bebe in camera separata sau cu mamica ?

Eu il astept pe " sa se nasca in "sufletel" in luna iulie (asta daca nu se grabeste) .Asa ca de saptamana viitoare ne apucam de "renovat' curatenie mutat mobila etc pentru Sfintele Pasti. Apartamentul meu (din casa parinteasca) are 2 camere bucatarie si baie si stau singura in camera. Bebe are deocamdata "mostenire de familie" 2 patuturi , adica un patut mare cu grilaj si un patut micut tip leagan. Initial era de la sine inteles ca cealalta camera , cea mica va fi camera "sufletelului". Acum intreb si eu mamicile mai experimentate cum este mai bine sa ii pun patutul si sai fac camera cealalta numai pt bebe sau sa mai mut ceva mobila din camera mea in cealalta ( respectiv biblioteca) si sai amenajez un coltisor in camera mea . Eu cred ca mi-ar fi mai usor daca i-as amenaza coltisorul bebelusului in camera mea deoarece aceasta e o camera mare, aici am tv ul si calculatorul iar celalata camera e folosita doar pe post de dressing . Cum e mai bine pt bebe?

moruna spune:
Avand in vedere ca in camera ai si televizorul si calculatorul cred ca mai bine i-ar fi in alta camera.intr-adevar este mai usor sa il tii langa tine,dar daca il obisnuiesti in camera separata de prima data veti scapa si tu,dar mai ales copilul de despartirea de mai tarziu care este tare puiutul meu l-am culcat separat de cand s-a nascut si cand a mai crescut s-a smecherit si dimineata ma pacaleste si il aduc langa noi.este mai obositor intr-adevar,dar eu consider ca asa este mai bine si pentru el si de ce nu pentru sotul meu ,pentru mine.
multa sanatate tie si bebelusului!
mami de andrei 08 MAI 2008


conchita spune:
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citat din mesajul lui Liliana82 Eu il astept pe " sa se nasca in "sufletel" in luna iulie (asta daca nu se grabeste) .Asa ca de saptamana viitoare ne apucam de "renovat' curatenie mutat mobila etc pentru Sfintele Pasti. Apartamentul meu (din casa parinteasca) are 2 camere bucatarie si baie si stau singura in camera. Bebe are deocamdata "mostenire de familie" 2 patuturi , adica un patut mare cu grilaj si un patut micut tip leagan. Initial era de la sine inteles ca cealalta camera , cea mica va fi camera "sufletelului". Acum intreb si eu mamicile mai experimentate cum este mai bine sa ii pun patutul si sai fac camera cealalta numai pt bebe sau sa mai mut ceva mobila din camera mea in cealalta ( respectiv biblioteca) si sai amenajez un coltisor in camera mea . Eu cred ca mi-ar fi mai usor daca i-as amenaza coltisorul bebelusului in camera mea deoarece aceasta e o camera mare, aici am tv ul si calculatorul iar celalata camera e folosita doar pe post de dressing . Cum e mai bine pt bebe? |
cel mai bine pentru prunc e in baie. il racordezi la robinetu unde ai atasat o butelcuta de lapte praf si-ai rezolvat problema. am stat in dubiu cu bucataria, mi-a facut cu ochiul si optiunea asta. sper sa nu intelegi gresit raspunsul meu, dar daca te-ar fi interesat care dintre cele doua camere ar fi mai potrivite, le-ai fi numit doar pe ele. asa, cu baia si bucataria pe lista, tentezi lumea.



