Formula leucocitara!

Formula leucocitara! | Autor: lorellay

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cine a fcut formula leucocitara la bebelusi..imi spuneti si mie intervalul la hemoglobina si hematocrit?
e adevarat ca la copii trebuie sa fie mai mare decta la adulti?

Sorana de Diana (10.11.2008) si Codrin (15.02.2005)
Where there's a will there's a way!" target="_blank">[ Codrin]" target="_blank">[ Diana]


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Link direct catre acest raspuns AYSHA 2 spune:

eu nu stiu sa-ti raspund la intrebare dar pe mine ma preocupa ceva in plus: daca valorile de referinta mentionate de laboratoare pe buletinele de analiza tin cont da faptul ca pacientul este copil sau valorile pentru copii si pentru adulti sunt aceleasi

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lorellay spune:

la asta ma gandeam si eu
ma uitam pe analizele lui codrin facute anul trecut prin programul ala national.e in parametrii normali.
dar m-a speriat mama..e cadru sanitar...dar nu pe laborator si nici pe mi-a zis sa le fac analize copiilor ca ar fi alte valori decat la naoi.alti parametrii.dar pe hartiile alea din programul national si la mine si la codrin sunt la fel valorile.
deci cine stie sa ne raspunda?
vreau si eu valorile pentru copii, bebelusi!

Sorana de Diana (10.11.2008) si Codrin (15.02.2005)
Where there's a will there's a way!" target="_blank">[ Codrin]" target="_blank">[ Diana]

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Link direct catre acest raspuns zmotocel spune:

valorile se referinta la copii sunt diferite fata de cele ale adultilor mai ales pentru primii ani.
uite aici cateva dintre ele (din pacate doar in engleza le am, cine nu intlege sa ma intrebe punctual)
Application:  Investigation of anemia or erythrocytosis.
Explanation: The RBC count is routinely performed as part of the CBC.  A low RBC is a fairly non-specific value, among other things it may indicate hemorrhage, hemolysis, chronic illness, dietary insufficiency, or marrow failure.  A high RBC count may be physiologically induced by altitude or chronic hypoxia, or by polycythemia vera.
    The RBC should be interpreted within the framework of the CBC to put it in proper context.
Specimen: Collect 5-7 ml. of venous blood in a lavender top tube
Reference Interval:

Term infant, cord blood:
4.8-7.1 x 106/mL
3 months:
3.5-5.5 x 106/mL
1 year:
3.6-5.2 x 106/mL
3-6 years:
4.1-5.5 x 106/mL
10-12 years:
4.0-5.4 x 106/mL
4.2-5.4 x 106/mL
4.7-6.1 x 106/mL

Application: Suspected anemia or erythrocytosis.

Explanation: This is the oxygen carrying compound of the red cells. Hemoglobin can be measured chemically, and the amount of hemoglobin/L or 100 mL of blood can be used as an index of the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Total blood hemoglobin depends on the number of RBCs (the hemoglobin carriers), but also (to a much lower extent) on the amount of hemoglobin in each RBC. Infants and children have considerably different hemoglobin values than do adults.
A low hemoglobin level indicates anemia. Further investigation of the cause of anemia is guided by clinical features, blood smear and red cell indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC). The Hb is elevated in erythrocytosis. Increase in altitude also causes a physiologic increase in Hb, and there is some evidence that heavy smokers have increased hemoglobin concentrations (0.5 g/dL or more) compared to nonsmokers.
Specimen: 5 mL blood in lavender- top tube; 2 mL blood in special pediatric EDTA tube.

Reference Interval:

term (cord blood):
13.5-19.5 g/dL
3-6 months:
9.5-13.5 g/dL
1 year:
10.5-13.5 g/dL
3-6 years:
10.5-14.0 g/dL
10-12 years:
11.5-14.5 g/dL
13.0-18.0 g/dL
11.5-16.5 g/dL

Application: Assessment of anemia and erythrocytosis. Monitor hemodilution, hemoconcentration.

Explanation:  After centrifugation, the height of the red cell column is measured and compared to the total height of the column of whole blood. The percentage of the total blood volume occupied by the red cell mass is the hematocrit. Hematocrit depends mostly on the number of RBCs but there is some effect (to a much lower extent) from the average size of the RBCs. Reference values are 42-52% for males and 36-48% for females. The hematocrit is usually about 3 times the hemoglobin value (assuming there is not marked hypochromia). The average error in hematocrit is about 1-2%. The hematocrit may be changed by altitude, position, and heavy smoking, in the same manner as the hemoglobin may be changed.
   PCV is reduced in anemia, increased in erythrocytosis. In patients with erythrocytosis, the PCV correlates with blood viscosity.

