Cainii fara stapan
Raspunsuri - Pagina 16
lorelaim spune:
Copiii, batranii, persoanele micutze de statura si slabutze sunt cei mai usor de asimilat cu "gama" si daca acestia privesc ochi-in-ochi liderul haitei pot fii atacatzi fara drept de apel.
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lorelaim spune:
Pt posesorii de caini
Canine development
Dogs are indisputably descended from wolves, and recent research categorizes them as a subspecies of Canis lupus rather than a separate species.
Although dogs now live in mixed species packs with humans and often with cats, horses, or other animals, they maintain the basic pack behaviors so invaluable for wolf survival. However, when wolves and man first became working partners thousands of years ago, early humans selected certain wolfy behaviors to accentuate when they began to develop breed types for certain purposes.
He said that pack behavior is a useful guide for working with dogs, but that the dominance structure tends to be flexible between animals in the household and between the humans and the dogs in the family. Dominance is only a problem if it gets out of control, Fisher said.
Other bits and pieces from Fishers seminar that can be used by pet owners:
* Breed and character type of the dog must be taken into account when assessing behavior.
* Some dogs get relief from expressing aggression.
* Most aggression arises from fear -- fear that a resource is in jeopardy or that safety is threatened.
* Dogs can build on the things they learn, so early socialization by breeders is necessary to produce a dog that has confidence, is adaptable, and recovers quickly from change in the environment.
* Dogs must be maneuvered into a "comfort zone" between fight and flight so they can think and make decisions about their subsequent behavior.
* Dogs should be praised for only for choosing the correct behavior, not for ceasing unacceptable behavior.
* Dogs with a job are happier than dogs with an idle mind.
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lorelaim spune:
How to Control Your Dog's Behavior by Becoming Pack Leader
Is your dog doing a behavior that you don't approve of? Does he/she pull you around when you take him out for a walk? Does he/she bark at other dogs? Do you feel that you can't control him/her? Is it hard to take items away from him/her without being bitten?
To solve all the symptoms, we must get to the root of the matter. Your dog is most likely thinking that he is the pack leader, or at least he is confused about who is the pack leader. When you claim leadership, the dog is free and content to be a happy willing follower.
Good Reasons to Become the Pack Leader
Your dog is less likely to attempt to harm you, your family, or other people
Your dog will not pull on his leash during walks
Your dog will remain well-behaved, even around other dogs who may or may not be
Your dog will learn to respect your possessions
Reduce constant barking or whining
Your dog will be less anxious and nervous
Your dog will be happier and more content
Learn to think like a dog.
Realize that there are some areas where dogs do think like humans, and some areas where they do not. This is important because often humans will reenforce negative behavior without knowing it.
Realize that dogs live in the present much more than humans do. Just because a dog has done something for a while, doesn't mean that he/she can't change. In the same way, just because a dog has had a tough upbringing, or might have been abused, doesn't mean that he/she can't be rehabilitated into a loving, calm pet.
Dogs do not have guilt or pity in their mindsets/thinking. If a human expresses these emotions, a dog will interpret them as weakness.
Dogs can be given affection without being touched. A look can also convey affection.
Dogs have different levels of excitability that they progress through. A problem dog that goes into a frenzy in certain situations cannot be corrected when he/she has reached his highest level of intensity. You must correct at the lower levels to prevent him/her from becoming out of control.
Learn the pack mentality
Dogs have a pack mentality. If you own a dog, you are a member of the same pack that he/she is.
If a human shows weakness when they first bring him/her into their pack, the dog will often try to become the pack leader himself/herself.
There will always be a pack leader. If you make sure that it is you, then you'll be able to control your dog in any situation because they will look to you to see how they should react.
A dog will try to become the pack leader if no one else is.
Consider dogs in a pack. Dogs are happier when they know their place in the pack. Your dog will be more content and happy when you consistently behave like a pack leader. If you allow the dog to be leader in the home, but want to be the leader when you want to take him/her for a walk, you will frustrate your dog.
A pack leader ...