khrisu spune:
conchita esti belea
Liliano da' de cand te intereseaza pe bine "binele copilului"?? Cel mai bine i-ar fi ca tu macar sa vrei sa-l alaptezi la cerere iar in stransa legatura cu treaba asta e co-sleeping-ul.
Am mai dat pe la diferite topicuri un articol care explica frumos (stiintific)care-i treaba cu co-sleeping-ul. Chiar daca o sa fiu acuzata ca ma tot repet "si ce daca"..."repetita e mama invatarii"
Kathy's Commentaries
Sleeping through the Night
by Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.
Department of Anthropology,
Texas A & M University
[This essay was originally directed to one person. It has been edited slightly to make it less specific.]
I am an Adjunct (semi-retired) Associate Professor of Anthropology and Nutrition at Texas A&M University, and I do research on infant/child feeding beliefs/practices both cross-culturally and from an evolutionary perspective, as well as research on children's health and growth. I know from first-hand experience that being a new parent is a difficult time of adjustment, especially when expectations don't match reality, especially when our culture has taught us that children should have certain needs/wants/behaviors and then our children don't seem to fit that mold. This problem of a mismatch between expectations and reality can be very difficult for new parents to accept and adjust to. Sometimes, some children can be encouraged/convinced/forced to fit the mold of cultural expectations, and they do fine. Othertimes, though they do eventually fit the mold, it is at the expense of their sense of who they are, their self-confidence, their view of the world as a safe and trusting place, sometimes, even, at the expense of their health or life. Probably nowhere do cultural expectations and the reality of children's needs conflict more than in the two areas of breastfeeding frequency and sleeping behaviors.
Human children are designed (whether you believe by millions of years of evolution, or by God, it doesn't matter) -- to nurse *very* frequently, based on the composition of the milk of the species, the fact that all higher primates (Primates are the zoological Order to which humans belong, higher primates include monkeys and apes) keep their offspring in the mother's arms or on her back for several years, the size of the young child's stomach, the rapidity with which breast milk is digested, the need for an almost constant source of nutrients to grow that huge brain (in humans, especially), and so on. By very frequently, I mean 3-4 times per hour, for a few minutes each time. The way in which some young infants are fed in our culture -- trying to get them to shift to a 3-4 hour schedule, with feedings of 15-20 minutes at a time, goes against our basic physiology. But humans are very adaptable, and some mothers will be able to make sufficient milk with this very infrequent stimulation and draining of the breasts, and some children will be able to adapt to large meals spaced far apart. Unfortunately, some mothers don't make enough milk with this little nursing, and some babies can't adjust, and so are fussy, cry a lot, seem to want to nurse "before it is time" and fail to grow and thrive. Of course, usually the mother's body is blamed -- "You can't make enough milk" -- rather than the culturally-imposed expectation that feeding every 3-4 hours should be sufficient, and the mother begins supplementing with formula, which leads to a steady spiral downward to complete weaning from the breast. Human children are also designed to have breast milk be a part of their diet for a minimum of 2.5 years, with many indicators pointing to 6-7 years as the true physiological duration of breastfeeding -- regardless of what your cultural beliefs may be. I can provide you with references to my research on this topic if you wish to read more.
The same is true of sleeping. Human children are designed to be sleeping with their parents. The sense of touch is the most important sense to primates, along with sight. Young primates are carried on their mother's body and sleep with her for years after birth, often until well after weaning. The expected pattern is for mother and child to sleep together, and for child to be able to nurse whenever they want during the night. Normal, healthy, breastfed and co-sleeping children do not sleep "through the night" (say 7-9 hours at a stretch) until they are 3-4 years old, and no longer need night nursing. I repeat -- this is NORMAL and HEALTHY. Dr. James McKenna's research on co-sleeping clearly shows the dangers of solitary sleeping in young infants, who slip into abnormal patterns of very deep sleep from which it is very difficult for them to rouse themselves when they experience an episode of apnea (stop breathing). When co-sleeping, the mother is monitoring the baby's sleep and breathing patterns, even though she herself is asleep. When the baby has an episode of apnea, she rouses the baby by her movements and touch. This is thought to be the primary mechanism by which co-sleeping protects children from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. In other words, many cases of SIDS in solitary sleeping children are thought to be due to them having learned to sleep for long stretches at a time at a very early age, so they find themselves in these deep troughs of sleep, then they may experience an episode of apnea, and no one is there to notice or rouse them from it, so they just never start breathing again. Co-sleeping also allows a mother to monitor the baby's temperature during the night, to be there if they spit up and start to choke, and just to provide the normal, safe environment that the baby/child has been designed to expect.
Is this convenient for parents? No!
Is this difficult for some new parents to adjust to? Yes!
No doubt about it, the gap between what our culture teaches us to expect of the sleep patterns of a young child (read them a story, tuck them in, turn out the light, and not see them again for 8 hours) and the reality of how children actually sleep if healthy and normal, yawns widely.
But the first steps to dealing with the fact that your young child doesn't sleep through the night, or doesn't want to sleep without you is to realize that:
* (1) Not sleeping through the night until they are 3 or 4 years of age is normal and healthy behavior for human infants.
* (2) Your children are not being difficult or mani****tive, they are being normal and healthy, and behaving in ways that are appropriate for our species.
Once you understand these simple truths, it becomes much easier to deal with parenting your child at night. Once you give up the idea that you must have 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night, and view these nighttime interactions with your child as precious and fleeting, you get used to them very quickly.
I highly recommend Dr. Sears' book on Nighttime Parenting [available from the La Leche League International Catalogue]. Our children's early years represent the most important and influential time of their lives. It passes all too quickly. But meeting your child's needs during these first few years will pay off in many ways in the years to come.
Prepared August 25, 1997.
Il gasiti aici:" target="_blank">
KHRISU mamik de baietel si fetita


