Sa o ajutam si pe Teodora: 9 luni

Raspunsuri - Pagina 25

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Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelei_19 spune:

Abia asteptam sa vina Teodora! Sunt foarte emotzionata! Scumpa de ea! Dumnezeu s-o ajute!
A! Si daca vine si sora Teodorei aici, Malina-fiica mea (sunt de-o seama), o primeste cu drag.
Multzumim bunului Dumnezeu pentru tot si mii de multzumiri tuturor care-au participat la aceasta minune!
O sa organizam o intalnire cu parintii Teodorei si daca nu-i prea obositor pentru ea, poate si cu micutza noastra!
Vick, mai tzii minte? Acum o saptamana eram disperati, Teodora nu se simtea bine, tatal fetitzei suferea din cauza zecilor de ushi inchise in fatza lui si astazi!!!! Da, Dumnezeu face minununi! Sa nu uitam sa credem, sa credem in Dumnezeu si in minuni!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns vick spune:

Pentru cei care au solicitat traducerea in engleza a, apelului umanitar o am acum cu sprijinul unei dragute doamne careia ii multumesc si pe aceasta cale. Analizele medicale traduse le voi primi luni seara.

Please circulate this letter. Maybe together we will succeed in giving Teodora a chance. Our appeal is as follows:

"Help us save an angelic little girl! Teodora is so fragile and beautiful, with black curled hair. A baby that was long wanted and waited for with hope for 13 years, until April 19, 2003, when God gave them Teodora. A sad baby, tortured by multiple hospitalizations in Bucharest, Sibiu and Cluj. Her rare disease, a genetic disorder of metabolism, prevents her from smiling, sleeping, walking and talking! Teodora cannot scream her pain, her parents, a family of simple people from the town of Horezu, Valcea district, are exhausted and powerless in front of the disease which is unsolvable in Romania!

The little girl's chance is her hospitalization for investigations in a Swiss clinique, where Dr. Boltshauser can save her! The cost: 15,000 EURO. Due to the lack of money she already missed two appointments since the beginning of the year.

Her father knocks at all doors: the Ministry of Health, financially powerful companies, humanitarian add in the press! He is willing to beg but he knows not where, doors silently close over his little girl's life! The money gathered through the kindness of those who found out about Teodora are few (about 4,000 EURO out of 15,000). A family friend (and not just her) is offering all her support in Switzerland! A group of friends locally try to do their best.

We need help! We beg you, be with us!
STOP TIME, Teodora is waiting to have a life!

Ramnicu Valcea - emergency (6 months old)
She was born on April 19, 2003, the day all rejoiced the gift God had blessed them with. It all though turned bad when little Teodora turned 4 months old and she started showing the first signs of the disease: she was crying a lot, agitating, stopped sleeping, she did not hold her head anymore, ate very little. At 6 months and a half she was rushed to the Ramnicu Valcea hospital.

Bucharest - Marie Curie Hospital - breast feeding forbidden, fed through a tube (7 months old)
Her condition is aggravating: breast feeding has become impossible and her mother was restrained from breast feeding her. She had to be fed through a tube, but even so it was very difficult. She refused to swallow anything and could not sleep even under tranquilizers. She was kept in Bucharest under the assumed diagnosis "Distonic syndrome with swallowing disorders and psycho-motric regress" (not sure of the exact English medical terminology), but they quickly realized it was a disease of the metabolism.

Cluj, The Pediatrics Clinique - rare genetic disease, low life expectancy (8 months old)
At the Cluj clinique her investigations were repeated with a strong stress on enzymatic investigations, as they suspected it was a genetic disease of the metabolism. Also there, investigations were performed on the parents; the latest investigations have influenced the new diagnosis: "Distonic syndrome with neuro-psychic retard; Hyperlipoproteinimy combined in the family; Hypocromical microcitarian anemia" (again, sorry for the lack of medical knowledge on the side of the translator). The parents received the explanation that the doctors were not able to determine what is going on with the enzyme that supports the nervous cell. Or to put it differently,in Romania extremely competent doctors do not give her any chance for survival. Also there, they were warned that that the passing of time can only have a negative impact on Teodora's condition. She was prescribed a special feeding based on milk and rice cereals with no gluten. The doctors in Cluj confirmed the fact that in Romania it is not possible to set a reliable diagnosis and that her only chance would be going to a specialized clinique abroad.

Sibiu - The Recovery Hospital - Teodora struggles to live (9 months old)
The doctors' verdict: at the age of 9 months Teodora's general condition was that of a child 0-3 weeks old. She had reached the stage at which she could no move her hands and legs, kept pulling her tongue out of her mouth ever more frequently, she could not sleep, she was crying all the time, the moments when she could be calmed down being to rare. After repeated presopuncture siances during one month they have succeeded in bringing her to the level of a 3 months old. She was already more peaceful, after each siance she managed to sleep for an hour, she accepted to eat. These were the first positive signs and it was then that she proved for the first time that she wanted to live. Her mother learns from the specialists how to "force" her own child into bringing her to a normal level of development. She has learned to listen to her screams of pain during presopuncture and she has learn to watch her every night so that she does not swallow her little tongue while sleeping. Its her that also wakes up every single night at regular intervals of time to change the girl's sleeping position. Her father only "feeds" himself with cigarettes and he runs all over the place asking for help. Recently he had to be hospitalized due a nicotine intoxication. His hopes go weaker every day.

