Passionate love ...

Passionate love ... | Autor: mamaruta

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Alma returned from a doctor's visit one day and told her husband that
the doctor said she only had 24hours to live. Wiping away her
tears, she asked him to make love with her. of course he agreed and they
made passionatelove. Six hours later, Alma went to him
again, and said, "Honey, now I only have 18 hours left to live. Maybe we
could make love again?" Paul agrees and again they make
Later, Alma is getting into bed when she realized she now had only eight
hours of life left. She touched Paul's shoulder and said,
"Honey? Please?
Just one more time before I die."he agreed, than afterward he Rolled
over and fell asleep.
Alma, however, heard the clock ticking in her head,and she tossed and
turned until she was down to only four more hours. She
tapped her husband on the shoulder to wake him up. "Honey, I only have
four hours left!
Could we...?"
Her husband sat up abruptly, turned to her and said: "Listen Alma, I
have to get up in the morning! You don't."


Inceputul discutiei

Link direct catre acest raspuns cl spune:

Grea e viata asta!!!


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Link direct catre acest raspuns Lore71 spune:

barbatii astia...numai la ei se gandesc! ha-ha!!!

&raducu (de 23 saptamani)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns carmenutza spune:

ha,ha....ce ti-e si cu barbatii astia..

Carmen si bb Maya Alexia

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iuliana c spune:

iuliana17 saptamani

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lena spune:

ati vazutara ce pragmatici e barbatii astia?....mey sa fie!


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Link direct catre acest raspuns Babee spune:

'Fiecare dintre noi este un inger cu o singura aripa.Si nu putem zbura decat imbratisandu-ne unul pe celalalt.'
Iubi, mamica cu burtica:)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns OtiliaLia spune:

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Eryka spune:

Eryka & sufletzelul de fetitza din burtica --->23 saptamani

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ankka13 spune:

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Link direct catre acest raspuns AlinaPopa spune:


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