ioanaradu spune:
daca ai posibilitatea unei alte camere pt bebe, e bine sa-l obisnuiesti de la inceput in camera lui. mai ales ca in camera unde dormiti voi aveti si calculatorul si televizorul. si dc tot aveti 2 optiuni de patut, puteti sa puneti leaganul in camera voastra la inceput, banuiesc ca nu ocupa mult spatiu. cu timpul o sa hotarasti singura dc e mai comod sa-l tii cu tine in camera sau preferi independenta, fiecare cu camera lui.
mult succes!
Ema este iubire mamica lui
Matei Stefan 12.03.2007
Varsta lui Matei
Matei, mami si tati te iubesc mult ... mult ... mult de tot!



anca_a spune:
Lilisor, din moment ce ai deschis acest subiect, inteleg ca ai trecut cu bine peste dilema cu copiii strazii. Ce usurare!
Revenind la subiect, obligatoriu copilul trebuie sa doarma in camera separata. Daca cele 2 incaperi ale casei parintesti nu au intrari separate, e timpul sa le faci.
Si daca raspunsul meu nu te-a convins, da o cautare pe gugal dupa cosleeping. O sa intalnesti astfel o gramada de "cosleeping nazis" care nu numai ca dorm in aceeasi camera cu copiii ci chiar in acelasi pat!!! Si unele dintre ele ii mai si alapteaza toata noaptea!!! Absolut infiorator.
Children's advocate


Puppa spune:
Eu am tinut-o pe Amalia pana la 4 luni cu noi in camera, in patutul ei. Cand a inceput sa doarma toata noaptea am mutat-o in camera ei. Mi-a fost mai usor sa o alaptez avand-o langa mine, plus ca am un somn foarte adanc si mi-era ca nu o aud cand se trezeste. S-a obisnuit imediat cu noul patut si noua camera, mai ales ca era prea mica sa isi dea seama ce se petrece :)


abramburika spune:
off-topic si oarecum "la misto": iar subiecte de-astea "tari"? E tot provocare? Parca vad ca o sa ajunga si asta in antologia umorului...
on-topic si pe bune: iarasi vine in discutie instictul matern si aici ... vezi din alea 2 paturi pregatite pt. bb ca s-ar putea sa nu foloseasca nici unul si sa doarma in pat cu tine ... asta desigur daca nu ti se pare asa catastrofic. Repet si eu ce am mai zis si dupa ce ma ghidez mereu: asculta nevoile copilului si instinctul tau matern!
Nessuno è perfetto ... ma chi vuol essere nessuno???


Lala_D spune:
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citat din mesajul lui conchita
cel mai bine pentru prunc e in baie. il racordezi la robinetu unde ai atasat o butelcuta de lapte praf si-ai rezolvat problema. am stat in dubiu cu bucataria, mi-a facut cu ochiul si optiunea asta. sper sa nu intelegi gresit raspunsul meu, dar daca te-ar fi interesat care dintre cele doua camere ar fi mai potrivite, le-ai fi numit doar pe ele. asa, cu baia si bucataria pe lista, tentezi lumea. ![]() |
Indiferent ce parere ai despre autoarea subiectului acesta nu este un raspuns civilizat.
On topic:
Eu am preferat ca pana in jurul varstei de un an sa fie copiii cu mine in camera. Dupa aceasta varsta i-am mutat in camera lor.


Qamar spune:
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citat din mesajul lui conchita
cel mai bine pentru prunc e in baie. il racordezi la robinetu unde ai atasat o butelcuta de lapte praf si-ai rezolvat problema. am stat in dubiu cu bucataria, mi-a facut cu ochiul si optiunea asta. sper sa nu intelegi gresit raspunsul meu, dar daca te-ar fi interesat care dintre cele doua camere ar fi mai potrivite, le-ai fi numit doar pe ele. asa, cu baia si bucataria pe lista, tentezi lumea. ![]() |
u made my day:)))
(vezi poate te ia in serios

Emma INVINGE cancerul!" target="_blank">Bebelissimo
