saptamana de lucru de 6 zile/48 ore?
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Daca aceasta directiva va fi adoptata: saptamana de lucru de 6 zile (si/sau 48 ore) este pe bune sau numai bomba mediatica?" target="_blank">aici suna un pic altfel.. de M (6) si G (2)
capcaunul spune:
In vremuri de criza oricum nimanui nu-i mai raman bani de cheltuit in weekend. Asa ca in lipsa de distractie merge o zi in plus de barfa cu colegii.
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Yagmur spune:
Ma numar printre cei care am muncit cel putin 2 sambate/luna in ultimii 4 ani, dar erau platite ca ore suplimentare. Aceasta masura este luata tocmai pentru a nu mai avea aceste cheltuieli suplimentare... deci daca saptamana de lucru va fi de 48 de ore, sambata nu va mai fi platita dublu. Din cate stiu s-a mai propus acest lucru in trecut, dar fara sorti de izbanda. In firma in care lucrez, salariul era dat chiar de aceste ore suplimentare.... o sa vedem ce va fi in 2009 Yagmur - mami de Luca (19 decembrie 2006) varsta Luca
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anne-marry spune:
nu stiu, dar este o prostie. la ce sa muncim 6 zile pe sapt, cand si asa, programul nostru depaseste cu muuuuuuuult ale 8 ore??????????? ne intoarcem in ... trcut, in loc sa privim inainte?????????? ce prostie ....yachhhhhhhh
anne-marry mamica lui teodor alexandru si
ajutati-ne si pe noi VA RUGAM, votand puiul nostru teodor alexandru AICI
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ellinia spune:
Am lucrat o perioada destul de mare, cativa ani, in fiecare sambata, program scurt, terminam pe la 13,14. Oricum era obositor si nici nu aveam familie, copii. Acum nu as mai putea, sunt destul de obosita si asa, cu program de 8 ore si ce mai am de facut acasa, daca m-as mai duce si sambata la serviciu ar fi jale. Discutam cu cineva zilele trecute, ziceam la unison ca de abia asteptam sa treaca si saptamana viitoare sa putem sa ne odihnim putin si am ajuns la concluzia ca suntem o generatie de obositi .
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april spune:
Ce sa zic de sambete si dupa amieze neplatite deloc, ce ca ore suplimentare???
Pe vremea lui Ceasca mergeam la scoala 6 zile, parintii lucrau 6 zile/saptamana si aveam mai mult timp liber decat acum pt ca sambata dupa amiaza, duminica si dupa amiezele din saptamana erau libere. Acum n-am timp de nimic, doar cat dorm acasa.
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danielag spune:
Eu as zice ceva de profesionalismul celor care redacteaza stiri... Am intrat pe unul din linkurile postate. Acolo dau ca sursa site-ul Am intrat si acolo sa verific, si scrie negru pe alb ca e vorba de durata maxima de lucru intr-o saptamana. Site-ul cec-managers citeaza un comunicat de presa al parlamentului european. Unde scrie asa:
Limiting the maximum working week to 48 hours
The maximum working time in the EU should be 48 hours a week, and the opt-outs from this rule should removed within three years, according to the majority of MEPs in Wednesday’s second reading vote at the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.
By adopting a co-decision report from Alejandro Cercas (PES, ES) with 35 votes for, 13 against and 2 abstentions, the committee made clear its disagreement with the Council (where a common position was adopted on 9 June 2008) notably regarding the non-participation clause, more commonly known as the “opt-out”, and on on-call time, an issue of particular importance for the health sector.
No opt-outs
The committee confirmed its first reading position by adopting an amendment stipu-lating that the non-participation clause should lapse three years after the reformed directive enters force.
The Council had proposed that the working week in the EU should continue to be limited to a maximum of 48 hours, except where a Member State invoked a non-participation clause. This would have allowed workers to agree to work longer, subject to certain limits: no more than 60 hours on average a week when calculated over a period of three months or 65 hours where there is no collective agreement and “when the inactive period of on-call time is considered as working time.”
On-call time considered working time
On-call time means “any period during which the worker has the obligation to be available at the workplace in order to intervene, at the employer's request, to carry out his activity or duties." This issue principally concerns medical staff.
