Naturiste si homeopate (31)

Raspunsuri - Pagina 5

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Link direct catre acest raspuns chivutamonica spune:

Uite am gasit acesta informatie dar vad ca se adreseaza mai mult pt. barbatii cu probleme .Poate va ajuta .


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Link direct catre acest raspuns adimercedes spune:

Originally posted by chivutamonica

Uite am gasit acesta informatie dar vad ca se adreseaza mai mult pt. barbatii cu probleme .Poate va ajuta .



Moni, multumesc mult pt link. Cred ca fetele il vor gasi util. Am bagat si eu ochiul pe siteul respectiv, ca eram curioasa care sunt ingredientele. Si uite ce am gasit:

ProXeed® Plus Product Information
L-carnitine (fumarate)
1 g

.5 g

1 g

Citric acid
50 mg

50 mcg

Coenzyme Q10
20 mg

Vitamin C
90 mg

10 mg

Folic acid
200 mcg

Vitamin B12
1.5 mcg

Targeted Functions

Zinc, Folic acid, Vitamin B12,
Acetyl L-carnitine
Improves sperm maturation and function

L-carnitine, Acetyl L-carnitine, Fructose, Citric acid
Enhance and protect energy metabolism

Selenium, CoQ10, Vitamin C,
Zinc, Acetyl L-carnitine
Protects sperm from free radical injury

L-Carnitine & Acetyl-L-carnitine play a key role in sperm energy metabolism.5 Many clinical studies have shown that carnitines play an important role in sperm function by affecting sperm motility, sperm morphology, sperm concentration, and sperm count.6–9 L-carnitine and Acetyl-L-carnitine may also help to protect sperm by mitigating the production of damaging free radicals.5,10–12*

Fructose is one of the major energy-yielding substrates that are present in seminal fluid.13*

Citric Acid is involved in certain aspects of energy metabolism.*

Vitamin B12 is involved in cell maturation and DNA synthesis. Deficiency in B12 is associated with decreased sperm count and motility; therefore, for enhanced sperm health Vitamin B12 is essential.*

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and is thought to stabilize the integrity of the sperm flagella. Selenium deficiency has been associated with poor sperm motility.14* A male fertility dietary supplement that contains selenium may increase sperm motility.

Coenzyme Q10 acts as an antioxidant and energy-promoting agent and is thought to stabilize the integrity of the sperm flagella. Studies have demonstrated a correlation between Coenzyme Q10 levels and sperm health.15,16*

Vitamin C is an antioxidant present in the seminal plasma. Supplementation of Vitamin C has reportedly improved the sperm quality of smokers.17*

Zinc is important for the production of semen. Infertile men have been shown to have lower seminal levels of zinc than normal men.18*

Folic Acid concentrations have been shown to be higher in seminal fluid than plasma in men. Studies suggest that supplementation of folic acid along with zinc improves sperm health in both subfertile and fertile men.19*

Active Ingredients: L-carnitine fumarate, acetyl-L-carnitine, fructose, citric acid, Vitamin B12, selenium, coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, zinc, folic acid

Inactive Ingredients: Sucrose, fructose, natural lemon flavoring, acesulfame potassium

Poate ajuta fetelor care nu gasesc in tara acest medicament si pot lua mai multe produse pt un tratament pt sotii lor.

"The pessimist may be right in the long run, but the optimist has a better time during the trip."


Povestea obtinerii sarcinii

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns marig spune:

Salut naturiste frumoase!!
Pot sa va intreb si eu ceva?

Pot sa beau ceai de napraznic si in timpul zilei,nu neaparat numai dimineata ,la pranz si seara?

va multumesc!!!

Mai 2005

Puiutule te asteptam!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns marig spune:

ati plecat toate sa papati??
Pofta buna!!!

sper sa-mi raspundeti.

Mai 2005

Puiutule te asteptam!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns gugushtiuc spune:

MARIG iubita iti raspund eu. Poti sa bei cat vrei tu. Adimercedes spunea parca la un moment dat ca pt ea ceaiul de napraznic devenise un aliment indispensabil.
iunie 2006

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns marig spune:

Gugu mesi mult!!!
ce faci scumpo??

Mai 2005

Puiutule te asteptam!

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns child spune:

Buna, ca si voi, ne dorim copii de ceva timp (aproape 3 ani). Problemele la noi se pare ca tin de spermograma, dar analizele nu sunt demoralizatoare.
Pentru raly, spune-ne te rog, cat costa PROXEED, cat se ia pe zi, cate luni (am citit ceva de 6 luni). Unde se gaseste in SUA? In farmacii, in magazine, unde? Ca pleaca un cunoscut acum in SUA si vreau sa-i spun unde sa caute.
Pentru Angela, eu si sotul am urmat un tratament cu aloe, vreo trei luni si nu am obtinut vreun rezultat.


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns chivutamonica spune:


Proxeed Plus 1 Month Supply+ Free Shipping New Stronger Formula
$125.00 $99.00 On Sale!
Proxeed is currently out of stock from mfg and it wont be available until 5/19

Clinical trials show that the ingredients in ProXeed Plus optimize sperm health, and that they can improve sperm count and motility, sperm speed, and sperm concentration.

ProXeed Plus, an enhanced male infertility formulation, has a light lemon flavor and many essential vitamins and nutrients including Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Folic acid that are essential in optimizing sperm health. In addition, ProXeed Plus contains L-carnitine (LC) fumarate, Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) HCl, Fructose, Citric acid, and other inactive ingredients. ProXeed Plus, is available in a box containing 30 packets.


Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns chivutamonica spune:

aici ai informatia despre carpicon

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns denisabia spune:

chivutamonica multumesc intre timp am dat si eu o cautare pe google si m-am lamurit.

Mergi la inceput