Decides where the pack will go
Decides when the pack will eat
Decides who gets what food
Decides who is allowed to bark and when
Decides when the pack is allowed to play
Decides what the pack is allowed to play with
Decides how other members of the pack must behave
Decides who owns what
Always walks in the front
Can take anything away from any dog in his pack and claim it as his own
Never says he's sorry
The rest of the pack is not resentful of how this works. To them it is normal. If you modify your behavior to fit to this model (when relating to your dog), your dog will be content because his/her pack is working the way his/her instincts say it should.
When pack leaders correct other dogs in their pack, they are rarely aggressive, but just assertive. Humans must learn this combination of calm assertiveness to master their role as the pack leader
There are exceptions to the human, as the leader, always being in front. When the dog is working, he cannot be the leader. For instance, sled dogs... they are in front, but they are also working.
Be calm and assertive when dealing with your dog.
Assertive is different than aggressive.
If your dog knows voice commands, use them:
Only in firm tones.
Don't use a high-pitched voice
Don't speak in a cutesy voice, like you would to a baby
Do not speak in anger
Don't say it as if you are asking the dog a question.
If you give a command and you know the dog is purposefully ignoring you, stop giving the command, you're just making it worse.
If you have seen Star Wars, the "Jedi mind trick" is a good example of calm assertiveness. Not the waving of hands, but the firmness and calmness of the tone of voice.
Be the pack leader
A small dog can become the leader of many much larger and stronger dogs. It is a matter of attitude, not physical power or strength.
Ways you can convey to your dog that you are the pack leader:
Exit the house first when you go for walks
Walk in front during the walk
Give food only when the dog is submissive and calm.
Claim as your own anything the dog is possessive about.
Set the dog's food bowl on the ground during normal feeding time and stand between the food and the dog. Use your body to block the dog from the food. You don't even need to say anything. This conveys (in a way that the dog understands) that the food is yours. For as long as the dog tries to get at the food, continue blocking. Do not give up or cave in! When the dog relaxes, perhaps even laying down, and goes into a calm submissive state of mind, only then do you allow the dog to have the food. Congratulations.
Let your dog know what behaviors you, as the pack leader, don't like.
Be consistent to correct any behavior that you don't want. The dog will be confused if sometimes you correct him, and sometimes you don't.
Use a choke chain, but only properly
The chain, when it comes from the leash, should go through the end ring and across the top of the dog's neck, before coming down the other side and up to the end ring.
The chain should usually hang loosely around your dog's neck.
When the dog needs correction, jerk on the chain so that it tightens around his neck and then quickly release so that the chain is slack again. Do not keep the chain tight for very long at all.
Make a loop with the chain...
Hold an end ring in each hand.
Take your right hand and raise it directly above your left hand and stretch the chain taught.
Lower your right hand so that the slack loop of the chain falls inside the end ring in your left hand. The loop that emerges below the end ring in your left hand is what goes around your dog's neck.
The end ring in your right hand is the one to fasten to your leash.
Often the choke chain, with leash, is useful in helping the dog to submit to you in the home, not just on walks.
Once the choke chain is on the dog, you must generally walk on the side of them that you have configured it for. If you switch and walk on the other side, the chain is now not configured correctly and can harm the dog's neck. If you do switch to the other side, just stop the dog, take the chain off, and flip the loop around and put it back on so that it is going in the right direction.
Walk your dog
It is vital that a dog is walked regularly.
Dogs in a pack in nature do a lot of walking. If you do not duplicate that, your dog can become frustrated and exhibit behavior problems.
Walking accomplishes crucial goals:
Gives you a chance to show that you are the leader
Your walk must be about 35-40 mins long
Use a choke chain to be able to correct the dog, when needed, during the walk.
The dog should walk calmly beside you during the walk.
When the dog is where he should be, there should be slack in the leash.
Walk like a conquering hero: Chest out, head up, shoulders back. The dog will read that body language and that will reenforce your legitimacy as a leader. The dog can sense your state of mind.
You can use a dog backpack to add weight to a high-energy dog so that your walks are more effective at draining energy.
You may shorten your walk if you use a dog backpack or run during your walk.
Letting your dog outside in your backyard, even a large one, is not good enough and cannot replace the walk in which you are the leader and he is following.
You must lead your dog out of your house, that means he must walk behind you as you walk out the door. If he skips ahead of you before you exit, bring him back in and do it again, blocking him from leaving first.
