It can buy you a House
But not a Home
It can buy you a Bed
But not Sleep
It can buy you a Clock
But not Time
It can buy you a Book
But not Knowledge
It can buy you a Position
But not Respect
It can buy you Medicine
But not Health
It can buy you Blood
But not Life
It can buy you Sex
But not Love
So you see, money isn't everything.
The best things in life can't be bought,
and often we destroy ourselves trying!
I tell you all this because I am your Friend,
and as your Friend I want to take away
your needless pain and suffering...
So send me all your money
and I will suffer for you.
A truer Friend than I you will never find.
A father and son walk into a store. The son goes down the condoms aisle and
the father goes for groceries. The father sees the son down there and the
son asks, "What are these, Dad?"
The father was a little put out, but said, "Those are condoms. They're for
"Why do they come in packs of three?"
"Well son, these are for high schoolers. One is for friday, one is for
saturday, one is for sunday."
"But there's six in this package," replies the son.
"Well, those are for college kids. Two for friday, Two for saturday, and Two
for sunday."
"But, in this package, there's twelve..." "Those are for married couples.
One for January, one for Febuary, one for March..."
cat adevar dom'le, cat adevar....
'Fiecare dintre noi este un inger cu o singura aripa.Si nu putem zbura decat imbratisandu-ne unul pe celalalt.'
Iubi, mamica cu burtica:)