine peste toate.
Inca o data va multumesc din suflet, azi am "cotrobait" peste tot, prin casa, pe net, am citit tot felul de pareri, sotul meu a vorbit cu profesori, cu doctori, ce mai am zapacit pe toata lumea...
Si desi vreau sa fiu tare, stiu ca indiferent de decizie, va fi dureros, traumatizant pentru mine, pentru noi, insa consider ca e o incercare, sau poate, stiu si eu...
Va doresc multa sanatate si numai bine .Va multumesc tuturor!!!


conchita spune:
Maryam, fruntea sus si cu dumnezeu inainte, nu? te asteptam maine cu rezultatul de la medic, sa nu ne uiti, vino si spune-ne si noua. ai grija de tine
Authority Zero


hannen spune:
Draga mea iti tin pumnii,ma voi ruga pt tine ,pt voi.
Allah sa va ajute sa treceti cu bine ,desi eu simt ca totul va fi bine,INSHAA ALLAH!!
Abia astept sa aud vesti bune si sa va felicit



Marina spune:
maryam cred ca pot spune ca stiu exact prin ce treci tocmai fiindca am trecut nu demult prin asta.
Sper din suflet ca Allah al tau sa te ajute sa iei decizia cea mai buna asa cum cred eu ca Dumnezeu al meu m-a ajutat pe mine!


maryam spune:
Chiar nu stiu care ar fi decizia cea mai buna, nici cea mai responsabila, azi dr. a zis ca nu-i nimic, ca sarcina era de doar cateva zile, asa ca nici pastilew, nici radiografii pulmonare n-aveau cum sa afecteze, pe de alta parte, multi medici au spus ca radiografiile sunt o problema, altii ca nu, sunt disperata.Dar sper si ma rog ca ALLAH, DUMNEZEU care este unul singur indiferent cum il chemam sa ne apere si sa ne ajute pe toti.Va multumesc inca o data tuturor.


valentinag spune:
Orice decizie ai lua,fi convinsa ca Dumnezeu este alaturi de tine si te indruma!



Andrada spune:
Maryam, stiam ca exista o perioada intre conceptie si dezvoltarea fatului in care se pare ca nu ar conta ce medicamente ai luat, bautura, etc. Intreaba doctorul cit e perioada aia si fa socoteala.
Oricum ar fi, orice decizie iei, sa va ocroteasca Dumnezeu!,
Uite aici aceeasi intrebare pusa de o mama si raspunsul pe care l-a primit:
Radiation exposure
I recently found out that I am pregnant with my third child. However, two weeks ago I was taken to the emergency room and when their tests came back with a negative result I had X-rays taken. After having just learned of this unexpected pregnancy I am very worried as to what the result of those X-rays may be on my baby. In another reply you said that second trimester exposure is less risky, however with this being the first trimester AND this early into the pregnancy what could this kind of exposure result in?
Dear Katherine,
According to the Am. College of Radiology, no single diagnostic procedure results in a radiation dose significant enough to threaten the well-being of the developing embryo and fetus.
Possible adverse fetal effects of ionizing radiation are principally derived from high dose radiation given to women to treat for malignancy. If exposure was greater than 100 rads, fetal head size can be effected as well as result in mental retardation, abnormal structural development and growth restriction.
Some evidence has pointed to the fact that there is a sensitive period between 8 - 15 weeks when brain development might be affected if exposed to even low dosages of radiation. Most of these studies come from Japanese studies of bomb exposure however. Larger doses were necessary to see effects from 16 - 28 weeks.
The effect of radiation on intelligence scores is also dependent on gestational age as well as radiation dose. The highest risk again is at 8 - 15 weeks, followed by 16 - 25 weeks for doses greater than 50 rad.
Therefore, at 8 - 15 weeks, the embryo is most susceptible to radiation-induced mental retardation. The risk is probably a function of dose, with the risk of severe mental retardation being as low as 4 % for 10 rad and as high as 60% for 150 rad.
But these doses are much higher than anything found in the diagnostic X-ray. An abdominal film involves a fetal exposure of about 100 mrad (much smaller than the limit). A full lumbosacral evaluation would expose the embryo to 300 mrad.
The real problems come with cumulative exposure. There is no proven risk at doses less than 5 rad. Some studies have shown a very slight increase in the risk of childhood leukemia with fetal exposure of 1-2 rad.
One or two X-rays would not be equivalent to the dosage necessary to cause problems in the baby. I would really try not to worry about this and I wish you the best with the pregnancy.
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