Zurich, Kinderspital - Prof. Dr Boltshauser (10 months old)
With the help of a family friend living in Zurich - Switzerland, the parents have managed to contact professor Dr. Boltshauser from the Kinderspital of Zurich. After a thorough analysis of the investigations undertaken in Romania (especially of the RMN) and of a video tape showing some of Teodora's behaviors during daytime, the Professor together with his team of specialists decided to make an appointment for Teodora for the date of February 23, 2004, and estimated the costs at 20,000 Swiss Francs (the equivalent of EURO 15,000). It was than that the parents' hopes that it wasn't all lost were reborn. God had given another chance to their beloved baby and they want to use it.

February 23/ March 8, 2004 - two appointments missed due to lack of money. The Doctor is very kind and willing to wait for Teodora, but time is not, time fights against Teodora. They live in an area which is seriously affected by unemployment, people around there helped them, but the amount of money remained insufficient. There were only ROL 43 million and EURO 112 in the account.

Will we succeed in offering her the trip to Switzerland, the place wherefrom we hope she returns with a diagnosis and a treatment that could save her? Will we succeed in giving her the chance to walk, talk and to freely express herself, and to a peaceful childhood?

It is hard to remain insensitive when you see her. She looks like little Veronica (the main character of a Romanian movie for little children) that enchanted our childhood, but only together we can help her laugh, sing and dance! We beg you to help us!

With thousand thanks and all respect,
Vicky Vata (a family friend)"

Details can also be found at: http;//
We have humanitarian accounts opened at:
RAIFFEISEN BANK - HOREZU BRANCH (account owner - Dumitru Busoi)
ROL account - 2383874
EURO account - 4097557
You can also contact us at the following phone numbers:
Thank you for your understanding and your help!
Carmen and Dumitru BUSOI

Multumim !

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelei_19 spune:

Ce bucurie! Vick, spune-ne te rog, cati bani sunt acum in cont??? azi reactualizez site-ul

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ninaM spune:

Fetelor sunteti extraordinare
...Jos palaria.
Va urmaresc zilnic si astept vesti despre micuta Teodora.Astazi mi-au dat lacrimile...inca putin si ingerasul se va face bine!
Multumim Doamne!


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Link direct catre acest raspuns lorelei_19 spune:

Hei, Ninishor, ce mai faci? hai si tu in Zürich cand vine puiul :)
tragi o fugutza si gata!
Te pup si iti urez o saptamana minunata!

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Link direct catre acest raspuns Klod spune:

Buna dimineata, Teodora mica!!
Am vazut cu nespusa bucurie ca week-endul care a trecut a plouat cu vesti extraordinar de bune. Victorie!!! Iata ca se poate! Sa dea Domnul ca totul sa mearga in acest ritm si in scurt timp esti in Elvetia.
As vrea sa stiu si eu in ce data e emisiunea pe "Acasa". Eu nu reusesc sa ma uit la televizor decat cu programare stricta (din lipsa masiva de timp).
Lorelei_19, iti multumesc pentru cuvintele calde de intampinare. Sa-ti traiasca fetita, sa fie sanatoasa si norocoasa (eu oare cand le vad pe ale mele asa mari?!!).
Succes!!! Va doresc tuturor o saptamana buna. Teodora, mai ai putin si gata!
Cu emotie, Klod

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Link direct catre acest raspuns anangel_lexi spune:

Doamne, nici nu-mi vine sa cred! Ne avand acces la Internet in week-end, asteptasm cu nerabdare sa citesc astazi mesajele de pe forum. Desi eram la curent cu noutatile, datorita telefoanelor lui Vick (multumesc din suflet ca m-ai sunat!!!), nu stiam de restul donatiilor. Ma bucur nespus, nici nu mai am cuvinte!! Vicky, daca mai e nevoie de ceva si te pot juta, nu ezita sa-mi spui, te rog. Ii pot ajuta pe parintii Teodorei in cazul in care mai au nevoie de niste traduceri in germana, din pacate daca sunt ceva acte de legalizat, acolo nu va pot ajuta, pentru ca inca nu mi-am luat autorizatia de la Ministerul Justitiei. Dar pentru orice altceva, sunt dispusa sa va ajut oricand!
Si as vrea sa aflu si eu cand e emisiunea pe Acasa, va rog!!! Multumesc!

Sometimes I still lose my mind/ when life is cruel and unkind/ but it's when I suffer that I learn/in a repenting heart love will burn/oh I'm/ thanking blessed Mary for light divine

Mergi la inceput

Link direct catre acest raspuns ruxi spune:

Felicitari!!! Doamne, ce bine! Se apropie clipa cand va fi bine pentru TEODORA!!! E extraordinar ce se intampla! Sunt foarte fericita si ma rog in continuare pentru Teodora! Mii de pupici ingerasului scump!

Ruxi si Clara pisicuta, 1 an si 8 luni
Implinirea cea mai mare pentru o femeie este acea de a fi MAMA

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Link direct catre acest raspuns ruxysavin spune:

Vick, Teodora are deja programare la clinica din Elvetia? Mai trimitem dosarul medical si la Paris?
Ruxandra si bebe Bianca (10 luni)

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Link direct catre acest raspuns vick spune:

In acest moment soldul contului este:

24/05/04 375.900.000 lei si 2.156 Euro

Banii de la Petrom inca nu au intrat si mai sunt si alte promisiuni.

Doamne ajuta !

Mergi la inceput