 Specimen: 5 mL blood in lavender-top tube; 2 mL in special pediatric EDTA tube

Reference Interval: Some variation with method.

(term-cord blood):
3 months:
3-6 years:
10-12 years:

Application: Guide to investigation of anemia; blood film should also be requested.

Explanation:  This test measures the effect that the average sized RBC has on the hematocrit. If the average RBC size is increased, the same number of RBCs will have slightly larger cell mass and thus a slightly increased hematocrit reading. The opposite happens if the average RBC size is smaller than normal. Thus, MCV is calculated from the hematocrit and RBC count as follows:

HCT (in %) x 10
= MCV [in cubic micrometers]
RBC Count (in millions/ L)

   Macrocytosis (high MCV) is found in megaloblastic, aplastic, dyserythropoietic and sideroblastic anemias; myelodysplasia, myeloma; liver disease, alcohol excess; chronic hypoxic lung disease; myxedema; following renal transplant; cytotoxic drug therapy, therapy with Zidovudine (AZT). A reticulocytosis is also associated with an increased MCV. Microcytosis (low MCV) is found in iron deficiency, anemia of chronic disease, hemoglobinopathies (esp the thalassemias).
Specimen: 5 mL blood in lavender-top tube.

 Reference Interval: Some variation with method.

Term infant:
cord blood (mean):
106 fL
3 months (mean):
95 fL
1 year:
70-86 fL
3-6 years:
73-89 fL
10-12 years:
77-91 fL
80-100 fL
Application: Guide to investigation of anemia; blood film should also be requested.
Explanation:  This is an estimate of the amount of hemoglobin in the average red cell. This is done by comparing the blood hemoglobin level to the RBC count as follows:

HGB (in g/dL) x 10
= MCH [in picograms]
RBC Count (in millions/mm3)

   The MCH is increased in macrocytic anaemias, decreased in microcytic anaemias. A blood film should also be requested.

Specimen: 5 mL blood in lavender-top tube.

 Reference Interval:Some variation with method.

<3 months:
24-34 pg
<1 year:
23-31 pg
3-12 years:
24-30 pg
27-32 pg

Application: Guide to investigation of anemia; blood film should also be requested.
Explanation:  An estimation of the concentration of hemoglobin in the average RBC. It is different from MCH in that the average RBC concentration of hemoglobin depends on the RBC size and the actual amount of hemoglobin contained in the RBC. The MCHC is calculated as follows:

HGB x 100
= MCHC [in g/dL]
HCT (in %)

   There is a rough correlation between low MCHC and hypochromia and between high MCHC and the presence of spherocytes.

Specimen: 5 mL blood in EDTA tube.

Reference Interval: Some variation with method; adults and children 30.0-35.0 g/dL.

Application: History of excessive and/or inappropriate bleeding, bruising; purpura. Monitoring drugs with potential or predictable bone marrow toxicity; monitoring heparin therapy. Post-splenectomy monitoring. Possible myeloproliferative disorder.
Explanation: Platelet activity is essential to blood clotting.  Spontaneous hemorrhage may occur with thrombocytopenia (this becomes a real danger when platelets fall below 20,000/mm3).  Causes of thrombocytopenia may include decreased bone marrow failure, hypersplenism, DIC, hemorrhage, or infection.  The most common associative disease encountered with spontaneous thrombocytosis is malignancy (leukemia, lymphoma, solid tumors), but excessive platelet counts may also be seen in polycythemia vera and postsplenectomy syndromes.

Specimen: 5 mL blood in lavender-top tube; 2 mL blood in special pediatric EDTA tube.

 Reference Interval: 150,000-400,000/mm3
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Application: Possible infection, inflammatory disease, bone marrow failure, hematological or other malignancy, or when monitoring drugs with potential or predictable bone marrow toxicity.