How much a dog needs to be walked varies according to breed. A low-activity dog like a pug may not need very much of a walk at all. However, a high-activity dog, like an English Setter, often needs to be walked 2 or more times a day. Do not adopt a high-energy dog if you cannot exercise him properly!
Choose where you want the dog to walk beside you and be consistent in making sure the dog stays there or farther back from that point.
Many behavior problems stem from a bored dog who does not get proper exercise.
Chewing on furniture
Constant or frequent barking
Crazed obsessive behaviors
Common things dogs do that sometimes prompt humans to take a subordinate role:
The dog may bring a toy they want to play with to the human, so that the human will play with them. Don't play every time this happens. Doing so says that the dog is the leader and gets to decide when we play.
A new puppy brought home for the first time is often fearful. Humans that coddle him and try to reassure him with soothing voices are conveying to the dog that they are weaker, and that he is above them in the pack. And by giving affection, they are saying to the dog that it is good for the dog to be fearful.
A dog happy to see his master come home greets him at the door in a very excited state. Resist the temptation to provide affection at that point. Wait until the dog is calm to give affection. Making the dog sit will often help them calm down enough.
Be consistent. It will help your dog learn more quickly, and help them to trust you.
Be assertive, but not aggressive.
Do not yell at your dog. If you think you have to, you are doing something wrong.
Share affection as much as you want, but only when the dog is in a calm, submissive state of mind.
Dogs usually want to please us humans. Be consistent, so they understand what you expect of them.
You will know if and when you are using the choke chain properly if when the collar is tightened it produces a distinct "Pop" as it closes. Remember this is a quick TIGHT/RELEASE immediately action, not a choke your dog out one.
A gentle leader is also a very effective, highly humane control and correction device which is much beter for you and your dog then a choke chain.
We're dealing with dogs here, folks. Be very careful. They bite... sometimes. If your dog thinks he is the pack leader, he may be opposed to you becoming the pack leader, and may resist, sometimes with violence. Use these techniques at your own risk. You may need to call a professional instead of trying it yourself.
Do not try to use a choke chain if you don't know how. You can harm your dog if it is used improperly.
Things You'll Need
* choke chain (do not use it if you don't know how)
* treats to reward your dog work well
* use a spray bottle of water to correct in-house behaviors: they hate being sprayed in the face, but it will train them to stay off your couch
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lorelaim spune:
Pt ca iubesc cainele NU vreau ca acesta sa fie bataia de joc si obiectul "bun de chinuit" al atator monstrii cu aspect umanoid!
Noi - oamenii suntem de vina ca acest biet animal sufera pe strazi :-(
Da - sunt de acord cu eutanasierea cainilor vagabonzi in conditzii civilizate, in institutzii specializate, fara a le provoca acestor caini (si asa deja chinuitzi de noi oameni prin abandonarea lor pe strada, fara mancare, bolnavi, lovitzi de masini, etc) o suferintza in plus :-(
Da - ma doare sufletul sa stiu prin ce trec ca animale vagaboande, batute, maltratate, speriate si bolnave - si de aceea consider ca trebuiesc scutitzi de aceasta viatza mizerabila.
TOTZI proprietarii de caini TREBUIESC responsabilizatzi. Trebuie sa intzeleaga ca dandu-le drumul pe strazi NU le fac absolut nici o favoare ci ii condamna la o viatza plina de pericole si privatziuni :-( Daca NU pot sa-i tzina sa-i dea spre adoptzie.
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."
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lorelaim spune:
Cautand (rapid) legislatzie care sa ne spuna cum este tratata probl cainilor vagabonzi in alte tzari am dat peste acest doc (din pacate, din lipsa de timp, nu am reusit sa fac mai multe cautari):
Operational Policy Subject: Stray dogs
Approved By: Director of City Services
Date: 28th June 2004
Version No: 1
1 Scope
1.1 The Environmental Protection Act 1990 makes provision for dealing with stray dogs.
A stray dog is defined as any dog which is in a place not with a responsible person or owner.
1.2 This policy provides information on how the Department will respond to complaints
or sightings of stray dogs.
2 Objective
2.1 To seek an improvement in the visual street environment by reducing the number of stray dogs on the streets. Stray dogs can cause health hazards due to fouling, and compromise public safety with aggressive behaviour and straying on the highway.