For the Council, the inactive period of on-call time should not be considered as working time unless national legislation, a collective agreement or an agreement between the social partners provides otherwise. This “inactive period” is when the worker is on-call but no in fact called upon to carry out his or her duties.
In their vote, MEPs in the committee recognise that there is a difference between active and inactive on-call time, and that the latter can be calculated in different way, but they nevertheless insist that the full period of on-call time, including the inactive period, should be counted as working time.
Compensatory rest periods
Where workers have not been able to take their normal rest periods, they should be granted compensatory rest periods. According to the Council’s common position, it is for the Member States to determine what is a reasonable period within which such compensatory rest should be granted. The EP committee, on the other hand, decided that such compensatory rest periods should be granted at the end of the working period, in accordance with applicable legislation or an agreement between the social partners.
MEPs also adopted amendments which aimed at clarifying the situation of workers covered by more than one employment contract: working time in this case should be calculated as the sum of the period of work undertaken under each contract.
In addition, they specified the categories of managers who are not covered by the directive: chief executive officers (or people in comparable positions), senior managers directly subordinated to them and persons who are directly appointed by the board of directors.
The original working time directive, adopted in 1993 was previously amended in 2000. It is these two texts, brought together in a consolidated version, which are to be revised by the proposal now under consideration.
In 1993, the United Kingdom successfully sought an “opt-out” clause, which allows Member States not to respect the 48 hour limit under certain conditions.
The present revision also aims to take account of decisions by the EU Court of Justice regarding on-call time, specifically in the SIMAP and Jaeger cases.
Parliament adopted its first reading position on 11 May 2005.
Next steps
Wednesday’s vote had been brought forward from the scheduled date of 2 December to allow time for informal negotiations with the Council with a view to reaching a possible compromise ahead of the plenary vote in Parliament at the December session in Strasbourg.
An absolute majority (i.e. 393 votes in favour) is required at the plenary session to confirm the amendments proposed by the Employment Committee – or indeed to adopt any other amendments to the Council’s common position.
Sursa:" target="_blank">aici
De unde or fi tras ziaristii concluzia ca e vorba ca saptamana de lucru sa se mareasca la 6 zile? Dar, na, e mai interesant sa publici o stire care face valva, chiar daca nu are nici in clin nici in maneca cu realitatea, decat una corecta si echilibrata...
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olim spune:
si aici in marea majoritate a firmelor se lucreaza 2 sambete pe luna pana la ora 13-14 si nu se intampla nimic
Mami si" target="_blank">Alex
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violeta69 spune:
Citat: |
citat din mesajul lui olim si aici in marea majoritate a firmelor se lucreaza 2 sambete pe luna pana la ora 13-14 si nu se intampla nimic ![]() Mami si" target="_blank">Alex |
adica ce ar trebui sa se intample?
mie mi se pare si asa prea mult,daca o sa mai lucram si sambata inseamna ca o sa creasca economia nu cu 8%(?!) ci cu 15%
atunci sa vezi ce bine o sa ne fie!
Vio,mamica lui Mihnea
Tot ce se intampla, se intampla intotdeauna cu un motiv!
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valentinag spune:
Nici vorba de obligatia de a lucra 48 de ore pe saptamana ci de a NU lucra mai mult de 48!
Asa cum de ex lucrez eu de 2 ori pe luna,de luni pana duminica inclusiv!
"La vita e bella"
De mancare
Din gradina mea
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irlandeza spune:
Si aici contractul e de 48 ore/sapt. maxim, dar se lucreaza si 60 ore/sapt. , fara a fi obligat insa, si tot ce depaseste 48 ore si sambata ,se plateste o data si jumate, iar duminica , dublu.Asta e valabil pt. contractele de luni-vineri, 40 ore.
Dar in marea majoritate contractele sunt de 40 ore/sapt. Si se plateste la ora.
MARINELAP a t t y - la 11 luni new
Craciunita" target="_blank">Asa a inceput fericirea......
29 oct. 2008 primul , 01 nov. 2008 al doilea
(incisivi central jos)
PATRICIA ALEXIA Atata sunt de mare !!!03.IAN.2008
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