WBC Count
   The total leukocyte count has a broad range of “normal” values, but many illnesses may cause abnormal values.  An increased total WBC (>10,000) generally indicates infection, inflammation, necrosis, or leukemic neoplasia. Physical or emotional trauma may also increase the WBC.
Differential Count
   A measurement of each type of leukocyte present in the same specimen.  An increase in the percentage of one type means a decrease in another.  Neutrophils and lymphocytes typically comprise 75 to 90% of the total leukocytes—remember Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas (neutrophils, lymphocytes, then the rarer monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils). All of these arise from the same “pluripotent” cells in the bone marrow.
   WBCs with cytoplasm that appears granular (neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils).  These WBCs have multilobular nuclei and so are called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs or “polys”.  The most common PMNs are the neutrophils, whose primary function is phagocytosis.  In the case of acute infection or trauma, neutrophils may be pressed into service before they are mature.  These immature neutrophils have band-like, non-lobular nuclei, and are called “band” or “stab” cells.
   To determine whether your patient has enough neutrophils to combat infection, calculate his absolute neutrophil count (ANC). Your facility may call for neutropenia precautions (or reverse isolation) for any patient whose ANC drops below 1,000/mm3.
   Basophils and eosinophils are involved in allergic reactions, and parasitic infections are also prone to increase the number of eosinophils.
   Leukocytes without granular cytoplasm (agranulocytes) include the lymphocytes and monocytes. Lymphocytes are responsible for antigen-specific immunity, while monocytes are phagocytic cells similar to neutrophils.
Differential diagnosis of abnormalities in the differential WBC count
Specimen: 5 mL blood in lavender-top tube; 2 mL blood in special pediatric EDTA tube.

 Reference Interval (Total WBCs):

1 year:
4-7 years:
8-12 years:

Reference intervals for WBC Differential Count

Cell count in 1,000 per mm3
1-3 years
4-7 years
8-12 years

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns kid spune:

Nu stiu sigur daca peste tot valorile de referinta sunt aceleasi.
Pe toate rezultatele pe care le-am facut noi la clinica unde avem medicul de familie, este o rubrica unde scrie rezultatul si una separata unde arata valorile de referinta. Sunt mai multe valori, pentru copii, pentru femei si pentru barbati.

am gasit cateva rezultate ale juniorului.
La hemoglobina: 11-13(facut la spital) si 10-13.5(la alt cabinet)
La hematocrit: 35-44(spital) si 32-39(cabinet)

La hematologie valorile de referinta sunt aceleasi, la biochimie si imunologie sunt pe varste.

Teodora, de Vladut (15.05.2007)

Bazar pentru Mihaita Bogdan Sebi Ema

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lorellay spune: dupa ce ma iau?
la analizele lui codrin :
HGB el are 11.5 - interval 9.5-15.5
HCT el are 32.3 - interval 30-40
Zmotocel..mie nu-mi bate mai nimic cu ce mi-ai dat tu acolo!saru-mana daca te pricepi..inseamna cvea daca rezultatele sunt apropiate de vreuna din limite...dar nu trece?CUm e de ex HCT 32.3 aproape de limita inferioara 30!Deja ma sperii!
Am sunat ieri la Synevo si o sa ma duc sa le fac analizele la amandoi:
-formula leucocitara
-sumar de urina si sediment
Imi mai recomandati ceva?
Astea mi-au trecut mie prin cap...oricum pentru Codrin imi trebuie pentru gradi cateva din ele,dar vreau sa stiu ca sunt ei bine!

Sorana de Diana (10.11.2008) si Codrin (15.02.2005)
Where there's a will there's a way!" target="_blank">[ Codrin]" target="_blank">[ Diana]

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns zmotocel spune:

mai pune pe lista un frotiu de sange (adica picatura aceea din degetel)

variatiile normale la analize sunt destul de mari. apropierea de o limita sau alta sau depasirea cu foarte putin nu inseamna neaparat ca e ceva patologic, poate pur si simplu sa fie normalul pt acea persoana.
trebuie sa intelegi ca aceste limite normale sunt defapt o medie statistica facuta pe esantiaone foarte mari de po****tie.

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lorellay spune:

am facut analizele
azi ajung la dr..da ma gandesc..poate este cineva aici care sa-mi spuna cate ceva...
S-ar incadra in limitele date de zmotocel....
Doar ca nu se incadreaza in limitele ce le am eu pe buletinul de analiza.La Diana 10 (10 luni) WBC e 13.42 si limitele sunt 4-10. Bine ca i-a iesit si putea fi asta o cauza de sunt leucocite mai multe?
Si valorile astea depind de aparatul cu care sunt prelucrate analizele si de substantele folosite?

Sorana de Diana (10.11.2008) si Codrin (15.02.2005)
Where there's a will there's a way!" target="_blank">[ Codrin]" target="_blank">[ Diana]

Mergi la inceput