3 Link to Council Plan
3.1 Looking after the environment is one of the five key aims in the plan. Improving the physical appearance and condition of the streets and immediate surroundings to improve quality of life helps support this aim.
4 Application of the enforcement policy
4.1 “Paragraphs 5.3.1 Community Benefit and par 5.3.2 Flagrant Breach of the Law” apply to the problem of stray dogs. Appropriate legal action will be taken where public health and safety is put at risk.
5 Legislation
5.1 Environmental Protection Act 1990
Section 149 - places a duty on local authorities to appoint an officer to deal with stray dogs. Where the officer has reason to believe that any dog found in a public place, or any other land/premises, is a stray dog, s/he shall seize the dog and
detain it. It requires the service of a notice on the owner of the dog, where known. It makes provision for the keeping of stray dogs and the return to owner upon payment of a prescribed fee, and makes provision for the disposal of unclaimed dogs by selling/donating or destroying them.
5.2 The Control of Dogs Order 1992
Every dog (with few exceptions including a pack of hounds, and various working dogs), while in a highway or place of public resort, must wear a collar with the name and address of its owner inscribed on it or on a plate or badge attached to it.
6 Policy
6.1 The Department will respond to requests to pick up stray dogs collected by members of the public within 1 working day of receiving the complaint.
6.2 The Department will respond to reports of a stray dog;
• As soon as practical if the dog is at large
• Within 1 working day if the dog is not at large and the owner is unknown
• Within 3 working days if the dog is not at large and the owner is known In the latter situation contact will be made with the dog owner.
6.3 Anonymous complaints will not normally be responded to unless public interest factors are high.
6.4 Dog Wardens will also patrol the area of the local authority and seize any dogs found straying.
6.5 When a stray dog is seized reasonable attempts should be made to return the dog to its owner(s). The officer will check the dogs collar for ID, scan the dog for a microchip, and, where possible, check relevant lost dog reports with the office. If a telephone number is available for the owner, they will be contacted and ownership confirmed, and be asked to confirm their details such as name/date of birth/full address.
6.6 If the owner can be identified and the dog has not been seized before within the previous 12 month period, the dog will be returned to the owner. Dogs will not be returned to addresses outside of the Leeds boundary. Any dog(s) seized that are believed to belong to a particular owner/address which has previously had a dog returned shall be impounded.
6.7 If the dog is a second-time seizure, or the warden is unable to locate an owner the dog will be impounded at the kennels.
6.8 Where an owner is identified for an impounded dog, notice will be served on the owner advising them that they must collect the dog within 7 days, or notify the Department if they no longer the own the dog.
6.9 Where dogs remain unclaimed and the owner has been notified of their whereabouts but failed to collect them, the Department will invoice the owner for any expenses incurred to the Council.
6.10 Dogs will be impounded at the kennels for a minimum of 7 days. If they are not claimed they will disposed of by donating them to rescue centres, re-homing them or by euthanasia. They will not be sold/donated for the purpose of vivisection.
6.11 Where a stray dog that has been seized is in need of veterinary attention, attempts will be made to return the dog to its owner. If an owner cannot be located the dog warden will seek veterinary advice.
6.12 The Department will keep records relating to reports of lost dogs in Leeds.
6.13 An Officer investigating service requests will contact all complainants at appropriate times during the investigation.
6.14 Owners reclaiming their dogs within the seven day period will be required to pay a prescribed amount prior to release of the dog. The fees consist of an amount prescribed by the Government, a set fee for expenses incurred by the Authority and kennel fees. The fees are annually reviewed.
6.15 Payment of the fees by instalments will not normally be accepted.
6.16 The Department will keep a register detailing the particulars of all seized dogs, as required by law. The register will be available for public inspection at all reasonable times. Members of the public may request to view the register by contacting the Department and arranging an appointment, during office hours.
"Daca dragoste nu e... nimic nu e..."
