Goldie Pants - 47

Raspunsuri - Pagina 12

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

na ce sa mai zic cand ma gandeam ca sectiunea goldie a ajuns si ea cumva la finish cand ma gandeam ca io de ce oi fi scriind in fiecare zi acilea de zuza ca mai bine imi fac un blog unde sa bat campii cu gratie ca si acilea si pe blog cam tot singura comentez iaca ca neste baeti imi comunica intr-un mod parfumat ca e maxim multumiti de prestatia mea
nu-sh altile cum e da io una cred in semne iar semnu de azi imi zice ca trebe sa continuez sa bat acilea campiile cu gratie
nu poci nemik k sa mai zic

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:

buna seara

ma gandeam ca io de ce oi fi scriind in fiecare zi acilea de zuza ca mai bine imi fac un blog unde sa bat campii cu gratie

sistera mj poti sa le faci pi ambile fuarte bine daca vrai io te sustin da, semn sau nu, sigur siguuur poci k sa spun ca acilea pe campii iaste locul tau de sunflower unde io promit sa poposex ori de cate ori am zbor ca asea imi place uneori sa flyfly in razile lu' suareluuuuuui
pana atunci, trebe sa fac dovada platii lu chiria pffff altfel io fara numar, fara numar platex

fetile" target="_blank">"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL JACKSON!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:" target="_blank">"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL JACKSON!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iona2005 spune:

seara buna fetile...

sigur siguuur poci k sa spun ca acilea pe campii iaste locul tau de sunflower

io vin cu" target="_blank">dovada

cine nu se recunoaste?" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

buna dimineatza sixterilor

iaca sunflowera de mine ca tot pe campii e

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

duamneeeeee uikendu asta trebe musai k sa ma duc la spa luni sunt programata la dok si dak isi da seama cum zburd io cu gratie pa campii cre ca nu mai primex aviz de libera circulatie

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Link direct catre acest raspuns purple_blue spune:

Buna dimineata

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lisa-marie spune:

neata fetileeeeeeeee

iaca asea o sa aratam peste vro cativa ani probabil

cum mey sistera mj sa nu mai primesti avizu? duamne fereste nu cred io ca nu reusesti sa-l convingi pe dok ca zburdatu cu gratie nu iaste nociv
sistera parpal ce citesti? cum insisxta sistera iona pi la bm?" target="_blank">"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved.
I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave.
I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.
I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation.
The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy."" target="_blank"> Long live" target="_blank"> THE KING" target="_blank">- MICHAEL JACKSON!!!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns iona2005 spune:

buna dimi

sis liso iasti di tata coma si io nu insixtez chiar diloc

sis mj dok iaste f incantat sa te aiba ca pacienta bm i-a esplicat situatia dar depindeaza si de tine sunt convinsa ca o sa-l convinji

sis parpala io give" target="_blank">Heal The World
Make It A Better Place
For You And For Me
And The Entire Human Race

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Link direct catre acest raspuns mj_girl spune:

buna dimineata sixterileeeeeee
sis iona el e acu dok al tau ? duamneeeeee cre ca toate cabinetile le-ai insirat zilile trecute ceneva zice ca te-a vazut esind fuarte happy de la un alt dok din cabinet na asea ea dak iasti asistenta multidoktoriala
cu dok la care am io programare deja e aranjata treaba
bad sixtera multumex de incurajari zburdatu pi campiili cu gratie kiar e maxim binefacator
sixtera parpal te pregatesti di ezamen?? sau unde iasti uokii lu tai ???
fetileeeeeeee am aparut la teveuuuuuuuuuu o pretina d-a mea zice ca fericirea samana cu mine va las pi pereti adresile k sa ma videti

iaca ce formos ne ureaza un baet d-a lu sixtera iona

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