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
![Mergi la inceput Mergi la inceput](icon_go_up.gif)
roxanal spune:
Originally posted by pisigri
daca dupa 15 pagini "tot degeaba", te invitam cu bratele deschise sa ne dai o directie de urmat.
sa ies in strada da dau cu sutul in primul ciine care imi iese in cale, sau sa imprastii otrava? nu, merci
sa semnez petitii ca sint de acord cu reformularea legii? asta da.
dar tu, exact, ce vrei sa facem sau ce astepti sa se intimple aici?
pentru mine astea 15 pagini nu au fost degeaba. am vazut ca babele nebune care ascund ciinii in scara blocului si le arunca mincare de la geam si se bat cu hingherii nu sint cu nimic mai prejos dpdv al fanatismului decit cei care se bat cu pumnul in piept si ne cheama sa iesim cu furci in strada sa nimicim ciinii "pe cont propriu".
by the way, legea asta impotriva "contului propriu" a pornit de la actele de cruzime nejustificate la care sint supuse animalele: de la cai batuti in centrul orasului pina la moarte de catre STAPINII la niste bieti copii inocenti care au ucis un pui de mitza jucind fotbal cu la alti copii inocenti care au infipt unui ciine un bat in fund si altele in nas ....
nu, nu "tin cu ciinii impotriva copiilor". dar cred ca un pic de echilibru nu strica niciodata, mai ales dpdv psihic...
dati aici cu parul in cei care incearca sa faca ceva pentru animalele astea si pentru oamenii care vor sa scape de ele. facem atita cit putem, ca avem si joburi, avem si un venit limitat, avem si familii. nu-i putem lua pe toti in casa; luam si plasam citi putem. nu putem iesi cu mitraliera pe strada, dar sterilizam ce ne cade in miini.
ce vreti MAI MULT de la NOI? ca de la statul roman...vrem si noi multe.
ma sperie atita inversunare, pe atitea pagini, atita fanatism. este foarte trist ce se intimpla in tara asta, dar este LA FEL de trist si faptul ca pt violul unui minor, eventual al propriului copil, se fac doar 3-5 ani de puscarie. este la fel de trist ca exista aurolaci. este la fel de trist ca exista batrini care mor inghetati pe strazi iarna pentru ca nu au unde sa se refugieze macar noaptea. si nu vad la fel de multa indignare fata de aceste cazuri. un articol aparut in 3 ziare, despre un fapt care nu se petrece in fiecare zi, este mult mai provocator decit realitatea zilnica...probabil ca asa se explica si succesul stirilor de la ora 5...
Pisigri, multumesc de invitatie, insa recunosc ca nu sunt in stare sa fac ceva in aceasta privinta, nu ptr ca n-as vrea, ci ptr ca tb sa fiu sincera cu mine si cu altii si sa recunosc ca nu pot face nimic decat sa semnez petitii
asta este intrebarea mea...
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qsar spune:
Din regulamentul forumului
11. Limba mesajelor pe acest forum este Romana. In mod exceptional se pot folosi citate intr-o limba straina, cu conditia sa fie acompaniate si de traducere.
Avertisment verde - 3 zile.
Edit: Am citit cate ceva din articolele postate de tine. In graba, recunosc. Sunt foarte interesante, documentate si sunt sigura ca ar fi multe de invatat din ele... dar sunt in engleza. :(
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karmenutza spune:
Pe Realitatea TV se discuta problema cainilor vagabonzi si se pot trimite mesaje in scopul strangerii de semnaturi, in genul celei cu taxa auto. Pentru doritori:§iune=53
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Jasmine spune:
[...sigur ca este vina noastra ca s-a ajuns in aceasta situatie,indiscutabil,
Uite eu as vrea sa-mi explice cineva de ce e vina mea ca s-a ajuns in aceasta situatie in ceea ce priveste maidanezii.N-am stat niciodata la curte,n-am avut caini,n-am adoptat caini ca apoi sa le dau drumul pe strada,nu hranesc maidanezii,nu fac custi pe langa bloc sa adapostaesc catele gestante,pe scurt n-am avut nici o contibutie.
Doar m-am ferit de maidanezi,i-am evitat de nenumarate ori,si am spalat kilograme de rahat de caine de pe rotile caruciorului cu care-mi scoteam bebele la plimbare.
Am auzit de multe ori afirmatii de genul "e vina noastra,a tuturor,ca s-a ajuns in situatia asta" si pe cuvantul meu ca nu stiu care e vina mea,la modul concret.
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